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Conflict on Dual Medic Units


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I am sorry for going off topic but I have to point something out. Here are a few past quotes from firefighter523. Admin please allow me some lee-way here.

March 24, 2006, 12:23 pm

I am a medic student who was on 2 calls....

So let me understand this, Mr. Super Paramedic was a student just a scant 18 months ago. I have pens with more experience.

April 2, 2006, 5:51 pm

Thanks Rid for the link, very informative.

How quickly things change.

March 24, 2006, 6:31 pm

Thank you my friend, I am learning from some good medics, others in my opinion have not impressed me. But I am still learning...

But now you know it all.

June 10, 2006, 5:02 pm

Punisher, you need to be more open minded before you make certain statements. This is America, and in America, EMS has ALOT of different regions and protocols.

Seems like you should have followed your own advice when it comes to Nationwide protocols.

September 14, 2006, 4:46 am

Awesome point Rid about the shark fin, I will definitely use that next time!!!

Still buddies. Still learning from the master.

November 2, 2006

College boy, I know you probably have it all figured out, since you have all of about 3 years tops in EMS.

Considering you were a medic student on March 24 that seems like a hell of a lot more experience then you!

Anyway, once again I am sorry for going off topic. I just have a real low tolerance for bullshit nowadays.



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I am sorry for going off topic but I have to point something out. Here are a few past quotes from firefighter523. Admin please allow me some lee-way here.

All you have to do is look at 2 pages of his past responses and the troll alarm goes off. I think anyone can disregard what he has to say.

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Man, you guys are harsh.

Truth is, firefighter has gotten a Paramedic license, and a little experience, and is now elevated himself to that of Paragod. Such an attitude is poison to the EMS profession. His protocols are somewhat weak from what is sounds like, and that seems to be all he knows. Everybody knows that needle crics are discouraged, and even when used is rare instances, are only used temporarily (just a few minutes to get a little gas exchange). When you are trying to clear an FBAO or something along that line.

We do surgical crics, and find them to be quick and easy with the proper training. We have kits, and train for them every six months. The times it has been used, it takes about 30 seconds from decision, to airway. 45 seconds on the outside. When someone needs an airway, why fart around squeezing air through a 14 guage catheter, rather than a 6.5 ET tube? There is some bleeding yes, but the risk of a serious problem of aspiration is very minimal. Especially given the fact that you are giving the patient a 100% secure and patent airway. They are faster than needle crics as well. We do chest tubes as well. We train for them every six months too. Why do we do these procedures? Its like Dust said. "Go Big or Go Home!" Just because your service does not do these procedures, does not mean they are wrong, or irresponsible, or dangerous. Quite the contrary.

Another thing firefighter. Don't head to head with Dust. You are WAAAAAY out of your league. He was a Paremedic for many years before going to nursing school. He had opinions greatly advanced to yours, when you were still shyting yellow. Take some advice, and drop yourself down a few notches, and learn from these folks. Leave your opinions alone until you have quite a few more years under your belt. If Dust or any other of your far more learned collegues need your opinions, they will give them to you. You just don't have the ammunition yet, and you will only embarrass yourself.

I think it was Thomas Jefferson who once said, "Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."


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I have been in this field since 94, just because I am a new medic doesnt mean that my opinions or knowlege is mute. I have alot to learn, and I think we all do. I will never stop learning, it is part of this profession. I, however, unlike certain people on this site, do not need this site to elevate my ego. I never once stated that I know it all, nor do I think I am god. I do know this, in my region, the physicians elect not to allow surgical airways, because they are dangerous, and carry with them alot of very ill concequences if not done properly. There are alot more alternatives that can be used before the cut is made. Which brings me to my next point. I could probably count on one hand of all the practitioners on this site who have actually done that proceedure. It is not done enough out in the field to justify it being allowed to be done. And sorry, but a quick trach is NOT a surgical airway, it is a needle, a bigger one, but infact a needle. Rid, and Dust, don't fool yourselves, just because you say you have been doing this for awile, doesn't mean you are any smarter than any of the rest of us. I would rather be seen by a young, new doctor who is on the up and up of new medicine than some crusty old doc that refuses to learn the new ways of practice. I have seen it on all levels.

