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Posts posted by craig

  1. Wouldn't that be how about I come kick the shit out of you?

    Poor kiwi, so unintelligent, can't think up a better comebaaaack :D

    c'mon kiwi.....that would be "keck the shut" wouldn't it?...... :thumbsup:

    just joking, my brother from across the dutch.............

    Hmm what happens when you get the hybrid FF/paramedic?

    Well like all things that are hybrid........dogs, cats, toyotas.....they all end up as defective in some way....hope that answers your question........isn't there enough work to do as a firefighter that causes the need to be in ems as well...?

  2. by reading all the press clippings a hero and lifsaver all fall under the description of FIREFIGHTER.........

    or that is the impression that is forwarded....all i can say is what a bunch of wankers to refer to them selves in such a way....talk about reading you own press.

    can ambos save a life.....my bloody oath...ie narcan and IPPV for a opioid overdose

    are you a hero for doing so....only in the eyes of the family members of the one you saved (and the person in particular)

    should you refer to yourself as a hero.....not on your nelly.......thats conceited and reserved for firefighters

    what makes a hero........google either the Victoria Cross or the Medal of Honour and see what does

    what makes a life saver.........a confectionary company or a person that saves a life....not bloody rocket science.

    • Like 1
  3. It's also amusing that nobody is supposed to write in the Koran, but if they do or it somehow gets defaced/marred/ruined, the only acceptable solution is to burn the book.

    Bad example........

    People are outraged when members of other countries/ religions burn the stars and stripes...not the thing to do...defaming the USA etc...

    however, when the flag is beyond its use by date or been damaged or gawd forbid touches the ground, the only way it can be destroyed legally is to be burned.........

    see what i mean about a bad point.

    PS i dont see how the perswon had the right to attack the guy in the first place...not american...why not do the normal thing and sue him............lawyers need to eat.....

  4. awww....so the firemen are not needed............boo hoo

    i feel sorry that they lost their jobs, but why the bloody hell are fire tossers doing medical stauff anyway.....

    dont hoses, hot stuff, wet stuff and accos give them enouh work..........

    my perspective is that fire departments stick to FIRE STUFF and leave the medical to those that do it better

  5. well to start with the only buses that i see have only one seat for the driver and up to 45 seats for passengers...however the AMBULANCE that i work in has two seats up front

    here we take turn about each day, I drive day one, my partner treats (unless I have to carry out advanced interventions) and then we swap the next day. This goes on for the 8 or so days that we are rostered on for......

  6. Then I'll include it, but next time GSA-HEMS turns up you can be my bitch and hold the goes-in-the-patient's-proximal-endo-tracheal tube or if you're really lucky you can draw me up a flush :D

    Did you still want to include the Doctor bit? lol

    hahaha.....isnt that a flish? and wouldnt i be your butch?

    come over here and them you could do it all for us.............just remember to turn the light off when you leave the airport

  7. I'm not a doctor, wait yes I am, either way, that's probably not a good idea

    what's not a good idea Kiwi?

    1....that they dont check their sugar levels

    2....that they are diabetic

    3....that they drink that bloody crap called Mountain Dew

    4.... or that you class yourself as a Doctor........or should that be Ductor?

    just joking.......

  8. Gad zukes man this is the internetz why would you take anything on the internetz seriously? :D

    It's ok mate nobody takes me seriously anyway, its because I have a funny accent

    yep you DO talk funny................

    and dwyane.....would that make them a lesbian, after all it is a fanny on a stick........

    I had a partner that went to a standby at a bomb scare, asked the owner of an apartment if he could use their toilet, as he needed to go.....

    when he came back he told me that they had such nice soft toilet paper..........no just a pee for him...............

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah, though at this point we have no one's word for the fact that she smoked every single test with flying colors but her own.

    I was kinda with her until she started the whole, "They stole everything from me, my house, my future...blah, blah, blah..." She lived there, wanted to work there, the article makes it sound as if she applied one time and didn't succeed. How many hosemonkeys do you know that got a really good fire job on their first attempt, not to mention passed every single qualification with flying colors? I don't know of any...the vast majority of the the few that I know applied, and applied, and tested, and tested, sometimes dozens of times, before being accepted. It sounds like being a woman got her a break and now she's pissed that it didn't take her all the way through.

    I'm not saying that she wasn't discriminated against, but if that one comment is the worst that she has to pin on her shoulder, then I'd say that the harassment is bullshit. I went through orientation with a bunch of Aussie nurses the last three days and in the middle of the group one said something like, "How about a quick show of what our medic has dangling...?" "Hahahahah" All in good fun, though unfortunately no one ended up showing any parts.

    But as to being buried in a cavern at this point? Yeah, it's way to early to say....but the fact that she is the first woman to be accepted either shows an unwillingness to bend standards, or an apparent patern of discrimination.


    aussie nurses said that?

    the reason they may not wanted to show is that they are use to really big things in life Dwayne....lol ;)

    just jokinh mate...

    how is the stay going

  10. Your drug shortage is because Kiwi can't break a glass ampoule properly .... so um goes through lots of them; oh and my finger is bleeding now, should I call the 911? :D

    Hydromorphine is good stuff, the UK use it but nobody down this end of the plant does.

    dont you guys across the dutch have ampoule breakers in your kits...they are very inexpensive

    • Like 1
  11. mongo....whats a shrimp? here in aus we call 'em prawns...

    and dwayne never ever challange an aussie to a drinking comp...you will find you might end up pretty sick...

    ak....no need to say that cause will end up sounding like an aussie wannbe....

    closer if you say gud daay mate...but you guys across the pond will never get it right.......

    enjoy the stay dwayne

  12. money....money....give me some also........

    no just joking.....

    but any donations to the Mick Wilson Family Appeal would be nice

    it was a big funeral.......and All major television networks in Aust covered it

    again thanks for everyones support in this

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