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There is also another exercise program called "Insanity" from the same group of people, or maybe the same company producing p90x. This one guarantees results in 60 days!

Regardless of the program, they all might work, they all might not.. it all depends on what YOU put into it and keeping yourself healthy when doing it. Eating fast food may fill you up, but not the best way to gain the "energy" needed. :) just saying

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Are you using diapers or feminine hygine pads for the rear end, and the posible.... undesireable... results?

I just try to stay near bathrooms, and carry "wet ones" wipes.

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I've always been quite skinny and can eat just about anything without gaining weight...thanks, 20 year old metabolism. I started P90X to put on some muscle, and the "get RIPPED in 90 days" slogan was pretty appealing. I started to see some impressive results after only a month, but got too busy to keep up with it once the academic semester got into full swing. I have a friend who completed the 90 days and swears by it; however he said you really need to keep up some sort of fitness routine or the results fade fast once you're done. The workout is actually really enjoyable and I wish I had the time to keep it up...perhaps when I graduate in May

I also have a few friends who are doing the Insanity 60 day thing (it's made by the same company). Insanity seems to be cardio focused whereas P90X is more about muscle building. Either way they're both pretty intense. I'd recommend them to anyone who isn't comfortable in a gym or doesn't want trek there.

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I suggest for additional motivation to stick with any program whether fat loss, muscle gain, or both that you start posting your before pictures, then every week or 2 post update photos. This will be like an extra push to stick with it so you don't look like a quitter with your peers. You can post with face blocked out so no one knows who you actually are if you want to be anonymous.

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