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And Paradude, my protocols arent weak , they just keep fools like you from doing something stupid, they are smart, and derived from of the very best phyicians in the country. Get over yourself, besides you probably wouldn't even have the balls to do it anyway, more so, even realize that it had to be done. Go back to school!!!

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Dude, your protocols are weak. They don't keep me from doing anything. Obviously, the "fools" you speak of would refer to the ones for whom the protocols are written?

As far as surgical crics are concerned, I have done 3 of them. All quick, easy, and successful. In all but one of the patients, who was a victim of a hanging and was dead anyway, just didn't know it yet, the patients lived and went on about their lives with only a small scar. By what studies, articles or other text do you derive the information for which your glaringly bold statement is made that surgical crics are dangerous?

You choose to attack the best of the best in this forum, with unsubstantiated opinions based on your obviously inadequate knowlege and experience. They are gonna call you out on it, and you will look like a fool. The sad part is, you may not be one (a fool), but your digging your own hole.

You wanna go up against Dust? Be my guest. I suggest you use a small shovel.

Has he always been this way guys? Or, is he just having a serious lapse in judgment?


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Dust, this well respected person, (NOT), in this little egotistical community is just another toolbag, that just because he has a few letters behind his name thinks he his god!!

Are you hallucinating? Where have I ever strung any letters behind my name? I'd bet less than a handful of people here know what my exact educational credentials are, and those are people I know personally. I have reached a point in my professional existence where my credentials are no longer even important, because the quality of what I have to say speaks for itself. You, on the other hand, are thirty-one years old and have yet to attain any educational credentials OR experiential credibility beyond boot camp so many years ago, if you’re not just another fake warrior here, that is. And, at the rate you are going, it is very doubtful that you ever will.

Scaramedic gave you a pretty good bitch-slapping there. Reading your history here tells us a lot about where you come from. A short while back, you were just a wide eyed little medic student, amazed and thankful at all the wisdom available to you here. Now that you have [allegedly] finished medic school, you suddenly know it all -- everything there is to know about EMS, medicine, and nursing -- and we're just a "little egotistical community" of “toolbags” with no credibility. That must have been one hell of a paramedic school! How many years long was it? Certainly it must have been measured in multiple years, and not hours or months, right? After all the discounting you do of the credentials of people you obviously know nothing about, you must be in possession of a greatly superior resume to ours. Let's hear it!

You impress me nill with your ability to cut a slit into someones side to place a tube. Who the heck cant be taught that!!!

Congratulations, moron. That is exactly the point I was making. You finally comprehended something, but unfortunately, you didn't even realise it. Now, let's see if you have the intelligence to understand what that means.

You are nothing special, skills are for monkeys like yourself, knowlege is power, and you impress me NILL with that also.

Like the knowledge necessary to know how to spell “knowlege?” Quite clearly, I am battling wits with an unarmed man.

Most flight nurses did not and will not ever go through a paramedic program, no they go through a 3 month cheezy class and call themselves a paramedic!! I will be done my nursing education very soon...

So let's see... if nurses with four years of science based university education who spend three months learning the three weeks worth monkey skills that medics learn are "cheezy," then what does that make a paramedic with only that training? Cheezier?

And you finished your cheezy paramedic school less than a year ago, but you will be finished with a "nursing education" very soon? Then what does that make this so-called "nursing education" you are almost finished with? Sounds like "cheezy" would be too mild a term for it. Fifty bucks says it’s not an education at all. Just another wanker who's going to throw away a few thousand dollars trying to buy a mail order degree from Excelsior and call it "education," then justify your abysmal failure by telling yourself you don't need all that book learnin’ to stick a "dart" in somebody anyhow.

And, of course, if all our credentials don't impress you, why do you feel the need to get them yourself? The answer is obvious, but obviously it eludes your simple mind.

...something that the Marines paid for, don't worry, you will never earn that title!!

I live with three-thousand Marines here, arsewipe. And every one of them is the daily recipient of my deepest respect and my very best efforts. No, I will never be one of them, and never in my life have I ever had the slightest desire to be. I am perfectly content knowing that they all give me genuine respect, not for the oakleaf on my cover, but because they know I have spent a lifetime aquiring the education and experience necessary to give them every possible chance to get back home to their families alive and in one piece, and that I spend each day living the same risks as them in order to do that for them. One need not complete the Crucible to be a valued and respected professional here. And if that is the crowning achievement of your lifetime so far, then you're a sad individual.

