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Depressing ems story from England


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Is it surprising for you to realize that problems don't just happen to you and your fellow citizens? What a bizarre sentiment.

She never said anything of the sort. Why would you read that assumption into her post?

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It does, at the very least, equal the pursuit of pleasure, which is the same thing.

And if she chooses not to survive, that is her prerogative. It's none of your business.

Then why call EMS, remember you said; ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It's not like your going to change their mind anytime soon over the slitting of their wrists. Theresa said a medic partner I think of hers said he showed a patient the correct way of slitting and now he's serving time.

It's not only people in general doing this, medics who are burnt out do it too, does that make them anyless of a human being?

Those who actually do it leave no note behind and several days later you find them when someone calls and says the apartment 1 floor above has a smell coming from it and you find a rotting corpse.

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Alot of insensative and ignorant comments here.

Lets just leave it at, if you haven't dealt with depression and/or suicidal ideations yourself, you really don't know what you are talking about.


You can listen to someone talk about it all you want.

Thats akin to describing an orgasm to a virgin, what color is to a blind man, and music is to a deaf man.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

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I'm not sure what there is to read into, Dust. She said that the story illustrated for her that "some problems arent always just a American problem [sic]". How else can one interpret that line?

That's the point. There is no interpretation needed. Why can't it simply mean exactly what it says? Why does there have to be some cryptic underlying implication behind it?

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That's the point. There is no interpretation needed. Why can't it simply mean exactly what it says? Why does there have to be some cryptic underlying implication behind it?

Because if you take the comment at face value, the poster seems to be making the claim (with a straight face) that he or she is surprised when she finds out that other people besides Americans have to deal with social problems. As physicists are wont to say, that's so stupid it's not even wrong.

Why does there have to be some "cryptic" underlying implication behind the comment? Must be because I'm an evil tax-and-spend liberal who wants to teach gay black babies how to perform abortions or some such nonsense. Right?

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From what I've seen, most sucide results from someone either trying to make a statement or because they don't believe they can overcome some sort of pain or depression and don't want to try anymore. However, I disagree with assisted suicide and termination of medical care being in the same category as a suicide as described in the story.

This lady seems to be of the former. I entirely disagree with the way she did it, but it was still her choice to make. Now her kids get to live with that.

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First of all, I am of the opinion that this story may be a little fake. I don't know of anyone who just has HCl acid lying around the house, unless her husband was a scientist or a high school chemistry teacher.

Secondly, I agree that assisted suicide are in a totally different realm than this case. If a person has a terminal disease, with no relief from pain and they have made their peace and ready to die, why should we not give them that mercy? You would do it for your dog if he was suffering with no chance of survival, why can't we show the same compassion for humans?

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