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Job action escalates in BC


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Well I can not disagree with anything stated by rock-shoes or doc harris but the real problem here is lack of solidarity on all levels. Do you think BC Supreme Court could affect anything if we had national solidarity as they would quite simply be shooting themselves in the foot mandating EMS to work OT ! Yes Health care is a provincial jurisdiction but it could be argued constitutionally that "access to health care and EMS should now be included under the guidelines of the Canadian Heath Act" IMHO.

Just imagine if we ALL were unified with one voice and I am not talking provincially here but nationally ... I had a dream .... but it was dashed, let me explain.

Apology in advance for a bit off topic but by understanding what has transpired in other provinces, well perhaps others can avoid the pitfalls in the future I am hoping.

With our last ACoP AGM it becomes crystal clear that our so called College is no longer "self regulated or even guided by its membership" the numbers in attendance speak for themselves with 100 attending out of a potential 7000 and with an EMR :wtf: leading the pack ? and now mandated 25% of council membership being "members of the so called public" hint: note the so called public appointees being impartial good grief how stoopid does the government believe we are ?

Quite clear that original intent of an "association and advocacy" of ACoP has been defeated for the Profession from within, and now a stepping stone to higher levels of the white shirt middle management crowd.

Now, I am quite positive that dictating just what Union WE are now supposed to join is also a government move to even more control of labour, this has as many negative implications down the road in lack of continuity of goals, restructure under another organization structure with not one of the past negotiators or reps for administrative continuity(thats the divide and concur technique in action)not to mention an infringement of labour of the right(s) to organize.

Our Health Minister King Liepert in all his "crush public delivery of health service" wishes to have ACPs have more "authority" and increased scope of practice under out Health Professions Act to provide services ps we are not there yet its only been 12 years or something ... ACoP FAIL! Big point being is ACPs are NOT trained to provide primary care from the schools its a false baseless pipe dream and unfortunately this is destined to fail because there is NO legislation in place to allow a Practitioner level to even start to advance, again a cart before a horse senario as is this "transition" a concept with no real plan .. or changing plan as siffalass refers. So be honest with yourselves @ the ACP level, just because suturing is in the scope of practice do you know what type of bug is "most likely" to infect that site OR just what broad spectrum bug juice should be used to treat or even if it is necessary to start with ? Now belly pain, sit on it and observe or transfer a stuck fart or then again is it dead gut ??? Be honest with your own knowledge then factor in the possible legal result if YOU screw up, MDs do then who will support YOU the employeer, ACoP ? ? Are you prepared to take on THIS type of responsibility ?

Now add to that the latest divestiture from PAC by ACoP council (you think this was decided by the membership .... NOT) this was a lawyers advice, now that not only can the council unilaterally ignore and overthrow the motion from the floor from the self governing ? membership. I did a good look around and that of the 100 voter's in attendance out of a possible 7000, well maybe 10 of us did not direct have financial investment in one way or another. I will not be attending ever again as hypocrisy is not in my make up.

TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE THAT ACOP IS SOMEHOW A GOOD THING please reconsider. After looking at this for over 25 years IMHO now is the MAJOR deciding factor in the downfall of ACoP was dictating that a simple FA level should be included in a Professional organization FOLLY as this has become through numbers the common denominator now, maybe if someone would like to put a motion on the floor that EMRs be removed from ACoP and mandatory registry after all its just advanced first aid isn't it ?... I would love to see that item "discussed" in an open forum, no one I know has the balls for that gutsy a move. Its clearly identified now by many "medics" that the investment of time in AcoP was simply a waste of effort and that yet another Association must be established to accomplish anything other than a policing body that "yes" now perpetuates just the medic mill "standards". If I could just get to that that exam bank and with evidence based medicine destroy 30 % of the myth perpetuating exam questions.

There is huge fragmentation in educational requirements alone nationally, thanks to ACoP reinventing the CBO, quietly refusing to work with PAC to update a national profile, all it would have taken was a phone call but someones nose were out of joint cause they didn't get invited to play in the baseball game .. good grief.