And for all those firemedics out there, kudos for having the brains and the balls for doing what you do, something YOU will never have Dust, BALLS!!

Your obsession with my genitalia is more than a little disturbing. But that's typical firemonkey posturing, so I shouldn't be surprised. It's one of the things that separates firemedics from real medical professionals. Regardless, I was a professional firefighter and paramedic when you were still stinking your diapers, tough boy. I established my "balls" under fire before your mother even thought about you. If you were a real, paid, professional firefighter with more than a few months of real experience, you'd know how patently absurd you sound. You'd also know how stupid it is to ASSume that being a firemonkey is any indicator of "balls." Just look in the mirror. And, of course, if the fire service had a lot less “balls” and a lot more intelligence and education, there’d be a lot fewer dead firemen.

Keep being a puppet in the nice safe ER!!! When the medics out in the field need a bed pan, I am sure you will come running!! Enjoy, street skirt!!!!!

There is no ER here, dickhead. A real Marine -- which you obviously are NOT -- would know that. And the closest thing we have to an ER is far from safe. And compared to my Corpsmen, you wouldn't make a pimple on a real medic's arse. Again, the only person you are fooling is yourself.

Sounds like the fire service is a good place for you. Maybe someday, you’ll actually get a paying job there. But I pray to God that department doesn’t do EMS. As for you becoming a nurse, I am confident I don’t have to worry about that ever happening.

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Listen up Sally, working with marines is NOT the same as earning the Title. I have earned my title in America's 911 force. It takes a very disciplined, hard, self centered, cocky son of a bitch to make it in my marine corp. Don't care how much college you've earned, probably more then myself at this point because you are older than dirt, or maybe not, maybe you are just full of shit, like I suspect. Even if you are older than 32, the only difference between you and I is time. I respect your job of taking care of our troops, sincerely, I highly respect what your job is. I do, however think there is 10% of shit in just about every endeavor out there, and you my friend fit the mold. I have been fighting the beast for almost 14 years both in the Marines and for the Navy. You want to gloat about what you have done, try entering a fully involved residence at 1200 degrees or hotter, and not being able to see your hand in front of your face. Your are right, people like me belong to the fire service, people like you don't!! You are the type of coward that would run out, leaving your brothers behind, because your pussy ass couldn't handle the heat. I have dealt with plenty of people like you, both in and out of the fire service, you are just another number.

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Listen up Sally, Working with Marines is NOT the same as earning the Title. I have earned my Title in America's 911 force. It takes a very disciplined, hard, self centered, cocky son of a bitch to make it in my Marine Corp. Don't care how much college you've earned, probably more then myself at this point because you are older than dirt, or maybe not, maybe you are just full of shit, like I suspect. Even if you are older than 32, the only difference between you and I is time. I respect your job of taking care of our troops, sincerely, I highly respect what your job is. I do, however think there is 10% of shit in just about every endeavor out there, and you my friend fit the mold. I have been fighting the beast for almost 14 years both in the Marines and for the Navy. You want to gloat about what you have done, try entering a fully involved residence at 1200 degrees or hotter, and not being able to see your hand in front of your face. Your are right, people like me belong to the fire service, people like you don't!! You are the type of coward that would run out, leaving your brothers behind, because your pussy ass couldn't handle the heat. I have dealt with plenty of people like you, both in and out of the fire service, you are just another number.

Wow, you are a total ass clown.

Maybe this is SOMEDIC alter ego making his presence known...who knows.

This thread is locked.

No self respecting FF talks all Backdraft like you dude. What kind of BS is "fighting the beast?" Its great for selling tshirts to buffs and whackers, which you are sounding more and more alike.

Alos, any professional FF would probably not enter a structure such as you described as the code is Big Risk for a Big Gain and LIttle risk for little gain. Most fires are little gain, so cut the Rescue Me hero worship BS. We are not buying.

A lot of us here are dual certified and have worked as firefighters or still work as firefighters. I am one of them and I do not buy a single piece of your crap.

Attitudes and mentality such as yours is what gets people killed, which is why you will never be in a leadership role. The smarter ones, with cooler heads who know when to run cause it is too hot are the ones who save lives.

So please go thump your chest elsewhere and thanks for derailing a thread.

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