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Ever wonder how someone can be pro-abortion, but anti-death-penalty ?


anti-abortion, but pro-death-penalty ?

You rarely hear of someone who agrees on both sides of the infants or criminals right to life or to have their life ended.

So if you are pro or anti-euthenasia for patients with terminal uncurable diseases, where do you stand on abortion or the death penalty ?

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I guess you could say I'm pro population control. :wink: I'm pro-choice, pro-death penalty, and pro-euthanasia.

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I am pro-choice and pro-euthanasia (as well as all other continents :wink: ). As for the death penalty, I am for it in theory, however, our legal system is too screwed up and unreliable to be trusted, so in a practical application of the death penalty, I am against it. There have been too many people that have been found to be innocent after serving years in jail. I'm good with making prisons places that are to be feared (no, I am not advocating torture) so that a life sentence is something to be feared.

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That's simple. No one asked the baby if he/she wanted to be aborted, but the parents did have a choice to bump uglies without a rubber (I'm anti-abortion in cases that don't involve rape, incest, or complications that endanger the mother's life). On the other hand, the death penalty is a punishment that was laid out before someone chose to break the law. In the end, it all comes down to choices and the consequences of those choices.

Similarly, it's a patient's choice to end their life provided that they aren't suffering from a decreased mental capacity due to a psychiatric disorder. I guess you could say I'm pro-choice, but anti-abortion.

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I'm pro-choice. I wouldn't choose abortion, but I would make no attempt to stop another. I don't know whether I'd consider euthanasia, having never been in that position, but I won't make any attempt to stop someone from deciding what is right for them when they are in that situation.

As for the death penalty, I'm with ERDoc, unless the legal system is able to fix it's many mistakes, capital punishment is problematic. I am for ending the lives of those who have forfeited their right to life at the cost of another's, but I sure as heck want to make sure there are no mistakes or ambiguity before that happens.

Let's tread carefully here folks. This is a topic where no one is going to be convinced otherwise regardless of their position. It's by its nature emotionally inflammatory and the last thing that's needed is the sort of brawl that these topics can create. I hope we can all talk nicely.

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I agree doc, which is why I havent questioned anyones belief. We can argue for the next 30 years and I can promise that no one will be swayed to the other side, despite the logic or morals cited by the other side. I just wondered where everyone stood on the subject (s).

I, nor anyone else, should turn this into a lecture.

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Didn't say you were Crotch. Though it does beg the question, with such an inflammatory topic, why bother starting this in the first place? After I posted I thought more about the thread and I worry that the end result on a long enough time line can be no where good.

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