CMA has attempted to standardize but this remains one of our biggest downfalls as it establishes a basic minimum only (standard of care)moreover administrative only and the provincial territorialism observed is slowing any possible development to advance this profession in any way way, just WHO loses are the Canadian taxpayers bottom line. A serious lack of any foresight cause we are just ambulance drivers anyways (but that IS the 4 year government planning in action)Why has the entry standards relaxed to challenge in BC again this is a government dictated scenario the true reality with BCAS hiring policy .. well don't Bogart that Joint is all I have to say, but jump in now, even though Tofino would be a great place to retire ... THAT would be FOLLY!

Now Just look to siff's comments once the ACP level is achieved ... GONE, can anyone blame s/he ? As a marketable commodity in a private system I will too be following that lead, my personal beliefs as an idealist have been smashed to tiny bits in delivery of public health these days and the very thing that we (past tense) the Canadian Culture of caring for our own, well with immigrants from all over the world capitalizing on the Canadian system, hey does that sound like a red neck philosophy OR is it preservation of Canadian Culture and Nationalism .. you decide.

The hiring freeze with all health care workers in AB with this "Drukett" ie Over Paid Drunk Man now pulling the strings of all of the Health Care Future is now assuring that other countries will have some of the best brains and best trained from Canadian funded schools ... again just who loses again is the Canadian taxpayer, replacing the retiring RNs with immigrant and foreign trained HCW ... its the Canadian way I guess send Canadian Trained packing. Heck just look to the graduating class of RNs from the UofA interviewed on TV last night, Global TV, 80% will be seeking work else ware, and THEN the withdrawal of incentive funding [placement in rural AB] for the Family Practice Mds this years graduating Class too, IMHO some heads should roll, it just doesn't get more retarded.

Ok back on thread ... this EMS thing is not the only thing at stake here, the supposed excuse of a down turn of economy is the excuse ONLY. You know rock_shoes that this is a government move to bust unions bottom line and Campbell doesn't give a rats ass who will suffer, perhaps he has stopped drinking while driving but is oblivious that his very own family may be now at risk, so sure declare EMS under ESO but try respecting those that actually provide the care ... bottom line this BC "ruling" will be counter productive and is a clear demonstration to the taxpayers that something is SERIOUSLY G-DAMN sideways, let the first defense of Public Health care (EMS) fall and the house of cards will be next.

Gorden Campbell you FAIL!

in solidarity <end rant>

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Well I can not disagree with anything stated by rock-shoes or doc harris but the real problem here is lack of solidarity on all levels. Do you think BC Supreme Court could affect anything if we had national solidarity as they would quite simply be shooting themselves in the foot mandating EMS to work OT ! Yes Health care is a provincial jurisdiction but it could be argued constitutionally that "access to health care and EMS should now be included under the guidelines of the Canadian Heath Act" IMHO.

Just imagine if we ALL were unified with one voice and I am not talking provincially here but nationally ... I had a dream .... but it was dashed, let me explain.

Agreed. A national college of EMS providers would be in the best interest of patients and paramedics alike. We desperately need national standards that everyone is held to. The longer we remain in our own little fiefdoms the longer it’s going to take EMS to grow up and join the other health care professions as respected effective members of the health care team.

Apology in advance for a bit off topic but by understanding what has transpired in other provinces, well perhaps others can avoid the pitfalls in the future I am hoping.

With our last ACoP AGM it becomes crystal clear that our so called College is no longer "self regulated or even guided by its membership" the numbers in attendance speak for themselves with 100 attending out of a potential 7000 and with an EMR :wtf: leading the pack ? and now mandated 25% of council membership being "members of the so called public" hint: note the so called public appointees being impartial good grief how stoopid does the government believe we are ?

Quite clear that original intent of an "association and advocacy" of ACoP has been defeated for the Profession from within, and now a stepping stone to higher levels of the white shirt middle management crowd.

It’s disappointing to see ACoP lose its focus like this. I had hopes this wouldn’t happen but I’m not surprised that it did. The real death knell for ACoP was divesting from the PAC. The PAC is actively seeking to set national standards with input from a broad base of providers. I believe it was only a few months ago I posted a PAC survey for paramedics seeking input for the development of new national occupational competency guidelines. Did ACoP even tell its membership why they ditched the PAC?

