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The boy with the blue hands


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You are called to the residence of a 12y/o male. His parents called the ambulance because he noticed his hand were turning blue just prior to their call. What else about the history do you want to know?

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History especially history of Raynaud's syndrome???/



last meal

was he painting at all during the day?

was he outside

does he have anythign like a rubber band or something like that around his hands?

Pain in his hands?

what have they done for this so far?


pulses in the wrists?

Pulse ox

Check cardiac monitor

Transport to ER unless you call the ER and they say go to his doctor's office. But from what I'm reading if this is Raynauds, this isn't something that we can do anything about in the ambulance

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is he on any of these meds or has he gotten ahold of any of them and took them??


Certain medications


High nitrite ingestion

Ingestion of nitrates

Potassium chlorate poisoning

I'm probably going to far in my posting and taking it to extremes but does he or his family have a history of any of these?

Cyanosis as a symptom include:

Atrial septal defect (ostium primum)

Cirrhosis of liver

Ebstein's anomaly

Eisenmenger's syndrome

Fallot's tetralogy

Hydrogen sulfide

Patent foramen ovale

Phlegmasia alba dolens

Pulmonary valve stenosis

Transposition of great arteries

Tricuspid valve stenosis

Ventricular septal defect

I'm really leaning towards this until more info is posted

Posttraumatic Sympathicotonia and Raynaud's of the Hands Secondary to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: The "Blue Hands" Syndrome

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History especially history of Raynaud's syndrome???/



last meal

was he painting at all during the day?

was he outside

does he have anythign like a rubber band or something like that around his hands?

Pain in his hands?

what have they done for this so far?


pulses in the wrists?

Pulse ox

Check cardiac monitor

Transport to ER unless you call the ER and they say go to his doctor's office. But from what I'm reading if this is Raynauds, this isn't something that we can do anything about in the ambulance

Only history is asthma. When you ask about Reynauds the parents just give you a funny look and you take that as a no. Only takes albuterol prn. No allergies. Last meal was dinner at 6pm, nothing unusual (it is now 10pm). No painting. He was outside after school playing some football. No rubber bands or other form of tourniquet that you can see. No pain in the hands. The only thing they have done so far is worry and call you. We'll come back to the ohysical exam after all questions about the history have been completed.

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is he on any of these meds or has he gotten ahold of any of them and took them??


Certain medications


High nitrite ingestion

Ingestion of nitrates

Potassium chlorate poisoning

I'm probably going to far in my posting and taking it to extremes but does he or his family have a history of any of these?

Cyanosis as a symptom include:

Atrial septal defect (ostium primum)

Cirrhosis of liver

Ebstein's anomaly

Eisenmenger's syndrome

Fallot's tetralogy

Hydrogen sulfide

Patent foramen ovale

Phlegmasia alba dolens

Pulmonary valve stenosis

Transposition of great arteries

Tricuspid valve stenosis

Ventricular septal defect

I'm really leaning towards this until more info is posted

Posttraumatic Sympathicotonia and Raynaud's of the Hands Secondary to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: The "Blue Hands" Syndrome

After you run that list of meds by the parents, they say that no one in the house is on any of them.

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Ask the child if he got hurt in the spine/back during football and find out where he hurts. If he has pain in t7 or so then I'd suspect more strongly my last post.


how bout

exam questions

HEENT: exam shows?

Neck: exam reveals

Chest: exam reveals

Back: exam reveals:

Abdomen: exam reveals

Pelvis: exam reveals

Cardiac/resp: exam reveals

GI/GU:exam reveals

Extrem: exam reveals - are his fingers only affected or is it the entire hand? ask where did this cyanosis start - the fingers first or hands or did he notice? this is a biggie on the line of questioning in my opinion.

Skin: cyanosis anywhere else? lips, ears, toes/feet?

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Ask the child if he got hurt in the spine/back during football and find out where he hurts. If he has pain in t7 or so then I'd suspect more strongly my last post.


how bout

exam questions

HEENT: exam shows?

Neck: exam reveals

Chest: exam reveals

Back: exam reveals:

Abdomen: exam reveals

Pelvis: exam reveals

Cardiac/resp: exam reveals

GI/GU:exam reveals

Extrem: exam reveals - are his fingers only affected or is it the entire hand? ask where did this cyanosis start - the fingers first or hands or did he notice? this is a biggie on the line of questioning in my opinion.

Skin: cyanosis anywhere else? lips, ears, toes/feet?

It was a nice, leisurely game of two-hand touch (sorry to all of my non-American friends out there, I'm talking American Football (more cultural imperialism :D )). He did not hurt his neck or back. We will come back to the exam after all history has been taken.

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You are called to the residence of a 12y/o male. His parents called the ambulance because he noticed his hand were turning blue just prior to their call. What else about the history do you want to know?

Are his hands blue when you get there?

Are they cold? :D

It is cold here in Denver...........big blizzard.

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Intermission time.....lmao @ (more cultural imperialism). :roll:

4 "Downs" is for poofters.... :twisted:

Now back to your regular sheduled "Boy with the Blue Hands" senario.

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