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Women Beware - new kidnapping ploy ?????


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There is always the possibility someone would hear the "urban legend", and decide to try doing the deed so described. It makes sense, therefore, to play precautionary, but also be reasonable. We can get paranoia when there is no need, and not, when we should. Evaluate each situation as it presents.

Then, again, I like hearing of this type urban legend. (This is not me singing, although it is one that I do sing and play on my guitar.)

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I doubt it is real too, but i dont think you can say outlandish. There was a story on 20/20 or 48 hours that talked about a rapist who approached beautiful women in the mall and told them that they were "model" material, and handed them a business card. He would tell them to call if they were interested in modeling. He would then have them meet him at an abandoned business, where he would rape them. I wouldnt think anyone would be dumb enough to meet someone under those conditions, but he had several victims.

If you doubted it was real, then why forward such a 'dire warning' without checking it out? It's real easy to go to www.snopes.com and check it out before posting it. Which leads back to my original question...do you post this stuff to see your name in the Top 30 posts all the time, or just to boost your 'post count' hoping that it will increase your 'credibility' in here?

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I like to read these stories and wonder the pathology behind them. My guess the is that the culprit is that constant threat to American culture and progress - the Fat Midwestern Housewife. With only a 12th grade education and a kitchen full of recipes from Kraft and Duncan Hines, but with a startling amount of purchasing power that translates to political votes, her world is defined by the edges of her zip code, and beyond that zip code, like the maps of yesteryear, lays dragons. She is entirely insulated and likes to keep it that way. She doesn't know or want to know the statistics about rape, murder, child molestation, and kidnapping, which all pretty much say the same thing: You are going to get raped, kidnapped, murdered, and molested by someone you know, probably a family member, in all likelihood. Rather, she goes with her doughy, Jell-o and Cool Whip filled gut. She knows behind every bush, in every darkened parking lot, near the dumpsters at the Wal-Mart lays those people who will perpetrate evil on her and her family if she ever wavers in her eternal vigilance. With greasy hair and dirt under their fingernails they wait, like tigers, waiting for her to blink the moment she goes into a store that doesn't have Code Adam in effect. She is for Amber Alerts. She is for Meghan's Law. She belongs to MADD and SADD and knows all the street names for the drugs the kids are doing these days because of that darn tootin' rock music. So the next time you're hearing about a grisly murder on CNN that just happened to involve attractive white people, or you get one of these e-mails, you'll know that the Fat Midwestern Housewife and her penchant for paranoia has struck again.

Copyright 2008, asysin2leads productions

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Oh man. They found out my MO. Gotta get a new gig. (Just kidding) :lol:

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I posted because I have a daughter, wife, and mother, and the although I doubt the original email was real (or atleast not written by a real witness of this crime), it seemed like a very logical new way to kidnap a woman.

I remember a story my boss shared with me. One day while he was at work, his wife decided to go shopping. She didnt tell him she was going, she just headed out. She was in a small boutique, at the back of the store, when the lone salesperson started hitting on her. She told him she was married, but that didnt deter him. She looked around and realized she and he were the only ones in the store, and had the guy decided to drag her into a back room, no one would have ever known where she had been, or where to begin searching for her.

THere is evil in this world.

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I posted because I have a daughter, wife, and mother, and the although I doubt the original email was real (or atleast not written by a real witness of this crime), it seemed like a very logical new way to kidnap a woman.

I remember a story my boss shared with me. One day while he was at work, his wife decided to go shopping. She didnt tell him she was going, she just headed out. She was in a small boutique, at the back of the store, when the lone salesperson started hitting on her. She told him she was married, but that didnt deter him. She looked around and realized she and he were the only ones in the store, and had the guy decided to drag her into a back room, no one would have ever known where she had been, or where to begin searching for her.

THere is evil in this world.

Crochity, not to intrude on your paranoia, but what would you say of the stats that pretty much prove you yourself are far more likely to rape, kill, and dismember your spouse than the guy at boutique?

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Interesting how only one other female has commented on this....

Basically, be smart, play it safe and no matter what, trust you instincts! Like we have been trained... protect yourself before you do anything else, and be aware of your surroundings.

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