Now, I am quite positive that dictating just what Union WE are now supposed to join is also a government move to even more control of labour, this has as many negative implications down the road in lack of continuity of goals, restructure under another organization structure with not one of the past negotiators or reps for administrative continuity(thats the divide and concur technique in action)not to mention an infringement of labour of the right(s) to organize.

Yup. It’s complete and blatant disregard of labour law. If they step on us hard enough we’ll just bow down and take it. At least that’s what they want us to do. This kind of rule works for awhile but in the end it always fails. Eventually some of us will put up some rusty nails for them to step on and you can bet It won’t be you or I sticking them in the ass with a Tetanus shot.

Our Health Minister King Liepert in all his "crush public delivery of health service" wishes to have ACPs have more "authority" and increased scope of practice under out Health Professions Act to provide services ps we are not there yet its only been 12 years or something ... ACoP FAIL! Big point being is ACPs are NOT trained to provide primary care from the schools its a false baseless pipe dream and unfortunately this is destined to fail because there is NO legislation in place to allow a Practitioner level to even start to advance, again a cart before a horse senario as is this "transition" a concept with no real plan .. or changing plan as siffalass refers. So be honest with yourselves @ the ACP level, just because suturing is in the scope of practice do you know what type of bug is "most likely" to infect that site OR just what broad spectrum bug juice should be used to treat or even if it is necessary to start with ? Now belly pain, sit on it and observe or transfer a stuck fart or then again is it dead gut ??? Be honest with your own knowledge then factor in the possible legal result if YOU screw up, MDs do then who will support YOU the employeer, ACoP ? ? Are you prepared to take on THIS type of responsibility ?

I will not be taking on that kind of responsibility without the educational background required to make sound evidence based decisions. Smart paramedics will take this stance. Scope of practice hungry fools without regard for best practise will try to take on these responsibilities without demanding the requisite education to do it right. All any of us can do right now is hope fewer fools exist in our midst than it would appear do.

TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE THAT ACOP IS SOMEHOW A GOOD THING please reconsider. After looking at this for over 25 years IMHO now is the MAJOR deciding factor in the downfall of ACoP was dictating that a simple FA level should be included in a Professional organization FOLLY as this has become through numbers the common denominator now, maybe if someone would like to put a motion on the floor that EMRs be removed from ACoP and mandatory registry after all its just advanced first aid isn't it ?... I would love to see that item "discussed" in an open forum, no one I know has the balls for that gutsy a move. Its clearly identified now by many "medics" that the investment of time in AcoP was simply a waste of effort and that yet another Association must be established to accomplish anything other than a policing body that "yes" now perpetuates just the medic mill "standards". If I could just get to that that exam bank and with evidence based medicine destroy 30 % of the myth perpetuating exam questions.

No disagreement here. EMRs should have zero say over standards and should not be voting on professional issues. If you want say and a vote go back to school and join the professionals. I’m not against EMRs being regulated and at least held to some kind of standard though. Perhaps ACoP should be the overseeing body without allowing EMRs to vote on issues or set standards?

CMA has attempted to standardize but this remains one of our biggest downfalls as it establishes a basic minimum only (standard of care)moreover administrative only and the provincial territorialism observed is slowing any possible development to advance this profession in any way

So true, and sorry to say it, BC and Alberta are the two biggest sticks in the mud holding everything back. The people in power here in the west realize that progress costs money. What they fail to realize is that a lack of progress has a much higher cost in the end. Politicians in the west have great vision right up to the end of there noses.

Now Just look to siff's comments once the ACP level is achieved ... GONE, can anyone blame s/he ? As a marketable commodity in a private system I will too be following that lead, my personal beliefs as an idealist have been smashed to tiny bits in delivery of public health these days and the very thing that we (past tense) the Canadian Culture of caring for our own, well with immigrants from all over the world capitalizing on the Canadian system, hey does that sound like a red neck philosophy OR is it preservation of Canadian Culture and Nationalism .. you decide.

The sad truth of it all. What good is any of this if we don’t take care of our own first? If someone wants to come and be a productive member of Canadian society I’ll be the first to welcome them. Otherwise they can get the hell out. Canada’s a country not a charity. If you’re not willing to learn the language, get a job, and pay the same taxes the rest of us pay you should go back to wherever you came from. Just think. I’m not even that conservative. Imagine the stance a hard line right winger would take.

