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Everything posted by InSanity_Clause

  1. I would consider this to be the best one ever. . . oops sorry my mind says one thing, I think another out loud.
  2. If you didnt like what you saw, the next best thing is the Human rights commission and contacting the people who made this stupid spoof you said you did not find amusing.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzhtjjggSvE This one is AWESOME!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0ffIyxiLxc
  5. You must be White & Nerdy . . .Weird Al!!
  6. I read the darn thing over and over, me having problems then I figured it out. You know when you get instructions and everything is foreign until you throw the instructions away and figure it out for yourself, well I did that. I get it now, as for Dwayne, what it's asking you is, if you pick a number for example 28, and you put 2+8=10, then 10 - 28=18 Focus on the symbol for the number 18 and surprize, surprize. . .gomer style. :wink:
  7. http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/scooter_stunts.htm http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/totally_busted.htm http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/Best_Buy_Store_Dancer.htm http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/dog_humps_cats_head.htm Poor cat http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/Boat_collides_Bridge.htm --This one should be for the show Lost. http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/moron_pants...re_gasoline.htm http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/sandal_skating.htm
  8. My thought, how stupid. :roll:
  9. My name is InSanity_Clause, we deal with everyday pains / issues: bills, weight gain, b/f dumped g/f/, divorce, g/f dumped b/f, who gets the kids, fight over kids, bills, having an affair, mother /father goes into a nursing home, bills, home alone, was fired, illness- do to stress, bills, family members -distraught- death due to suicidal in the family, Professionals in the EMS, Police, Fire Department, Donot forget that you are a human being, you are NOT beyond your capabilities of human take, your strength only allows you to handle so much, if you have that HEART of gold, warm fuzzy feeling that allows you to open up to that individual, then your in the right profession, but if you feel that your angry(normal reaction) and you've dealt with this before maybe you shouldnt be a EMT or Medic etc . . . The world is disturbed because so much chaos, war, death, terrorism,Credit cards are also a bad thing, its good if your working and can make ends meet, bad if you're living cheque to cheque and your not saving anything, sad if you happen to be friends with the money tree store. There is a great way to make all things work for you, it's called a BUDGET, I know this, heck I've been there, so if you want some ideas, I'm the one to help you get through this holiday, if you need me, think of me as Dear Abby but as word to wise it's Dear InSanity. Here is a letter to moi from a professonal: Dear InSanity I am a professional, have been for some 10 yrs now, being in the medical field I see first hand how sad it is when it comes to many different holidays every year. I love my job, but, dont get me wrong sometimes I wonder why so many holidays affect so many people when other days dont? Could you answer me that? From Professonal observer. Dear Professional observer In order to have a story, you have to be an observer or participant of life, and you are doing this, this I see. We are human like they are, we are not gods or robots. We breathe the same air, we all work to earn a living, we all have families that we see on a regular basis and then some. But why is this time of year so much harder than non holidays, because when you and I get together with loved ones, we are close to them, but, as soon as we leave and go on with our own lives thats when the anxiety creeps in and over takes us. When I goto church and I spend the time there, I feel the closeness and I dont want to ever go home, I want to stay at the Lord's place, I feel warm, fuzzy and to me it's home away from this crazy world and I feel LOVED. Your heart is in the right place professional observer, without you, where would we people be if there wasnt a caring heart warming indivdual out there like yourself. To all those professionals in the medical field (EMS-POLICE-FIRE DEPARTMENT-other depart's) you have a good head on your shoulder's, you take life as it goes, if this life was written with you in mind, you can change it, volunteer because it's the effort that shows other's that your a caring individual beyond your work capability other than EMS for e,q. Take care & God Bless.
  10. Well looky here another InSanity Clause just like me . . . This guy gets a 10
  11. HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, HAPPY HANUKKAH TO YOU ALL. I'M InSanity_Clause and I'm here to tell you to play, drive and fight fair this season. Don't cry if your mate got way more presents than you, dont try trading,and then find out it didn't work in the first place, don't say to your mate, it was a fair trade, don't say to them, oh well you snooze you lose. Don't try to bribe them, it won't work, Don't say yours is better because it's still the same or even better product. Don't drive like a maniac on the road, just because the present you really wanted, was returned to the store and they are hoping that whoever it's being held for won't show up for it (YOU RAN HIM OVER, YOU NEEDED THE POINTS). Be fair when giving gifts, equal is a start, more than is not. NO playing favorites here. Remember those less fortunate, DID YOU HEAR ME, REMEMBER THOSE LESS FORTUNATE, NO SILLY NOT YOUR INLAWS, I'M SPEAKING OF THE PEOPLE WITHOUT A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS THIS SEASON, NO FOOD IN THE FRIDGE OR A WARM BED TO CRAWL INTO. Some of you will have that moment when this is rushing you to quick, that's why I am the InSanity_Clause, I'm here to comfort you my dears. I'm the kind you can tell me your most utmost secrets, like a priest I cannot divulge any info out there unless you bribe me, it's a good start. So I leave you with this one finally thought, if the tree falls over, or catches fire, DO NOT GRAB YOUR MATE'S DRINK TO DOUSE IT, because you will have a bigger problem in the end. Let's try to be SAFE out there, because you never know when your going to need me, isnt life grand, when you've lost your InSanity somewhere in the mess of bills and the New Year is just around the corner . . . :wink: So if you need me I'll be around, just look for me, I'm the InSanity_Clause and I'm here to help you get along.
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