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MMA Children Beat Hell Out of Each Other - Sport or Not?


Sport or child abuse?  

9 members have voted

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    • Sport
    • Child abuse
    • depends on coaches and refs

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Appropriate for children?

The first link led to "Video no longer available." The second link showed brief clips that would lead me to say No. The opponent in the debate articulated why, when he said "It's about beating another kid into submission." Unlike, say, aikido, that's not art, nor is it sport.

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OK, I was focused on it as pedagogy. Among adults, I'm not sure whether it's a sport, since I'm used to thinking of boxing as a sport, but then were Roman gladiatorial contests also sporting events? What about Christian vs. Lion?

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In Thailand, children as young as 8 and 9 are the family bread winners in Muy thai. It is distressing to watch kids being knocked senseless and bleeding - no ref to stop it when a submission was set. In China, children are taken at age 3 and 4 from their families and live in gymnastics camps. I've seen children crying from the pain of forced stretches for flexibility. Children all over the world work in fields, factories and brothels. I am a martial arts enthusiast. Kids start at my dojang at age 4. They do NOT get hurt, but they most certainly are pushed to train and some forced to attend for the benefits of discipline and fitness. What is harmful and what is not are a function of the sensibilities of the culture, tempered by need to survive. As long as parents raise children, there will be harm done on some level.

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Kaisu the kids discussed are USA. Many are from rich familys. Honestly it is like thier parents push them out there. They are basically replacing pit bulls because PETA will not complain about children fighting.

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Having had at least 'some training' in martial arts, I would have to say that this MMA style of fighting, whether it's called a 'sport' or not, flies in the face of the teachings I have recieved.

Granted, there are many 'fighting styles' throughout the world, the martial arts contan a very large element of honor and respect.

This reminds me more of the savate style of fighting, than the disciplined defense style of martial arts.

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This should be treated like any other sport that American children get involved in. In EMS we typically spend our Friday nights at the local High school watching Football, Basketball, Wrestling, and even volley ball, so why would this sport be any different? MMA should be treated as any other sport when it comes to kids. Parents should even step it up a notch due to the potential for injury, they have this information available going in to it with their children. Parents should take the time to be RESPONSIBLE for the kids they brought in to this world, and be involved instead of using this or any other sport as a means of "baby-sitting".

mark me down for it being a sport.......with all due respect to those out there who have made it your life-style!

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