Ok back on thread ... this EMS thing is not the only thing at stake here, the supposed excuse of a down turn of economy is the excuse ONLY. You know rock_shoes that this is a government move to bust unions bottom line and Campbell doesn't give a rats ass who will suffer, perhaps he has stopped drinking while driving but is oblivious that his very own family may be now at risk, so sure declare EMS under ESO but try respecting those that actually provide the care ... bottom line this BC "ruling" will be counter productive and is a clear demonstration to the taxpayers that something is SERIOUSLY G-DAMN sideways, let the first defense of Public Health care (EMS) fall and the house of cards will be next.

Gorden Campbell you FAIL!

in solidarity <end rant>

It isn’t just a union busting exercise. It’s a public healthcare busting exercise. Campbell specifically listed the dismantling of BCAS as one of his goals before ever being elected the first time. Pushing the whole thing to the brink and watching it collapse has been his plan from the beginning. Then he can say “look it failed... but private company X can make everything better and for less money”. We are just the first step. Hospitals and long term care facilities are next. It’s no different than what’s happened with BC Hydro. BC Hydro was an incredibly profitable crown corporation supplying a number of British Columbians with well paid secure jobs. Instead of allowing this to continue Campbell hacked BC Hydro off at the knees and dictated that all new power projects be private and BC Hydro must buy power from these private producers.

Edited by rock_shoes
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That's what happens when you go in half cocked. The reason the transition went so much more smoothly when BC went provincial was the timing. In the 1970's EMS didn't really exist in BC. Larger centers had a smattering of private services while in smaller communities the local undertaker would whip out and pick people up in the hearse. In Alberta they're trying to merge a bunch of services that are already functional. When something is already functional it takes real planning to merge things successfully. It doesn't sound like much thought went into the whole thing.

Provision of service, particularly in rural areas, needs a complete re-think. Where better to develop something like a Paramedic Practitioner than a rural area where transport times are longer and many of the hospitals have to send patients out for definitive care? This will require further integration with hospitals while currently it seems like we are trying to distance ourselves to our own detriment.

... yeah, and our illustrious government along with AHS think they're doing a fantastic job. They went in LESS than half cocked, and slowly people are starting to pay for it. EMS will be in ruins within 5 years unless something is done PDQ to remedy this situation.

They SAY there was a lot of thought that went into the changeover, however I'd believe that about as much as I'd believe that one day my cat could be a paramedic. If there was so much thought, then why the "being in the dark" for everyone? It was not and never has been "business as usual". My ranting will however not do anything about it, except for alleviate a bit of my own stress.

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A national college of EMS providers would be in the best interest of patients and paramedics alike. We desperately need national standards that everyone is held to. The longer we remain in our own little fiefdoms the longer it’s going to take EMS to grow up and join the other health care professions as respected effective members of the health care team.

PAC was trying but got the rug pulled out ... by some of my "past" friends what an abomination REALLY no insight at all.

It’s disappointing to see ACoP lose its focus like this. I had hopes this wouldn’t happen but I’m not surprised that it did. The real death knell for ACoP was divesting from the PAC. The PAC is actively seeking to set national standards with input from a broad base of providers. I believe it was only a few months ago I posted a PAC survey for paramedics seeking input for the development of new national occupational competency guidelines. Did ACoP even tell its membership why they ditched the PAC?

The reason was that PAC was not a regulatory body .. umm hello neither was APPA before the government jumped in. APPA was the association powerhoused in a previous life .. where we went wrong is the membership was farking appothetic ... sad now retrospectively.

Yup take away 15 bucks per person in a ACoPs budget of now 3 million is dumb dumb dumb .. on top of that they council increased dues to there pockets I did the math but they are about 30 G to the Black and even increased the dues last year.

Yup. It’s complete and blatant disregard of labour law. If they step on us hard enough we’ll just bow down and take it. At least that’s what they want us to do. This kind of rule works for awhile but in the end it always fails. Eventually some of us will put up some rusty nails for them to step on and you can bet It won’t be you or I sticking them in the ass with a Tetanus shot.

