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Everything posted by aussiephil

  1. Not me mate, thats what the fire brigade do so they can work it out............
  2. Revenge on you turnip will be sweet. They are all sitting around, hands on hoses saying 'I wanna have him & hold him & hug him & love him & call him George'..... What more can I say?
  3. Yes, happiness is quite disturbing........
  4. Happi, only you would find this. I think you need help.........
  5. Just a brief reminder to our American friends, in land are our country is almost the same size as yours. The differene is most of ours in uninhabitable. This streches resources once you are out of metropolitan areas. Is this a failing of the system, not really. Is this a failing of the Paramedics. No. Is this just bad luck? Yep it is. I know of many smaller stations where you can do nothing for days on end then do 5 jobs back to back. Rosters are created to try to cover peak times, but lets face it, EMS doenst have peak times does it?
  6. So are you saying Police Protocols superceed human life? Confirmation of life being extinct takes precedent. If the crime scene is disturbed, STIFF SHIT. The person,& their family, deserves to have all measures taken to restore life. I would be curious to see how a coronor would responed to the crime scene excuse at an inquest. The video does not look good because it isnt. What right does crime scene preservation play in playing god, determining if someone lives or dies. Do we preserve the crime scene cause they are gonna die anyway?????? Fire them. They are a disgrace to the EMS profession & coyboys like this will continue to give us a bad name. I know if I was directed NOT to go to a pt by law enforcment, I would take their details down so if there is a problem & I am subpoenaed to court, I can advise the court of such. So are you saying Police Protocols superceed human life? Confirmation of life being extinct takes precedent. If the crime scene is disturbed, STIFF SHIT. The person,& their family, deserves to have all measures taken to restore life. I would be curious to see how a coronor would responed to the crime scene excuse at an inquest. The video does not look good because it isnt. What right does crime scene preservation play in playing god, determining if someone lives or dies. Do we preserve the crime scene cause they are gonna die anyway?????? Fire them. They are a disgrace to the EMS profession & coyboys like this will continue to give us a bad name. I know if I was directed NOT to go to a pt by law enforcment, I would take their details down so if there is a problem & I am subpoenaed to court, I can advise the court of such. The it becomes law enforcments problem. The only way to determine the patient has life extinct is to touch them, run a strip & go from there.
  7. I will warn you now, this is not for kids, there is lots of swearing, but what the hey, its funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEe55NxFSSU
  8. You only kick with one foot at a time, unless you are shagging a caribou. As feet is plural, it has to be FOOTball.
  9. At least when we play football, we actually use our feet & the players do not have matching hats handbage & shoulder pads (they are sooooooo 1980's)....... You really need to get laid turnip, MATE!!!!!!
  10. Chaser, that is you. I can speak afrom experience & I am sure Bushy will support me on this, there is an attitude that presents from many (I said many & not all) uni students that they are better than those of us without a degree. I have seen many officers who, without a degree are great operators, that have been questioned, in front of patients by a graduate. I have even seen it by a student on placment do it. I have seen graduated that I wouldnt want anywhere near me if I needed an ambulance. I have also seen others without a degree that are the same. The issue here is that any form of EMS is primarily about 3 things. 1. Knowledge - this is the basis that will allow you to undertake the basis of your career, it includes anatomy, physiology & pathophisiology, as well as pharmacology, pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics. 2. Experience - you can have as many degrees as you like, but, there is nothing like the experience you gain from wortking on road & learning from those who have been around for a long time. They have the ability to make a decision that is grey, like most of medicine, there is very little black & white. Experience can be not rushing into giving a drug, but with holding it for more information. 3. People Skills - This, again only comes through experience, in this case life experience, not work experience. Unfortunatley, I have come across a large number of graduates who have great knowledge, are good at developing their experience, but cannot communicate with patients at their level. These same officers still expect to then progress, without any consideration for anyone else, to IC status, just because they have a degree, with minimal experience in the job. Again, i must emphasise this is not all, but sadly it appears that it is those with 'the attitude' that are not helping the overall reputation of uni grads.
  11. In some ways yes, it is the fault of ambulance services, but the entire blame cannot be laid with them. The argument over Uni students/graduates expectations has been raging for many years, in many occupations. It is not unique to health. There was talk I seem to recall a couple of years ago to force a 'gap'year to encourage school leavers to work & gain some life experience before starting university. I have also heard it discussed that conscription be reintroduced for the same reasons, but it would be run in conjunction with any studies undertaken for all 18-20 year olds. Food for thought hey. The consription discussions I heard suggested that, for example, Paramedic students & medicine students would actually cover medical in their consripted service. Maybe this has some merit.
  12. Doctor Dave had slept with one of his patients and felt guilty all day long. No matter how much he tried to forget about it, he couldn't. The guilt and sense of betrayal were overwhelming. But every now and then he'd hear an internal reassuring voice in his head that said: "Dave, don't worry about it. You aren't the first medical practitioner to sleep with one of their patients and you won't be the last. And you're single. Just let it go." But invariably another voice in his head would bring him back to reality. Whispering...... Dave.......... Dave ............. Dave........ Dave......... ..........you're a vet.
  13. ASNSW actually forces the minimum age for entry, thus encouraging the Uni degree by insisting on a truck licence. Current driving licence requirements mean that this forces the age to to around 22. The same age as someone completeing Uni. I think the better service delivery model would be to take general entry, develop their skills & activley encourage & pay for the uni degree to be studied. This will not only be of benefit to each service, but will have determined who is suitable through 3 years of work history. I am all for weeding out the wheat from the chaff. It also teaches the value of that further education & maintains a desire to suceed.
  14. While we are trying to adopt the University model, it so far has not bee a sucess for a number of reasons. Firstly, the Paramedic degree is, in many cases run as a simultaneous course to Nursing. Many of the students are doing it so they have 2 qualifications, not 1. This means that, for example, out of a class of over 200, 40 were interested in Paramedics as a career. This 40 then have to meet the criteria for application & 20 MAY get through. Secondly there is an expectation from them that they will be Intensive Care from the day they start, that they should not have to compete with everyone else & that they deserve it more than everyone else. Thirdly, many (before you jump on me, I did say many) have little or no life experience & lack the people skills to do this job properly. The system that my state currently has in place for general entry is 3 years to qualify, 4 years before you can apply to become a IC Paramedic. This allows time for people skills to develop, & with good training officers, problems can be seen & sorted to extend the careers of people.
  15. An elderly couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time. Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married. Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work They discussed finances, living arrangements and so on. Finally, the old gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship. 'How do you feel about sex?' he asked, rather tentatively. 'I would like it infrequently' she replied. The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, adjusted his glasses, leaned over towards her and whispered 'Is that one word or two?
  16. Excuse me whil i vomit noisily in the corner now
  17. Was the arm rest up or down?????? Either way, i think it has been lost for all eternity
  18. Why cant you have both? Why should EMS not be remunerated to a point where it is profitable for the individual???????
  19. The turnip was taking the pic. AK is missing, maybe he wasnt allowed to go as a goat.....
  20. $36K-$45K I wouldnt work for that. Without a degree, in EMS, I earn more than double that. My education was paid for by the company I work for. I still have the opportunities.
  21. The thing to remember is that not all EMS providors are as 'Basic' as US providors. What is considered a basic for example where I am, is probably somwhere between an EMT-I & EMP-P. To try to compare the antiquated US systemm to the rest of the world is really an error.
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