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Hi all, happy new year and best holiday wishes to you all. 2012 already eh,

Anyway, as some of you may or may not know, my heart hasn't been in the best of health for a few months and awaiting angiography *unsure of when* as they found hypokinesis of the ventricles and recurrent bouts of chest pain at rest and shortness of breath. I am sitting here asking for your help if there is a good resource, a video you use or anything to show my daughter *who turns 7 on the 24th of january* for what to do if daddy collapses. We have written our address down on the fridge and our phone number and what to do *put the puppy in the office and open the front door etc* but want something that she can follow through. I used this one today as she is pretty clued up knowing daddy's heart isnt working as well and he gets weak and short of breath and to show her what an angio is and what the doctors might do for daddy. It's breaking my heart more than it already is to know I have to have these talks with my daughter and for my wife also two months into our marriage and she's been in with me being admitted twice with chest pains and feeling like crap.

Sorry to put that out there like that, I know I will be alright and it will be resolved and fixed, but its just the whole planning ahead thing because it is summer vacation and still another 5 weeks of holidays left before she goes back to school. She is a smart kid doing ambulance cadets *St John Cadet scheme* and I want a way to show her what happens when she dials for help and also what it looks like when the paramedics arrive etc. I don't want it to have to come to that, but if she has an idea, it would reduce, I feel, an element of fear on the whole thing.

Thanks guys, lets make 2012 a good year.


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wow Scotty...thats alot to put on a 6 year old. BUT, by walking her through some of it, it will reduce her fear if the "just in case" happens, which I pray that it doesnt. You're kinda young to be going through something like this. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way :)

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Hey Scotty. My best wishes to you buddy and a good recoveery.

Here is an idea. You might could get some of your Medic friends to let her watch a training drill of possibly some of the skills practice at one of the schools. She could get an idea of what to expect.

I hope I am not showing ignorance but, why are you having to wait for the angiogram?

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No ignorance at all. I am on the outpatient list. Was on for 17th of December but the inpatient list is so behind they cancelled it. Last admission they said I could be admitted for inpatient but would have been a patient in hospital over Christmas and wouldn't risk missing Christmas for anything. So just waiting now


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My angiogram turned into an angioplasty, as I now have a cardiac stent in me. Is the procedure going in via the radial, or femoral artery? Not to scare you, but having had both, and complications from the femoral artery procedure, if you have any choice, go the radial procedure.

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Scotty sorry to hear you may need the help of your collegues, I am wondering if you have the emergency alert necklaces in NZ, if so why don't you get one and if something happens when she is with you in the house or out and about all she has to do is remember to push the button. Hope things get better soon and remember always wear clean underwear, as you know we do check :)


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Reporting to you live from the hospital where I am being admitted to await coronary artery angiography. Took myself before it got worse. Keep you all posted and keep my wife and daughter in your prayers, they need the support more than me



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Sorry to hear this is something you're dealing with! Major bummer, my friend. Hang in there! And good on you for involving the kidlet and making sure she is as comfortable as can be with what's going on. You all are in my thoughts!



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