AB complete power dominating in The AB Legislature (no real opposition in 30 years) the democracy in AB is a 2 week period before an election ONLY!

I will not be taking on that kind of responsibility without the educational background required to make sound evidence based decisions. Smart paramedics will take this stance. Scope of practice hungry fools without regard for best practise will try to take on these responsibilities without demanding the requisite education to do it right. All any of us can do right now is hope fewer fools exist in our midst than it would appear do.

Well I do believe it is in the best interest of the public really,( I have promoted this concept) but without legislation in place first No way am I going to be the "poster boy"

EMRs should have zero say over standards and should not be voting on professional issues. If you want say and a vote go back to school and join the professionals. I’m not against EMRs being regulated and at least held to some kind of standard though. Perhaps ACoP should be the overseeing body without allowing EMRs to vote on issues or set standards?

ZACTLY ... they should not have one iota of say in this profession as the are NOT I repeat NOT health care providers ... read my lips: Emergency Medical Responders .. let St. Johns or Red Cross set those standards and regulate that group.

So true, and sorry to say it, BC and Alberta are the two biggest sticks in the mud holding everything back. The people in power here in the west realize that progress costs money. What they fail to realize is that a lack of progress has a much higher cost in the end. Politicians in the west have great vision right up to the end of there noses.

AND NOW with the new improved BYLAWS ... council and the lawyers can do as they please Good Grief where was everyone sleeping in the last 4 years anyways ?

The sad truth of it all. What good is any of this if we don’t take care of our own first? If someone wants to come and be a productive member of Canadian society I’ll be the first to welcome them. Otherwise they can get the hell out. Canada’s a country not a charity. If you’re not willing to learn the language, get a job, and pay the same taxes the rest of us pay you should go back to wherever you came from. Just think. I’m not even that conservative. Imagine the stance a hard line right winger would take.

Well no argument here being an Alberta Red Necker !

It isn’t just a union busting exercise. It’s a public healthcare busting exercise. Campbell specifically listed the dismantling of BCAS as one of his goals before ever being elected the first time. Pushing the whole thing to the brink and watching it collapse has been his plan from the beginning. Then he can say “look it failed... but private company X can make everything better and for less money”. We are just the first step. Hospitals and long term care facilities are next. It’s no different than what’s happened with BC Hydro. BC Hydro was an incredibly profitable crown corporation supplying a number of British Columbians with well paid secure jobs. Instead of allowing this to continue Campbell hacked BC Hydro off at the knees and dictated that all new power projects be private and BC Hydro must buy power from these private producers.

Please insert the name Stelmach in that !

What BC Paramedics are fighting for is NOT just wages ... when will the public figgure that one out its Democracy that is Failing with these dictators !

Well off to my AGM for CARTA ... with a very close association to the National organization .. if only ACoP would follow suit ... I digress more like cattle to the slaughter with that group of self serving fools lately.

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PAC was trying but got the rug pulled out ... by some of my "past" friends what an abomination REALLY no insight at all.

One can only hope the upcoming release of the new NOCPs will be the kick in the rear needed for another try.

The reason was that PAC was not a regulatory body .. umm hello neither was APPA before the government jumped in. APPA was the association powerhoused in a previous life .. where we went wrong is the membership was farking appothetic ... sad now retrospectively.

The PAC might not be a regulatory body but it does set the standards by which paramedic programs are accredited. Sure sounds like something worth supporting in a quest to become the regulatory body to me.

AB complete power dominating in The AB Legislature (no real opposition in 30 years) the democracy in AB is a 2 week period before an election ONLY!

No one ever wants to make a change when the economy is strong. Then when the economy weakens and a change actually occurs the economy is too weak to really do anything.

Well I do believe it is in the best interest of the public really,( I have promoted this concept) but without legislation in place first No way am I going to be the "poster boy"

Very clear legislation regarding the responsibilities and educational requirements for such a position must come first. Otherwise it’s putting the cart before the horse all over again. True national standards first, then expanded scope operations.

AND NOW with the new improved BYLAWS ... council and the lawyers can do as they please Good Grief where was everyone sleeping in the last 4 years anyways ?

