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Canadian to USA EMT


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Is there anyone out there who was trained and certified in Canada as an EMT-A, then was able to secure a license and certification in California to work/upgrade (without having to retake the whole course)? I've been having no luck with any EMS bodies (NREMT, CA State EMS and O.C. EMS specifically) in being permitted to challenge an exam or prove my credentials as equal or above local training programs here. Has anybody been successful getting around this?

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Is there anyone out there who was trained and certified in Canada as an EMT-A, then was able to secure a license and certification in California to work/upgrade (without having to retake the whole course)? I've been having no luck with any EMS bodies (NREMT, CA State EMS and O.C. EMS specifically) in being permitted to challenge an exam or prove my credentials as equal or above local training programs here. Has anybody been successful getting around this?

No, you will have to retake the entire course because the American system is just that ass-backward.

What province are you in, do you mean A-EMCA in Ontario or EMT in Alberta? Do you fit the NOCP for a PCP?

I'm actually looking for information about being an NREMT-P and going to Canada specifically Montreal ...

Quebec does not have Advanced Care Paramedic (ALS)

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No, you will have to retake the entire course because the American system is just that ass-backward.

What province are you in, do you mean A-EMCA in Ontario or EMT in Alberta? Do you fit the NOCP for a PCP?

Quebec does not have Advanced Care Paramedic (ALS)

There are also several other provinces Kiwi. Which one are you in again?

As for the original poster, I work with a paramedic who came from CA to Alberta. Let me know if you would like me to get some information from them.

Why would you wanna come here? I'm a Canadian citizen (dual with US) living here and thinking about moving to Canada if the health care system in this country doesn't improve!

Yes but, even the weather in northern CA is nicer than where I'm at year round :)

It is however nice to have the health care I do. That will probably change with the decade however, but that's a discussion for a more political section of the forum ...

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There are also several other provinces Kiwi

There are, however all others use the PCP/ACP labelling except Alberta (EMT/EMTP) and Ontario, while using PCP/ACP nomanclature technically still uses the term A-EMCA

What, I did some research, bet you can't tell me what our levels are :D

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Why would you wanna come here? I'm a Canadian citizen (dual with US) living here and thinking about moving to Canada if the health care system in this country doesn't improve!

I trained as an EMT-A in Alberta. I recently moved to SoCal for my spouses' job.

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Montreal at least does have limited ALS. It's been a long time coming but I think Quebec is finally moving forward. There may be some options there for you. I hope you speak French though.

Not french - french either. Canadian french.

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