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Remember to use common sense... If your patient is symptomatic and has extreme vertigo or dizziness when going from sitting or laying supine to upright this is indication that your patient is "tilt +".. with symptoms and the tilt should not be performed for potential injury to the patient falling.

Yes, like pulse points in determination of pressures, this gives approximations...

R/r 911

Rid, there you go being logical again. Remember, most programs don't teach a logical thought pattern. Instead they teach a programmed thought system. If only we could get more providers to think outside the box and interpret their assessment findings...ah, only in a perfect world I guess.



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Heck, I'm just happy to see a new EMT who can actually take an accurate BP at all!

From what I see with so many new grads, just taking a standard BP is apparently a very difficult task to grasp. I'm not so sure many of them are capable of understanding orthostatics. But at least if they taught orthostatics, it would force the students to spend a little more time practicing BPs altogether.

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Its a good job the Dust is wearing his flight suit and standing in front of that great big red cross, else we might mistake him for an ego with legs. I happen to be a new EMT who graduated being able to take spot on BP's anywhere, anytime under any circumstances. Sorry that you have worked with those who cant, did you ever take the time to teach, or do you fear that if they have more skills that might take something away from you, like your sense of self-supriority

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Don't get your feathers in a ruffle, because you so happen you can perform what you are suppose to do. Yes, Dust is right .. as we have discussed many times and as posters have asked numerous, numerous, times on this forum and others.. "how do I take blood pressure?".

Just, because you attended a little over hundred hour night time course, does not make one an authority in EMS. Hell, even the pedicurist that does my girlfriend nails had to go to school longer than a basic EMT, in comparison for their job.. and if you truly believe someone taking a blood pressure is going to make me feel threatened, you are very naive to medicine. Like Dust, I don't care who takes the bood pressure as long as it is correct.. and please don't give me odd number readings when performing a manual B/P.. it does remove all creditiblity.

Glad you can perform your job, you should that's what EMT's are trained, not educated to do.. perform tasks.

R/r 911

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Its a good job the Dust is wearing his flight suit and standing in front of that great big red cross, else we might mistake him for an ego with legs. I happen to be a new EMT who graduated being able to take spot on BP's anywhere, anytime under any circumstances.

So, if this doesn't apply to you then why are you so defensive?

Me thinks thou doth protesteth too much.

If you're as good as you seem to want others to believe, then grow a sack of self-esteem and don't take everything so personal when it was quite obviously not even meant to apply to you.

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Jeez, can we be sensitive, or what?!?All this over BP's? If someone is new, and trying to learn, "how do I take a blood pressure?' is a valid question. If someone is currently providing care at any level, shouldn't they know that 15 seconds on a radial pulse will give them approximate information as to BP, HR, rythim, quality? Its part of initial impression. And isn't a postural BP or Tilt test part of secondary assessment on syncopal, near syncopal, or hypotensive patients? (barring contraindications, such as trauma, suspected c-spine, etc?).

Come on, this is really basic stuff. We need to get our ego's out of the way. And I'm not talking about the folks who have been doing this forever, and have WAY more education and experience than most of us. I don't care if Dust, and Rid, and AZCEP, and Asys, or anybody else has an ego the size of Jupiter. They have EXPERIENCE, they have knowledge to offer. I'll take it. Bash me all you want, if I can learn from you, OK. We need not shoot the messenger just because we don't like how the message is delivered! Translation - LIGHTEN THE HECK UP!!!

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NREMT - i think you took mothers post a bit to personal mate, i think you'll find that was a gerneralisation, not an attackon you.....

People frak at the term "orthostatic hypotension" i dont know why, think of it as "postural hypotension"

"whats that? feeling dizzy while sitting? (take B/P) bit low..... here lay down and stick ya legs up Take B/P) bit of an improvement, that feels better? cheers!"

Its all basic dudes and dudettes - little jug full of water, pour into big jug...low volume, stand a long time at attention and the blood pools at the extremeties oops! hypotension, syncopal episode. I think some people are over thinking this

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