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What should I have done!


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When I was a newbie emt-b on our ambulance service, I went on a call with one of the Lt. (emt-b as well). While assessing the patient I realized that, what we had believed was just a medical had now turned into a trauma induced by the medical. I promptly told the Lt. of my findings and said that I would go get a back board a c-caller. He said that he didn't think the patient needed it and wanted me to take vitals. But due to the small space we used the back board to remove the patient from the area, but the Lt. didn't want me to strap the patient on to the board saying the stretcher buckles would be fine. while in route the patient became :pukeright: and needed to be placed in the recovery position. This was very difficult to do with out compromising c-spine :? . When we arrived the hospital staff also had a difficult time and asked us why the patient was this way....

Also because the Lt. is higher in rank he chose to do the paper work and screwed everything up! :?

I was new and he was a Lt. so there was no way for me to disagree with him, especially in front of the patient :shock: . And as a result I got written up!!! and will be in my file for awhile. Even though I knew what he was doing was wrong and I voiced my opinion (in a nice way of corse) I still got in trouble!! How could I have avoided this situation?



P.S. Hopefully you where all able to understand kinda what I was saying..... I didn't want to say too much due to HIPPA.

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To me, if it's your patient, then Lt. @$#-face can do what you need him to do. If it is his patient, then you allow him do do what he thinks is appropriate. If it is his pt care, than all you can do is voice what you think is right, you can't force anything on him. Most people should respect the fact that if it's your call, it's your responsibility.

But seriously... this guy wouldn't let you board and collar a Pt? If you are new, that's what people should want you to do. Make sure that their newbie has at least the basics of boarding and collaring under their belts. This guy is all wet Kat. My advise, either make sure that NOBODY stands in between you and quality pt care (which means aggressively managing Lt. bubble-head), or simply finding a new more progressive department to work for that won't cut corners on the well-fare of their pt's.

If he has a real reason for doing what he did, he should have no problem enlightening one of his co-workers. The fact that he never explained his reasoning is suspect, and I wouldn't trust him.

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I was new and he was a Lt. so there was no way for me to disagree with him, especially in front of the patient :shock: . And as a result I got written up!!! and will be in my file for awhile. Even though I knew what he was doing was wrong and I voiced my opinion (in a nice way of corse) I still got in trouble!! How could I have avoided this situation?

Assuming you've put in some more time now, I would consider writing a detailed incident report asking for the write-up to be removed from your file. Explain the different options you had and why you chose the ones you did. It's worth a shot.

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I'm afraid I can't make enough sense out of this situation to really comment. I can't tell whose patient it was. I can't tell what the injury was. I don't know what you were written up for. And I definitely can't tell what "HIPPA" has to do with any of this, even if there was such a thing.

And minus 5 for a horrible topic title.

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I'm afraid I can't make enough sense out of this situation to really comment. I can't tell whose patient it was. I can't tell what the injury was. I don't know what you were written up for. And I definitely can't tell what "HIPPA" has to do with any of this, even if there was such a thing.

And minus 5 for a horrible topic title.

I come from a small private volunteer agency, so we all "try" to work as a team to provide the best care for the patient. But the person with the highest rank is always the one in charge or has the final say :? .

Since I come from a small town (where everyone knows everyone) and there are a few co-workers that like to drop by and check out the topics on the forum, I didn't fell comfortable going into much detail about the case, to protect the patients ID. Someone informed me that I spelled HIPPA wrong :oops: .... sorry it is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) a privacy code.

And I am sorry if you thought that my topic title was horrible but I didn't know that this was a judging contest.... :| ! If you where stumped by this entire post and thought it was poor then why did you reply?! I am new around here and just wanted to get some feed back on this situation to learn from it! :?

Hope I answered you question.


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Thanks cosgrojo and Anthony for the advice!


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And I am sorry if you thought that my topic title was horrible but I didn't know that this was a judging contest.... :|

You would have known if you had ever bothered to read the EMT City Site Rules, as you were asked to when you joined. The title you used is one that they specifically ask you not to use. Do you pay attention to the instructions and rules on the job? This makes us wonder. But, I digress.

If you where stumped by this entire post and thought it was poor then why did you reply?! I am new around here and just wanted to get some feed back on this situation to learn from it! :?

Because you seemed to genuinely want feedback on this situation to learn from, I genuinely would like to help you. So, rather than write you off as just another illiterate n00b, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and asked for clarification so that I might be able to understand the situation and give you some helpful advice. But you don't make it easy for us. Sure, I could have written half a page of answers that might be applicable, but then there is a good chance that they wouldn't have applied to your situation. Besides, you're the one looking for help. Why should we do all the work?

If you still want help, there are dozens of us here ready and willing to help. But geeze... at least make an effort.

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Kat- Dust's criticism's are valid, it was confusing and because of not knowing exactly what you were looking for I had to give a multi-purpose answer.

Since you are new here, I'll give you a bit more advice. Dust's a cranky ol' buzzard. He likes to be cantankerous to try and frighten off new-comers. If you can get over his bluster and the hard edge in which he writes with, he makes a lot of sense and you can learn quite a bit from his lunacy. Keep at it, a post or two does not a reputation make.

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I don't think Dust is trying to run people off. I think he's trying to get people to think and use their brain. People get defensive because when they're forced to think about what they've said/posted they realize they could've done much better than they actually did. And rather just sucking it up and learning from the incident, some become indignant.

I don't know that is should be made a part of the site rules. But perhaps a warning should be issued. "Think before you post or you will incur the wrath of DustDevil." :lol:

-be safe.

Back to your regularly scheduled discussion.

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