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Everything posted by Chief1C

  1. Why wait? Got flares (or flashlights under road cones)? A field? Call direct to a medevac service nearby, there has to be one somewhere.
  2. Generex Biotechnology. Google it, I don't wanna advertise their site. Maybe it will pop up in JEMS. ............ Given the device for supplying the glucose, in order to get said material into the rectum, I would need some other device. So... Until such is provided for that purpose, I'll do what I normally do. I write my usual deeply descriptive PCR, and use very vague details that sort of smooth the edges per se. Such as, "Oral Glucose". I don't write that it's a gel or a paste, or..... a liquid. The protocols don't list what product names to use, just what material and method to deliver it. Loopholes. :wink:
  3. No, if there was a paycheck involved, we would definitely union up and ban chicken BBQ's and begging for funds forever. Drain the taxpayers.
  4. I'm kind of fond of the retro milk-man look for ambulance personnel.
  5. What about this stuff? I ordered it at CVS, costs about $7.95 each. Waited a good long while, don't usually have any problems, but I finally did. Two squirts, a very small amount, like not even enough to pool inside my mouth. This brought my BGL from 56mg/dl to 122mg/dl in less than five minutes. It sort of coats the skin, rather than running anywhere. Don't let the flavor deceive you, it doesn't taste like orange or raspberry, it tastes like bug spray. But it works. The suggested dose is 3 to 5 sprays. I believe it was made for diabetics who are on a diet (that's what I perceived from an article anyway), trying to cut some pounds. However, seems like it would work fine for an emergency situation. My case wasn't emergency, even if you consider 56 to be too low, depends on the individual. Just seemed easier than cooking something.
  6. Have you ever gotten a feeling that you never want to drive again, after reading or hearing stories like that?
  7. I hope most protocols are based on common sense and good of the patient, because that's how I go about things. If it looks bad, it's getting squeezed off, although I usually find a sensible way around it. Plastic wrap works really well for the ones that bleed through the dressing. Had a man with his arm chewed off by a machine, real nasty, the arm was gone for about 4" to just above the elbow. The hand, and part of the forearm were there, but everything in between were ground up into a fine slurry. The stump was bleeding like a broken fire hose, we weren't exactly prepared for this, nobody spoke english. All the dispatcher got was arm pain with no trauma. So, while someone ran for a trauma kit and to obtain further assistance (ALS, engine crew for an LZ and a chopper), I lopped on a wet trauma dressing and inflated a "foot/ankle" air splint on the stump. It not only held the dressing in place, but it also occluded the bleeding. I put on some kerlix to hold it firmly in place once we boarded him for the chopper. Medic was satisfied with it, didn't need a tourniquet, then they could do what they needed in the OR w/ what was left of the arm. Dunno what happened, they were all deported I believe. I won't use an air splint for a fracture, but I'll use one for this thing as often as possible.
  8. Last summer I had an AAA patient, of course at the time I didn't know this. I was sitting in front of a business, and they pulled in beside be asking for help. Pt was barely conscious, orig. c/c was chest pain, abd was soft but severely distended, and slightly discolored. No trauma according to the family. BP was nil, even on the NiBP it was 0/0; pt wasn't breathing enough to sustain life to begin with, but we dealt with that as normal. Pt went into cardiac arrest six times, as recorded by the AED, little CPR while they got the AED on and the heart rthymn was restored. Arrested again, shocked twice and restored the HR; and yet again pt arrested and again HR was restored. We went through this once more, and got ALS on board. Intubated, line started, arrested again, ACLS on board and yet again his heart rate was back into the 60's. However, even squeezing the IV bags, couldn't get his blood pressure back. Had him on a board to begin with, b/c I >HATE< CPR boards, and this makes it easier to move the patient. We had the cot in the shock position, that didn't do any good, I suggested to OMC that we use the Shock Suit as a last ditch effort. Put on the Shock pants (MAST), got the BP back to 60/40, HR in the 60's. Got into the ER okay, gave him LR & blood while they waited for a medevac and flew the pt to a better facility. Died in the OR of what was diagnosed as a AAA. That was the third time I've used the MAST for shock, however only one patient survived.
  9. We had 17 runs in the 24 hours.. I was really tired. The tones went off.. I ignored it and kept sleeping. I was laughing so hard inside. Nobody Died. Woo Hoo!
  10. On the plus side, Wal-Mart is always hiring...
  11. I just had to Google this Cactus Kit. At $472NZD, this kit would cost around $330USD, Empty.. At it's size, color, and design.. It's not worth the cost, period. One could buy a sizable kit, with supplies, in a multitude of colors for around the same price in USD.
  12. It's the people more than the profession. Individual egos and attitudes. We have this sort of thing, I was a captain for a while. Seeing the folks who cared more about the numbers than the patients. They'd be all buddy buddy one minute, and be kissing someones ass the next. I'd say, don't try and kiss my ass, just do your job, thats all I want to do. The numbers matter when your working out the business end, but they have no business coming up in the back of the rig. I finally resigned because they were draining the spirit out of me. I just signed onto a second company. I came out and plainly said, I'm not here to step on toes, or climb the political ladder, I just wanna do my thing and go home.
  13. #1 Rule in (true) Rural EMS.. Take a leak before you respond.
  14. Green and Yellow? You'll look like an European traffic pylon. Guess that's better than our pumpkin suits.
  15. I had to google that.. and I think half my brain died trying to figure out wtf she was talking about! Anyhoo.. Yeah, stupid.
  16. Yanno how to piss off a grocery clerk? Put a smudge of black marker over the UPC codes.. So they can't scan them. I used to do that when I worked at a store in High School. Anyhoo.. Back to the topic.
  17. Put stickers on boxes of Arthritis cream and pet food... (to get to the old ppl)
  18. You can always move, so you don't have to worry about it.
  19. Hopefully they tell the same thing to newbies with shears.
  20. Oh, tell the truth.. You were taking a bubble bath in the pool.
  21. The rural bridges would prolly collapse under the weight.
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