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Be careful what you post on facebook

Just Plain Ruff

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So what happens, when, you are sitting in the job interview and your potential employer turns around his laptop and asks you to show him your "private" myspace or facebook?

Remember that the worry is how you would comport yourself publicly and how it would affect the service. Were an employer to ask that I would refuse, same as I would if they asked to see my journal or family photo albums. If it's publicly posted, it's a potential employer's concern, otherwise it's not. Once again the kicker is that the employer can chose not to employ at that point (depending on your respective employment laws), but that then begs the question: do you want to work for a company that considers every part of your private life their business?

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Maybe you missed my point, I already did. I've never been one to ascribe to the "what's the problem if you have nothing to hide" attitude that's been used to justify so many encroachments on privacy over the years. I know privacy is not a right in terms of the Canadian charter or the US Bill of Rights but that doesn't mean it isn't something valued and important. If you're not willing to stand by your principles and face the sometimes negative consequences of that than you're (the proverbial you, not you in particular) lacking in moral fortitude. Now which would concern me more as an employer, a candidate who believes in having a private life or one willing to cave on their principles when they are no longer convenient?

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I haven't dyed my hair in over a year! I am my natural brunette colour now!


The curtains match the carpet now?

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"Mr/Ms Interviewer, I have kept some of what is posted private, and wish to keep it so. What I have decided to keep private is just that, private, and personally embarrassing, and in keeping it so, would never damage or impugn the reputation of your company or my previous employers."

Worth a shot, anyway.

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... and was also involved in an intricate water balloon fight involving a trebuchet.

I apologize for going off topic, but is that the gizmo that throws heavy things a distance, kind of an old competitor to the catapult?

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"Mr/Ms Interviewer, I have kept some of what is posted private, and wish to keep it so. What I have decided to keep private is just that, private, and personally embarrassing, and in keeping it so, would never damage or impugn the reputation of your company or my previous employers."

Worth a shot, anyway.

I just don't see how that could fly. When it seems like keeping that stuff off the internet is the wiser easiest decision. Not that I can really picture Richard in fairy wings and hitting a beer bong.. but...

I apologize for going off topic, but is that the gizmo that throws heavy things a distance, kind of an old competitor to the catapult?

Yes it is.

Trebuchet - Wikipedia

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If any employer asked to see my MySpace or Facebook, I would ask "Why do you feel this is important in your hiring decision? Does it have any impact on whether or not I am professionally competent and qualified for the position that you are hiring me for? No? Don't worry. I'm not going to embarrass you, as I am exactly who I purport myself to be. I do not, however, feel that I need to prove that to you by showing you who all of my friends and family are on the Internet, as well as what my friends have been up to recently. That's none of your business, and frankly, neither is anything else I do while off the clock- unless it incapacitates me or renders me legally incapable of performing my job duties."

That or, "Show me yours first. I want to know who I'm working for, and if I decide I like how you comport yourself on the Internet, I'll show you mine. Until then, I'm assuming you're an axe murderer like every other 'Net stalker. Sorry. My profiles are my business."

If you leave it open, it's fair game. If you keep it private, it's nobody's business.

There's a reason my profiles are all locked. Also, there's nothing up there that I wouldn't want an employer or those I care about seeing. And you can't see anything but my profile picture from Facebook when you google my full name...

But I am apparently (minus a letter in my last name) a registered sex offender in the South, having been labeled such on a technicality, and I weigh about 500 pounds...




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