ACoP members must vote for the council. Who appoints the lawyers? If it’s the council I think ACoP members have chosen poorly.

What BC Paramedics are fighting for is NOT just wages ... when will the public figgure that one out its Democracy that is Failing with these dictators !

Yes it is. Unfortunately, as more and more of those who actually had to fight for democracy depart, fewer and fewer Canadians understand why democracy is important. They’re so busy worrying about where they will find the next “double-double” they’ve forgotten that they aren’t the only ones worth consideration. Selfishness is reaching all time highs, while family values reach all time lows. Apathetic is now the “cool” way to act. Actually caring about what happens is so passé. Apathy is one trend I’m more than happy to bow out of personally.

Well off to my AGM for CARTA ... with a very close association to the National organization .. if only ACoP would follow suit ... I digress more like cattle to the slaughter with that group of self serving fools lately.

Ah yes. Proof that it is possible to form a meaningful national organization. My dad is a member of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT). Another example of a group that managed to get its fecal matter all in one pile long enough to do something worthwhile.

Just an observation, but in BC RTs and MRTs belong to the Health Sciences Association of BC (HSABC). Perhaps there is a connection between unions that have bargained successfully for their membership and the formation of professional governing bodies? Might it have something to do with having time to work on building professionalism when you don’t have to spend most of your time trying to eek out a living?

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... yeah, and our illustrious government along with AHS think they're doing a fantastic job. They went in LESS than half cocked, and slowly people are starting to pay for it. EMS will be in ruins within 5 years unless something is done PDQ to remedy this situation.

Unfortunately Siffaliss that probably is the plan. Make it fail, then find a buddy who owns a private EMS company whose pockets you can line. I'm watching it happen in BC right now. Mark my words; Alberta will be next if we fail to stop it here.

Healthcare should never be run as a for profit business. Any profit being made over and above what's required to pay healthcare workers a fair wage should go directly towards improvement of service. This is the case in the majority of first world countries for a reason.

This isn't to say things shouldn't be done to curb abuse of the system. Quite the contrary. The more a system is abused the fewer services will be available for those who truly need it. There are many places cost savings could be realized. Kicking every person with nothing more than the sniffles out of the ER would be a great start. How many of us have witnessed hospital ER’s being treated like walk in clinics?

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Unfortunately Siffaliss that probably is the plan. Make it fail, then find a buddy who owns a private EMS company whose pockets you can line. I'm watching it happen in BC right now. Mark my words; Alberta will be next if we fail to stop it here.

Healthcare should never be run as a for profit business. Any profit being made over and above what's required to pay healthcare workers a fair wage should go directly towards improvement of service. This is the case in the majority of first world countries for a reason.

This isn't to say things shouldn't be done to curb abuse of the system. Quite the contrary. The more a system is abused the fewer services will be available for those who truly need it. There are many places cost savings could be realized. Kicking every person with nothing more than the sniffles out of the ER would be a great start. How many of us have witnessed hospital ER’s being treated like walk in clinics?

It is a sad state of affairs for EMS in BC and Alberta. Unfortunately the only people who will soon be able to properly afford our services will be those who claim to be "running things" in either province (including one doc here who makes his bonus based on cutbacks to services for the rest of us).

Some really good points made here ... health care should certainly NOT be a for profit business!

And how about those people who think going into the hospital by ambulance will get them seen by a doctor sooner than if they went in on their own? What about granny who decides at 3am that because she hasn't been able to eat/sleep/poop for 2 days, she should call her daughter/son over to phone 911 for her? COME ON PEOPLE! Unfortunately here we cannot refuse someone transport if they request. Yes, ridiculous.

Don't even get me started on people treating the ER like a walk-in clinic. That gets me going, especially when we're sitting their with a perfectly downloadable patient and a walk-in "I've got the sniffles" gets seen before my patient, and the only reason we're waiting with this person is because they're old and ooooohhhh just might have to pee at some point. But ohhhh that doesn't matter because the nurses are happy that granny has someone to talk at while she paces around in her pajamas wondering why it's taking so long.

I love being in this industry and doing what I do. The people who abuse the system over and over and over again however and are continued to be allowed to do so, are one thing making it REALLY hard to want to stay and work in a province and city I've lived in my entire life. Not to mention the financial toll they're taking on all of us ...

