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POST #200!


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Being one of the pseudo original posters on this lovely ever-changing web site... (seriously admin... take a technological vacation every once in a while) I thought it would be nice to celebrate my hard-earned long coming 200th post.

I know what your thinking... 200 posts? Spenac and Dust combine for that amount before breakfast. And your assessment would be correct... but I call you all here to celebrate quality... not mind-numbing, life consuming, and sanity challenging quantity. You see... it is challenging for me to interact electronically. I type about as fast and with the same amount of accuracy as an illiterate Chicken who accidentally got into the Xanax bottle. I easily get distracted by loud jingly noises, and constantly find myself staring just beyond the computer screen with my head slightly cocked to the right, and my mouth slightly agape (I sometimes snap to 1-2 hours after starting a post... completely disoriented, and wondering whether this is what a really long focal seizure feels like). Yet despite these maladies and ineffectual disabilities... I occasionally soldier on and produce quality posts... resplendent with my transcendent acerbic wit, and liberally dotted with dots... ... ...

I feel that maybe I should get an award or something for my travails. I mean I've done all of what I do for the kids... as you know... they are the future. I will now begin accepting gratitude from any and all members of EMTcity that wish to tell me about the many ways in which I have affected their lives in astoundingly positive ways. Please feel free to heap praise on me like you would the typical conquering hero... I will probably feign a little bit of modesty at first... but since I deserve it... it won't be for long.

Thank you for your attention that I so rightfully deserve...


Post...Script... For those who may not understand me or my post, I direct you to read the title of this forum... because that is all this is intended to be.

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Being one of the pseudo original posters on this lovely ever-changing web site... (seriously admin... take a technological vacation every once in a while) I thought it would be nice to celebrate my hard-earned long coming 200th post.

I know what your thinking... 200 posts? Spenac and Dust combine for that amount before breakfast. And your assessment would be correct... but I call you all here to celebrate quality... not mind-numbing, life consuming, and sanity challenging quantity. You see... it is challenging for me to interact electronically. I type about as fast and with the same amount of accuracy as an illiterate Chicken who accidentally got into the Xanax bottle. I easily get distracted by loud jingly noises, and constantly find myself staring just beyond the computer screen with my head slightly cocked to the right, and my mouth slightly agape (I sometimes snap to 1-2 hours after starting a post... completely disoriented, and wondering whether this is what a really long focal seizure feels like). Yet despite these maladies and ineffectual disabilities... I occasionally soldier on and produce quality posts... resplendent with my transcendent acerbic wit, and liberally dotted with dots... ... ...

I feel that maybe I should get an award or something for my travails. I mean I've done all of what I do for the kids... as you know... they are the future. I will now begin accepting gratitude from any and all members of EMTcity that wish to tell me about the many ways in which I have affected their lives in astoundingly positive ways. Please feel free to heap praise on me like you would the typical conquering hero... I will probably feign a little bit of modesty at first... but since I deserve it... it won't be for long.

Thank you for your attention that I so rightfully deserve...


Post...Script... For those who may not understand me or my post, I direct you to read the title of this forum... because that is all this is intended to be.

WOW you are awesome, I'm in the company of Greatness. I love the irony of it all. (this was said with no sarcasm meant) and this was my 3918th post of those 3918 about 10% have been meaningful and Quality.

Edited by Ruffems
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I'm a firm believer that with quantity the odds increase I will at some point make a quality post. :spell:

It is good to have beliefs... I, for one, believe I can fly. *cue R. Kelly song*

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