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EMTCity/EMS Week Tshirts?

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Hey all!

We've started a small business with Dylan, www.dylans-way.com in order to give him a way to make some money, now that he's a teen, give him some job and life skills, and create a way to provide donations to people/institutions that are doing good things for him and his autistic brothers and sisters. Our Fav at the moment is Autism Speaks.

I was hoping, if this doesn't get killed as spam, to create a tshirt for EMTCity with the donation proceeds going to the City instead of an autism cause as a way to raise money for the site. We donate $5/shirt to autism causes now, but could just as easily donate it to the City for allowing us all to do this here. (For the record, I've sent several emails to Admin for advertising rates and/or permission to put this up without a response. I'm confident that s/he is really busy.)

So if we do an EMT City thsirt, what would it be? Babs and I have been arguing about this, good naturedly, for a few days now..as I like whimsical, while she likes more straight forward.

I'm thinking, as I saw something like it before, "Paramedic (Of course can say firman, EMT, etc) "Please buckle up, or I may get to see you naked!"


Hell...have to run for a bit..Any have any interest/ideas?


Edited by DwayneEMTP
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Did we lose the EMT City store when we moved to this server? I remember seeing an online store here, that sold things like that.

Hmmmm....not sure.

But like our too uncommon get togethers I'd really like to come up with something from the spirit of the City, from those of us that post regularly and seem to share a common energy..Know what I mean?

Holy shit..how gay does that sound...


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Is that why you added the extra 'e' to the end of your name?

Sorry. Couldn't pass that up.

Oh my God...that's funny as hell right there!

That's what I get for trying to multitask...


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I'd be willing to help with the designs of the T-shirts. Believe it or not, if you ever find yourself in Beloit, KS and go to the Mitchell County EMS station there, in the training room there's a painting of the Star of Life done by yours truly.

Also, get togethers? Why was I not told of this?!

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I should get like bonus points for advertising... I was wearing my emtcity.com shirt when panned by a news camera after my partner and I found the victim during a wilderness search. Certainly not camera shy, but I was all cut up and grumpy, so I wouldn't talk.

"Please buckle up, or I may get to see you naked!"

A local ER nurse has a bumper sticker that says "I'm an ER Nurse, don't piss me off, I may be cutting your clothes off later"; or something like that.

But your idea would be cool, I'd buy one!

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How bout this for a shirt

"I'm a Paramedic - don't do drugs or Dustdevil might see you naked and fondle your chords"

"DustDevil - "Aren't you a little short to be a paramedic?"

Dwayne says "Just Sayin"

Meet Bieber - just what the hell is a bieber?

Ruffems - "Superdad with eyes in the back of his head"

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I'd be willing to help with the designs of the T-shirts. Believe it or not, if you ever find yourself in Beloit, KS and go to the Mitchell County EMS station there, in the training room there's a painting of the Star of Life done by yours truly.

Also, get togethers? Why was I not told of this?!

Hey, let's see it! Can you post a picture? Do you do computer graphical art?

And we try and plan get togethers on a pretty regular basis.... A lot of really, really good things happened to me because I went to visit some EMS folks in Florida.. Me, akflightmedic, Dustdevil, Matty...hell, can't remember his screen name now..... Mateo? You and I and a whole bunch of EMTCity folks aren't that far apart...maybe it's time to work on a get together again?

Anyone up for trying another get together? (I'm already raising Ruffsters hand for him)

Hey, I just Google mapped Beloit. It looks beautiful but a word of advice..if you want to run EMS, by definition, there have to be some people where you work!! 4,000 people? Really?

You need to apply someplace bigger. What is the nearest real town near you that actually has electricity? Say, within 2hrs?

2c4, what does the EMTCity Tshirt look like? Can you post a picture?


Edited to correct some silly shit I never should have missed in the first place. No significant changes made.

Edited by DwayneEMTP
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Hey, let's see it!

And we try and plan get togethers on a pretty regular basis.... A lot of really, really good things happened to me because I went to visit some EMS folks in Florida.. Me, akflightmedic, Dustdevil, Matty...hell, can't remember his screen name Mateo?

Hey, I just Google mapped Beloit. It looks beautiful but a word of advice..if you want to run EMS, my definition, there have to be some people where you work!! 4,000 people? Really?

You need to apply someplace bigger. What is the nearest real town near you that actually has electricity? Say, within 2hrs? You and I and a whole bunch of EMTCity folks aren't that far apart...maybe it's time to work on a get together again?

2c4, what does the EMTCity Tshirt look like?


Dwayne, I'm hurt, you forgot me!!!!!

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