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I am so happy to announce...


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I have been hired by AMR - River Medical in Kingman Arizona. I begin my orientation on Sept. 19. I am sooooooo happy. Just a little background - 12 years ago I was a systems consultant living in Canada with a huge mortgage and a life. Someone asked me what my dream job would be. I said - paramedic in Arizona. Here I am, 50 years old and starting a whole new life. I feel wonderful.

Perhaps with some practical experience under my belt, I will be able to offer some real contributions here. I just wanted to let you all know. *** kaisu doing a happy dance ***

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I have lived in Wisconsin for about 8 years - I had been spending my winters in Arizona until I went to paramedic school. I had to pick a place.. and this is where I got the job... so here I am. I guess I am moving. :shock:

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Sweet! The women are hotter in Minnesota, but I don't suppose that matters to you. :D

Isn't Kingman where AZCEP hails from? What's the system like there? Are you going to have to play second fiddle to a bunch of firemonkeys?

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honey - I don't play second fiddle to anyone.

I think like a lot of places, this is a little bit of a cluster. AMR bought out River Medical in March of this year. River Medical runs out of Quartzite, Parker, Lake Havasu City and Kingman. Each has different protocols and medical directors. Mother-may-I is Kingman, with the other places having more autonomy. Kingman is where you start and move out when seniority and openings dictate. The plan is to get one medical director for all 4 places with standardized protocols. River Medical has really great people, some adjusting to the changes better than others.

As a brand new baby medic, I am just grateful for the chance to work. I figure I got my hands full for the next few years getting my head on straight to worry much about the system. I am sure I will be turning to you folks as the world of EMS disillusions me. I will need all the help I can get.

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Arizona? Don't you live in like Minnesota or Wisconsin, or one of those other New England states? :?

I know what you meant. I'm just using this as an opportunity to allow my brain to, puke, per se.. some of the completely useless information out...

Therefore, even though Canada has been Independent from England for 141ish years. I suppose, yes, Minnesota could be considered in New England. Western... New England. :lol:

[spoil:3c94859a62]It has to be the pills.. sorry.[/spoil:3c94859a62]

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Yeah, Minnesota.. In western, New England.

Hey, I figure if the frostback Yankees in Michigan and Illinoise can get away with calling themselves "Midwest", we might as well go with the flow.

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