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Which Lanes For Multiple-lane Emergent Travel?

robert gift

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I don't see what the big deal about passing on the right is, I've taken 3 or 4 different EVOC classes given they were all nonsense, but I never heard anything about passing on the right. Someone fill me in?

Everyone is taught to yield to emergency vehicles by merging to the right. Thus, in theory, an emergency vehicle passing on the right is passing right where POVs are being expected to merge to. Of course, as with plenty of other things in EMS, logic and common sense doesn't come into play. Is passing on the right a good practice? No, not really. On the other hand there are situations where passing on the right is safer and faster than the alternative. The only rule that really matters when driving emergently is the rule about driving with due regard.

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Everyone is taught to yield to emergency vehicles by merging to the right. Thus, in theory, an emergency vehicle passing on the right is passing right where POVs are being expected to merge to. Of course, as with plenty of other things in EMS, logic and common sense doesn't come into play. Is passing on the right a good practice? No, not really. On the other hand there are situations where passing on the right is safer and faster than the alternative. The only rule that really matters when driving emergently is the rule about driving with due regard.

Okay, but shouldn't a driver be aware of their surroundings, and see where the emergency vehicle is? Oh well neither here nor there, thank you though.

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You're supposed to turn of lights and Sirens on all Bridges and Tunnels, there is no shoulder for the cars to pull onto and you will probably create more difficulty and danger than necessary for everyone.
The speed limit is already high enough in the tunnel and not worth creating greater risk. The is no passing in the tunnel.

BUT, on one occasion traffic was much slower and I would not have minded drivers in lane 1 changing lanes into lane 2.

I never want anyone to pull over and stop. Just move over into another lane and keep going.

Felt bad when a semi in lane 2 of I-25 pulled onto the shoulder and stopped.

On the long gradual upgrade, it would take him a long time for him to get up to speed, expending a lot of fuel and making pollution.

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Whether on the Interstate or in town, it is best to stay in the first lane. If someone see's you are in the same lane constantly, you'd think common sense would take over and they know you are going to stay in that lane. And if they are in your way then they should get out of your way. I've had to pass on the right but I hated to do so with a passion. I know in IL it is the law to pull over to the right for any emergency vehicle to stop or slow down. Unfortunately, there's too many idiots that don't, or don't care. I've never done it but I know guys that have gotten license plate numbers to report them. And they will give a ticket.

All in all, stay in the same lane, the other's usually move.

BTW; Nice post

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I've never done it but I know guys that have gotten license plate numbers to report them. And they will give a ticket.

I hope they're willing to go to court because unless the police witnessed it, it would be a rather easy ticket to get out of.

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I disagree with never pass on the right. You should try to minimize it, but in reality, you can not say "never pass on the right". For instance, are on a four lane street with a concrete median divider and a dedicated left turn lane; the light is red, all cars turning left are in their lane, and up against the concrete median, the cars in the second lane move right, opening up a path for you to go between lanes 1 and 2. Are you going to sit there for 5 minutes blasting your airhorn, making all the cars in the turn lane move right, when you have an open lane ?

Same for the interstate, all the cars have pulled left onto a grass median, are you going to pass them on the left (in the grass) and get stuck in the mud ?

But you should definitely slow down to less than 5mph when you pass someone on the right.

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Another occasion,

We came onto I-270 with vehicles backed-up in both lanes moving about 10 mph.

Several vehicles in lane 1 moved left, so I had no choice but to go around them on their right.

This placed me straddling the lane line.

This started other vehicles ahead in the left lane moving left, and those in the right lane moving right.

This became an advantageous situation for the EV because I am always concerned about damaging tires from nails and debris on shoulders.

Since Hi-Lo is so much more pleasant and less "demanding" than Wail, I used it just as needed all tha way.

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I hope they're willing to go to court because unless the police witnessed it, it would be a rather easy ticket to get out of.

Yep, some would say they were "d!ckheads" for doing it, but they would go to court over it. With me a short blast from the airhorn would startle them and they moved to the left pretty much immediately.

I forgot earlier to comment on the interstate driving. I know some would disagree, but if there is no traffic and nothing but open road, I strattled the center line. Gave me extra room to the left and to the right just in case something happened and I had to make a drastic move. Luckily I never had to.

I was making what we called a "kamikazee" run to St.Louis. It was a coal minor with near traumatic asphixiation. I picked him at the coal mine, worked with him in the ER and they requested me as the driver, especially the nurses that went. I stayed on that center lane every chance I got. I even passed the service's owner and he congratulated me for doing that. I only had to pass someone on the right decause the old man driving the caddilac had no business even driving.

Crotch is right, you can never say never on passing on the right. Only do so when absolutely have to. Buut weaving in and out of traffic causes confusion of other drivers not knowing which way you are going. You don't want to zig and someone else zags.

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Yep, some would say they were "d!ckheads" for doing it, but they would go to court over it. With me a short blast from the airhorn would startle them and they moved to the left pretty much immediately.

I forgot earlier to comment on the interstate driving. I know some would disagree, but if there is no traffic and nothing but open road, I strattled the center line. Gave me extra room to the left and to the right just in case something happened and I had to make a drastic move. Luckily I never had to.

I was making what we called a "kamikazee" run to St.Louis. It was a coal minor with near traumatic asphixiation. I picked him at the coal mine, worked with him in the ER and they requested me as the driver, especially the nurses that went. I stayed on that center lane every chance I got. I even passed the service's owner and he congratulated me for doing that. I only had to pass someone on the right decause the old man driving the caddilac had no business even driving.

Crotch is right, you can never say never on passing on the right. Only do so when absolutely have to. Buut weaving in and out of traffic causes confusion of other drivers not knowing which way you are going. You don't want to zig and someone else zags.

Most drivers are very good and try to help the EV.

But at higher speeds with road and wind noise, and stereo playing, they will not hear the siren.

Reporting egregious cases and signing a complaint will get a ticket issued to them.

Then you must appear in court.

If they show up in court claiming a passenger, it will be two against two and they will win unless you have a dash cam.

Nonetheless, their receiving the ticket and going to court may get the point across to them.

Since I am always paranoid about blowouts or something, I also often create a safety margin by placing the left tires in the right wheel track of lane one and right wheels in the left tire track of lane two.

Although when lane 1 is less worn, I stay on the smoother pavement.

Why called "kamikaze"?

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