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Such a tragedy


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There is nothing I can say that will help ease the pain of you and your family, and I am distressed by it.

My deepest condolences to you and your family in your time of sadness. know that we are here, if you need an ear, shoulder or sounding board. I wish ther was more that I, or we could do to help you and your family get through this.

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Thank you so much for your responses. At the time, I needed to reach out and hear what you had to say. You never let me down. I am doing well... exhausted from all of the hubris that surrounds an unexpected death... drained with my attempts to care for the family and friends that have been affected by this. The estate matters feel almost overwhelming. My remaining brother is executor and I don't envy him the task.

The last year of my brother's life degenerated into chaos. His surroundings reflected his pain and confusion. I have been in some pretty bad places but nothing prepared me for the filth and squalor that he had been living in. It hurts me to think of him there.

My brother managed to take himself to his job every day. He worked on Monday and no-one noticed anything except that he seemed happy, relaxed and peaceful. His boss closed the business down for the day of the funeral and they all attended. It was a moving tribute.

The funeral was huge. People came from all walks of life and the things they had to say about my brother were heartwarming, allowing us to see him in a totally different light. He was a helper guy, assisting anyone above and beyond their needs. Never a traditional Christian, he was a true one in that he literally would give others the shirt off his back.

The lesson to those of us in EMS? We run on the suicide or suicide attempt and we see squalor and filth - a lonely, past his prime unkempt fella with cases of beer and pizza boxes surrounding him. He looked like the homeless dude we pass on the street.

His life had value. He touched hundreds. We loved him and will always miss him.

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The lesson to those of us in EMS? We run on the suicide or suicide attempt and we see squalor and filth - a lonely, past his prime unkempt fella with cases of beer and pizza boxes surrounding him. He looked like the homeless dude we pass on the street.

How very true. We always see only a momentum in the life of our patient and because that`s the only impression we get of him/her, we (unconsciously) define him through that picture, though we should never forget, that there is a whole story behind that moment, that leads to us being there.

My condolensces and I wish you the strength to get through this hard time as best as you can.

Edited by Vorenus
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I am so sorry for your loss.

My thoughts are with you and your mom.

Nothing I say will take away the sadness and pain but hopefully knowing that you can always turn to the ones on this site for comfort hopefully will help you through this tough time.

Take care and remember we are here for you.

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