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A long ride on the short bus...


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A long ride on the short bus Is Barbara's blog on her life with Dylan. Its personal as well as has links to many Autism resources. If you feel like it, it would be amazing if you could stop by and take a look, maybe leave a comment if you want?

She's terrified for people to see it, but I think the writing is amazing, beautiful, revealing. Those that are curious about autism will find useful information, those that are curious about what goes on inside the head of a person living with a handicapped child will get what they're looking for too I believe.

It's a labor of love for her, but I don't know how she does it really. I can't read through it except for maybe 10 mins at a time or so because it makes me cry. She is my hero, truly, and Dylan her fearless sidekick! :-)

I know from my PMs that there are some here that don't care much for me, my ideas, or my way of presenting them. I get that, I really do. Sometimes I don't like me much either. But I've always respected you both publicly and in private, and now I'm asking you to do the same. Please don't make your points by going there and hurting the feelings of this kind, beautiful, power, delicate woman.

Have a great day all!


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great blog... mind if I pass it along to a family I know who just received the diagnosis?

I would be grateful if you would. When Dylan got the diagnosis I truly could not catch my breath for three days.. I thought I was suffocating. My beautiful son had just been stolen with almost no chance of ever getting him back...it's crazy. From normally developing to completely silent in 5 days.

I'll be sending them thoughts for strength, as life will go on, and it will be amazing, but it will be different. Ask them not to hesitate to contact Barb through the website. She has an amazing perspective and endless resources for families with autistic children. And these early years are so vital.

Thanks girl...


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thank you.

I think any parent struggles for quite some time when their child receives a life changing diagnosis. I remember my mom the weeks after I was diagnosed with EDS she just didn't understand and kept blaming herself. It takes time to adjust. And while EDS is very very different from autism, no parent likes to hear that their child will always be different.

Keep up your good work and thank you for sharing your experience.

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