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N.E.M.S.R.A. is here

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I waved my magic wand and got US EMS removed from the DOT, and it is now under the National Emergency Medical Services Regualtory Agency. All US ambulance services must be licensed by this body, and have 12 months to get in compliance with the new minimum standards that have been established.

You are on the advisory committee of this agency, and are charged to come up with the new MINIMUM standards for ambulance service. If you wish, you can break it down into 911 and non-911 services. What are your NEW MINIMAL standards for operations, vehicles, personnel, and training:

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OK all will be advanced level. Here are just a few minimum required items.

12 lead interpetation

Chest tubes



Can't think of term ( maybe Escharotomy ) but where you cut the burned skin on chest to allow expansion so patient can either breath or you can bag.



Thats a start.

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It's a little hard to give actual replies, since I don't really know much about safety standards of ambulances. I'd need someone with a background in DOT or such. As far the EMS service itself, someone from dept. of health or EMS agency.

Etc etc... I honestly don't know where I'd start in replying to the post with a worthwhile contribution.

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If you wish, you can break it down into 911 and non-911 services.

If this agency plans to regulate non-911 services, or even recognise their existence, they are already teh fail!

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I can fix EMS..

Change the phone number, list it under Hospital Supplies in the yellow pages. There. No more BS calls. Only people who truly NEED that number, will bother to look it up.

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If this agency plans to regulate non-911 services, or even recognise their existence, they are already teh fail!

who would you rather regulate the use of ambulances ( and ambulance like vehicles) and ambulance techniques for none emergency work ?

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