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My Pants Have No Pockets!


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Hey everyone, brand new to the site, brand new to the field.  I did a search, so I do sincerely hope that this isn't a clone of another thread somewhere...

So I just finished basic school.  We were required to be in uniform every day which included "EMT pants" that had about 46 pockets in them. Little snap strips to hold shears in the pocket, cargo pockets, etc.  My instructor told us all to keep all of our things in the pockets so that we could get used to them (i.e. shears, stethoscope, pocket knife, pen, pen light, etc) and I loved the pants.  Long story short, I go and get myself a job, and they hand me uniform pants with nothing but the normal front and back pockets.  They're almost dress pants.  I was wondering if anyone has had any experience working for a company that put them in a similar position, and if so how they managed the tools they wanted to have on them.

My instructor gave us so many helpful hints and tips like keeping some Vicks for the smelly scenes or a baggie with a few dog biscuits for those dogs that are protective of their owners.  I was very excited to be prepared with things like these, and now I find myself with nowhere to put them!

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There is an inverse proportion as it relates to items carried by a provider and time spent in the industry.  The longer you're in the less you carry. 

Aside from everyday items such as a wallet, keys and cash I never carried more than a stethoscope and trauma shears.  Even then there was a stethoscope and set of shears in the bag.

I never carried Vicks, dog biscuits etc...

You're new.  This is still all new and exciting and you want to be prepared.  However, you'll find that all those neat little tips your instructors talked about are either rarely used or just not necessary. 

And welcome.  Congrats on completing basic school.  Don't let your education stop there.

Edited by paramedicmike
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Although I still wear the 5.11 EMS pants, the pockets stay empty. I think P-Mike has it backwards. He says that there is an inverse relationship to the time spent in the profession to the amount of stuff you carry. I disagree, the stuff you carry just gets to be so much that you just put it all into the kit because you always take it with you anyways. I carry nothing, I just wear the pants because of their durability.

Edited by Arctickat
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Pants hold stethoscope and shears. Shirt pocket has a pen, a note pad, and a bank card in case I need something to eat on a long transfer. Agreed that everything else you need is in the kit or on the car. I refuse to wear those bulky duty belts with a dozen holsters full of crap.

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I support the "inverse rule of things in the pocket". :)

Today I carry (beside pager, id, money and keys):

  • 3 pairs of gloves (using at least 2 for trauma calls = 1 inner layer, 1 outer layer to remove if bloody plus 1 reserve pair of gloves to replace layer 2).
  • A pen.

Optionally scissors and a pen light in a belt holster, but I don't use them much any more. I'm getting older, i guess.


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