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New study: EMT, firefighter recruits too fat


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No big shocker there.

Unfortunately, we will just lessen the hiring standards as we do with everything else when it becomes to hard to obtain.

This reminds me of a thread on a different site that basically was saying we should not "discriminate" against overweight partners.

If you are overweight, out of shape, no matter how good you think you are at your job, do not forget this....I or your partner still carry you. We still share the burden of your weight whether you realize it or not.

A lot of times, we cover for you without even realizing we are doing it. I have worked with overweight partners and I found myself grabbing the heavy equipment or even all the equipment if there was a walk or stairs involved, because I knew my partner would not be able to. I do not want to be at the patient's side with nothing in my hands because my partner has not made it to the scene yet, or if he has to spend the next 5 minutes gaining his breath.

If there was something needed out of the truck quickly, I was the one who went for it quickly. If there was a cumbersome position or a vehicle crash with tight spots, I was the one going in.

The defenders will say it is a partnership and you make up for your partner's weaknesses as you are sure to have some of your own that he covers as well. I say bull shit because his overweightness will eventually get me injured due to his inability to perform on the job safely.

This is a high stress, high performance job, but not on every single call. Therefore, people think they have a right to this job if they can meet the standards 80% of the time.

I am all for employer sponsored fitness programs and requirements. There are no studies that say exercise is bad for you and tons that say it is good. The benefits spill over into so many realms for both the employer and employee that are beneficial to all.

I definitely think the hiring standards should be elevated as well. Imagine what it would be like in EMS if we raised education and weight standards.

This is not a slam on obese, overweight, fat or whatever you call yourself...this is a slam on the fact that one day, you will injure yourself beyond repair or much worse, you will injure me and end my career.

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My preceptor's current partner is probably around 400lbs. He's a very nice guy but has provided some great reinforcement for my motivation to get healthier. I carry around 30-40 extra pounds right now that I've been working my ass off to lose. It's never posed a problem on any call as I'm young and my cardiovascular system does a good job compensating when demand goes up, but I'm not going to be young forever and I know that if I don't pick it up and lose the gut, that time will be even shorter.

Obesity is going to be to North America, what AIDS is to Africa. A preventable condition whose spread is hastened by ignorance and poor decisions.

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hello all! I agree with you guys. I am an emt basic and a member of the USCG and I think an exercise program is a great idea for any job that may be strenuous as some point, even if it's not every call. I am at a small boat station and we are pretty much ambulance on water during the summer. I hope that the civilian sector willl soon realize the need for endurance and health like the military already does. Good luck guys and don't get down....keep up the good work.

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I think the big problem lies in determining when being overweight lowers the ability to do the job. I weigh in at around 225 lbs, which makes me technically obese at 5'10. I've had two partners so far tell me that I in no way look 225, but the dialysis scales don't lie. Am I over weight and can I spare to lose some fat around the waist? Sure, but I'm not sitting there waddling to the ambulance or always lifting the feet of the gurney because I'm overweight. I think insuring that providers can pass lift tests (including a yearly repeat test) is much more important than setting an aribtrary weight or BMI limit. One of the well known flaws of BMI is that it doesn't take into account body composition.

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What constitues fat? BMI?

If an "obese" person can perform their job requirements as good or better than their skinnier counterparts, then they should be hired. If they can't, they shouldn't. This isn't a hard concept.

"Weak" "Lazy" "Incompetent" and "Unable" are not synonymous with "Obese".

Edited by Miss Sasha
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The free-market capitalist that I am, I want to say that it is up to the employer to decide what is obese and what is not. Like pornography, I don't have to scientifically define it. I know it when I see it. If you look bad in the uniform of my company, you're fat. If you don't, then you're not. Don't like it? Go work for someone else.

Edited by Dustdevil
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If the person is to fat to crawl into a car thats flipped... If the person can't get down to the ground to put on a c-collar or to intubate.... If a person can not do the job which includes the above and a whole lot more they are to fat.

Now if they are to weak to lift the cot then they should not be allowed on the job.

Basically the determining factor is do you look professional, have proper education, and can you physically do all aspects of the job if not it is time to get out, fat, skinny, etc.

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