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Real Tragedy, Please Read

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Road rage is about as gay as Jessie Jackson. There is no point to either, and all that happens is someone gets killed. It isn't worth it, but I've seen people killed for stupid stuff like the person behind them couldn't pass or they felt like they were cut off. My Xtreme has really bright head lights, and I get people that will try to brake check me because they think I have my high beams on. My head lights are 100% legal, they are the same ones that you'd find in higher end european cars.

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A friend of mine was killed in a car accident; vehicular homicide due to negligent operation of a motor vehicle. He's only getting 4 years prison out of that. Granted, he wasn't on drugs or alcohol; and nor was he in NY... -shrug-

It's horrible the way we take things out on each other. We're so hell-bent on revenge versus understanding. And no, I'm not a liberal tree-hugging hippie or anything; but I think we need to slow down and realize that killing someone for talking smack isn't going to do us any good. -sigh-

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Road rage is about as gay as Jessie Jackson. There is no point to either, and all that happens is someone gets killed. It isn't worth it, but I've seen people killed for stupid stuff like the person behind them couldn't pass or they felt like they were cut off. My Xtreme has really bright head lights, and I get people that will try to brake check me because they think I have my high beams on. My head lights are 100% legal, they are the same ones that you'd find in higher end european cars.

But Nate, that type of attitude is exactly what causes road rage. Maybe it isn't illegal to have the type of headlights that really bother other drivers, but it also isn't illegal in most states to talk on your cellphone and drive at the same time either (there are a few that have outlawed it

). The point is, once people get behind the wheel, it becomes an offensive onslaught against other drivers. It follows the same principle as driving an SUV with a brush guard on the front when everyone knows its never gonna see anything other than asphalt; its a ploy to intimidate other drivers.

I probably should also make mention that due to a slow pupilary reflex (diagnosed by my optometrist), I really hate those fucking headlights.

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Road rage is about as gay as Jessie Jackson. There is no point to either, and all that happens is someone gets killed. It isn't worth it, but I've seen people killed for stupid stuff like the person behind them couldn't pass or they felt like they were cut off. My Xtreme has really bright head lights, and I get people that will try to brake check me because they think I have my high beams on. My head lights are 100% legal, they are the same ones that you'd find in higher end european cars.

But Nate, that type of attitude is exactly what causes road rage. Maybe it isn't illegal to have the type of headlights that really bother other drivers, but it also isn't illegal in most states to talk on your cellphone and drive at the same time either (there are a few that have outlawed it

). The point is, once people get behind the wheel, it becomes an offensive onslaught against other drivers. It follows the same principle as driving an SUV with a brush guard on the front when everyone knows its never gonna see anything other than asphalt; its a ploy to intimidate other drivers.

I probably should also make mention that due to a slow pupilary reflex (diagnosed by my optometrist), I really hate those fucking headlights.

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Road rage is about as gay as Jessie Jackson. There is no point to either, and all that happens is someone gets killed. It isn't worth it, but I've seen people killed for stupid stuff like the person behind them couldn't pass or they felt like they were cut off. My Xtreme has really bright head lights, and I get people that will try to brake check me because they think I have my high beams on. My head lights are 100% legal, they are the same ones that you'd find in higher end european cars.

But Nate, that type of attitude is exactly what causes road rage. Maybe it isn't illegal to have the type of headlights that really bother other drivers, but it also isn't illegal in most states to talk on your cellphone and drive at the same time either (there are a few that have outlawed it

). The point is, once people get behind the wheel, it becomes an offensive onslaught against other drivers. It follows the same principle as driving an SUV with a brush guard on the front when everyone knows its never gonna see anything other than asphalt; its a ploy to intimidate other drivers.

I probably should also make mention that due to a slow pupilary reflex (diagnosed by my optometrist), I really hate those fucking headlights.

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I really hate those fucking headlights.

Ummm, I see the censor software is working well. :roll:

Sad case, I agree its insane this kind of stuff happens. Coming from a family of cops I have a feeling this idiot is going to hang himself in his cell. Its funny how that happens so many times with cop killers.




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Yeah, apparently the editing software has a problem with gerunds (that thars fancy larnin' talk for verbs ending in -ing), sorry about any offense taken, I was hoping for a '#@%ing headlights'

You know, it must be karma or something when someone kills a cop, they just suffer the worse misfortunes when in jail, like the guy who shot and killed a cop that I later saw brought in board and collared as a transfer from the jail. Must have fallen.

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Maybe I ought to see an optometrist too, because everytime Asys posts, I see double or triple. :?

You really need to get that looked at, dude! :lol:

But yeah, that same attitude is responsible for as many wrecks as it is responsible for road rage. All those people who drive legally, but aggressively, with the mindset that "I have the right of way! If we wreck, it's HIS fault!" instead of just driving defensively and avoiding the situation altogether. Who the hell cares whose "fault" it is. Your car is still smashed! Just avoid it!

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