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Perfect Size


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So, there's this little boy and little girl, and the little girl asks the little boy, "What's a penis?" The little boy says, "I don't know, but my daddy will know. I'll ask him." So the little boy goes home and asks his dad "What is a penis?" His dad answers, "Well son, I'll show you"<<dad pulls pants down and shows him his penis>>"this son" pointing to it "is a penis. And for the record, this is a perfect penis." So, the next day the little boy goes to school and the little girl asks him, "so, did you find out what a penis is?" The boy says "yes, I'll show you"<<pulls his pants down>>"this is a penis, and if it this much"<<holds his fingers an inch apart>>"shorter, it'd be a perfect penis!"

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Reminds me of the joke of when a little girl sees a boy naked she says that now she knows why boys are faster than girls. " They have two ball bearings and a gear shift." :read:

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Reminds me of the joke of when a little girl sees a boy naked she says that now she knows why boys are faster than girls. " They have two ball bearings and a gear shift." :read:

lmfao!!! :)

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