Edited by Siffaliss
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i just dont understand

this is very scary times for health care. the government has no place running this! health care should never be run for profit, you lose sight of what you are doing and for what reasons.

the not covering the open shifts when someone calls out and/or the rig isnt back yet from the last call is so wrong in so many different ways.

my son runs for a paid ems company here in nj and they are doing the same thing. no ot and covering anyones shifts.

we were just discussing how wrong this is.

in my humble opinion the government has no place in health care. they are just sticking their toes in the water right now and its already a mess!

just me opinion

2wheelie :thumbsdown:

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the not covering the open shifts when someone calls out and/or the rig isnt back yet from the last call is so wrong in so many different ways.

my son runs for a paid ems company here in nj and they are doing the same thing. no ot and covering anyones shifts.

we were just discussing how wrong this is.

None of us want to put down ambulances. It’s actually getting to the point that working above and beyond our scheduled shifts is a safety hazard to us and our patients. Just to give you an example. The other night I worked a 14 hour nightshift after which I was scheduled to be on call to staff the second car for the following 10 hours. At 0805 just after finishing my 14 hour nightshift I was paged out to transfer a patient to another hospital. It was 1800 hours by the time I finally returned to the station and was able to actually go home. This was working what I was scheduled never mind picking up anything extra. In a typical 2 week pay period I spend over 200 hours either on calls, at the station, or on a pager. I’ve been doing this for almost 2 years and it just isn’t sustainable. We have a staffing crisis that is being completely ignored. If people stop working overtime for 2 days and 30% of the cars go down things are a hairs breadth from imploding on any given day already.

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It is a sad state of affairs for EMS in BC and Alberta. Unfortunately the only people who will soon be able to properly afford our services will be those who claim to be "running things" in either province (including one doc here who makes his bonus based on cutbacks to services for the rest of us).

That’s really the truth of it all. BCAS’s last contract offer was for one year 3% (retroactive back to April 1, 2009). However included in the one year short term offer was the elimination of key contract language preventing the service from being “busted up” and privatized. We are actually going to have to vote on this one. Do they think we’re illiterate? Completely incapable of understanding what elimination of those contract clauses will mean?

And how about those people who think going into the hospital by ambulance will get them seen by a doctor sooner than if they went in on their own? What about granny who decides at 3am that because she hasn't been able to eat/sleep/poop for 2 days, she should call her daughter/son over to phone 911 for her? COME ON PEOPLE! Unfortunately here we cannot refuse someone transport if they request. Yes, ridiculous.

Yep. This happens all the time. It’s actually an excellent example of how a Paramedic Practitioner with the requisite education to do the job properly could save the health care system huge amounts of money. Handle the patient on scene with a referral to a primary care physician the next day for follow up care. Most of these patients don’t need hospitalization. They need a proper care plan.

Don't even get me started on people treating the ER like a walk-in clinic. That gets me going, especially when we're sitting their with a perfectly downloadable patient and a walk-in "I've got the sniffles" gets seen before my patient, and the only reason we're waiting with this person is because they're old and ooooohhhh just might have to pee at some point. But ohhhh that doesn't matter because the nurses are happy that granny has someone to talk at while she paces around in her pajamas wondering why it's taking so long.

This brings to mind some possible variations in triage systems. This happens all the time in most BC hospitals however there are a few that are more hard nosed about the whole thing and are actually quite successful in doing it. St. Paul’s and VGH are excellent examples of an efficient ER. Any CTAS IV or V patient is actually triaged to the waiting room freeing up the ambulance crew. Once patients figure out this is the case it cuts down on the number of these calls and even the ones you do typically don’t result in crews trapped in a hospital hallway.

I love being in this industry and doing what I do. The people who abuse the system over and over and over again however and are continued to be allowed to do so, are one thing making it REALLY hard to want to stay and work in a province and city I've lived in my entire life. Not to mention the financial toll they're taking on all of us ...

That makes two of us. The way things are going I’m not sure how long I’ll actually continue to work on car after finishing an EMT-P (ACP) program. Most likely I’ll be applying to a PA program shortly afterwards.

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