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Man Down, It's all about the race...


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First, about the scene. Where is he down? Why is he down? Any witnesses, friends, or relatives?

And, by "track event", so you mean track & field, or a race track?

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This is a track and field event. He is down next to a set of bleachers. People who witnessed the event tell you he was cooling down after completing a set of sprints, when he suddenly collapsed. His wife is present.

Take care,


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K well as Canadian BLS, I will call for ALS backup.

Begin CPR, Bare chest & apply combipads.

Partner will start bagging with opa and setup for king airway between resps

Start asking wife PMHx questions.

Did he say anything before he collapsed? Does he have heart problems? How old is he?

Whats the rhythm?

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CPR started. You place two NPA's and an OPA and are able to perform effective BVM ventilations with equal bilat chest rise and fall. Stat pads are placed and your partner can choose to place whatever airway device tickles his/her fancy. No need to call for ALS as you are the ALS crew today.

The patient did not say anything in the minutes prior to the event in question. "he was stretching and suddenly collapsed." His wife denies any history of heart problems. He is 32 yeas old.

The following rhythm is appreciated on the monitor:


Take care,


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