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Everything posted by Mateo_1387

  1. And now we know why you never had kids.
  2. Not trying to nit pick, but rather understand. With that in mind, I want to ask… Why was any adult the boss? When I grew up, I listened to persons who were supposed to be my authority, such as my parents, teacher, etc… IMO, most persons should be treated with respect, but to be a respected person, that has to be earned. Age simply is not a qualifier to have earned respect, again, IMO. So, what feels so right about forcefully hitting a child? Is it to cause them to fear their parents, anticipate pain, and violate a sensitive part of the kid’s body all in the name of behavior modification? To me, these seem like harsh tactics. I do happen to agree with part of your post. Children need to have structure in their life, and that includes consistent discipline. Also, I hope there is more in your toolbox besides time-outs, ‘a gentle talking to’, and a can of whoop ass. I know that physical punishment does work, such as spanking, but it sure cannot be the best method. I guess since it is ok to spank kids, it should to be ok to shock kids with electricity, submerge them in water, drag them by a leash, put them in strait jackets, make them sniff ammonia inhalants, and verbally assault them to modify their behavior. Most of those do not leave ‘marks’, are unpleasant, and would certainly modify their behavior, so why not add those to the aforementioned ‘toolbox’? My guess, they simply do not feel like the appropriate thing to do. To address the second part I quoted, why would you do such a thing? Are you going to use that same anger when you physically punish the child? Maybe parents who do not physically harm their children know better. At the same time, parents of today may know physical punishment is not the most appropriate, but do not possess the skills to discipline in other forms. Could it be they cannot discipline without spanking because they learned only what their parents know, which is to simply spank the child?
  3. EMS administrators around here make that kind of money. Most paying paramedic pay is between $28,000-$46,000, with the majority of persons making between $30,000-$40,000. http://news.ncems.org/employment.htm Check the site out. Now, some people, to make $60,000, will work two full time jobs. Most people will work two jobs that have a 24/72 hour schedule. They will end up working every other day.
  4. I thought you said you were going to get therapy for your lack of control and subsequent depression after she told you she was engaged.... Guys, still working to get her on here. Sorry to jump the gun. If all else fails, when I get to see her Thursday, I will be able to help her post. Dwayne, I'll tell her you said hi, hehe.
  5. Welcome from Eastern NC. Hope you enjoy your stay at the City.
  6. LOL @ AK. Trying to get her online. We had some problems last night getting her to post. Will work on it today.
  7. Well folks, I know some of you have been waiting a long time for this.... So I would like to introduce to you my cousin, Dar, who is like a sister. Some on the forum have had the special opportunity to meet her in person. She is a lifeguard with the United States Air Force, currently living in Missouri. She can tell you more about herself, and answer any questions. Ok, my not so bright self at 1 am posted the Meet and Greet Dar post 5 times. Hopefully one of the Mods will delete the excess ones... Anyways, please use this one to 'meet and greet.'
  8. To start off, what you post is going to be interpreted many different ways. I can only base my responses by what you post. Where you may be a sly fox trying to project subtle humor, I am a more serious individual looking at the literal value of the sentence. Honestly, I have not taken much notice to your screen name. Also, I am not familiar with your forms of humor or seriousness. Although you claim I have misinterpreted what you say, I feel that I have correctly interpreted your form of posting. You, in my opinion, have made some off the wall comments. Believe it or not, it was obvious you were looking for some confrontation. Being a bit bored, I decided to indulge your need to ‘piss some people off’. When I did, you really started laying in the BS, which is fine by me. I think anyone with half a brain could see that. My responses are posted below. I know that in my absence, Dwayne has indulged your need to ‘piss some people off,’ and you both have come to a stopping point (for the most part). I feel as if I must follow up with what you started, being that I was the first to engage. Thanks Dwayne for posting in my absence. I did not expect him to post, but I thank one of the EMTCity Greats (in my opinion he is one) for backing my points. Anyways, here are my responses… (with a spirit of development through debate, and not petty arguing) Again, readers of your posts can only take what you type and interpret it the best they can. You claim that the City veterans did not indulge you because they knew your sly tactics. On the other hand, maybe they were tired of BS and just did not feel like entering debate like they have many times in the past. Maybe I am wrong, but to claim you know them that well is just a bit too arrogant IMO. I am not getting why you are not taking this seriously. Maybe you changed your mind. My confusion comes because you later posted this… So, are we debating this because we both want to grow as a collective, or is it because you want to ‘piss some people off’? Your argument did not have anything to back it up. Your original quote was “Further evidence that a 2 paramedic system leaves patients with sub-standard BLS care (i.e. lazy paramedics that are not accustomed to carrying people).” This quote is very general. It does not specify that you are talking about Mass., but rather any dual medic system. Your disclaimer was an attempt to support your original quote, by using personal experience and a couple bad apples to support your generalization about dual medic systems. Anyone with half a brain saw it for what it was, I just decided to confront you about it. Here is your disclaimer… Your disclaimer is also very general in nature. You state “I find that the 2 medic system breeds laziness that far too often leads to poor patient outcomes.” This my friend is general in nature. You then list Mass. as an example to support your claim. You do not specify Mass, but use it to support a broad generalization. Although the previous may not be your intended meaning, I feel that I have a vaild interpretation. The way I interpret your disclaimer is: 2 medic systems breed laziness that leads to poor patient care. Mass. has a two medic system, and I know from personal experience it is happening with high frequency. Your disclaimer is not specific to Mass. I hate it when you backtrack what you say previously. I interpreted a justification for BLS from this quote: “At least if two basics were there, they would not hesitate to carry the poor people down the stairs. This is why I prefer systems with BLS first response and ALS intercept trucks. ALS gets to do ALS, BLS gets to do BLS.” Why have BLS in the first place, why not teach the paramedics to provide better fundamental care? I read that BLS is needed to do a job that the paramedics are too lazy to do. Sounds like justification to me. Anyone that truly knows me, would know that I like to engage debate. I do not take what you say personally. I will not be losing any sleep over this. Being that you want to learn others’ perspectives, I shall engage you. Enjoy ! That was kinda funny… Thanks Cosgrojo for the complements. I am honored though to have a ‘vet’ stand with me on my stance. Thanks, my friend. You assume we are taking things personally and are hurt by what you say. I just view our replies as calling you out. It is our opinion that you were using poor skills to make claims and back them up. Have we personally caused you hard feelings? Disclaimer----- The last line of the above sentence was typed with no intentions of sexual meaning. J Farther, this disclaimer is put forth to claim that Dwayne and I have not been working together behind the scenes to confront you. His posts and my posts are separately original.-----End of Disclaimer My original reaction was. Then I realized you said 'textual' and not sexual. This is why I decided to post my responses, even though they are a few days late. Sorry to anyone if I overstepped the line. Cosgrojo “BTW I'm going to NC in a couple of weeks... maybe Mateo can show me how fun he is at dinner parties...“ DwayneEMTP “Drive safe, and if you manage to track down Matty I believe you'll be pleasantly surprisedh by him.” DwayneEMTP “NOTE: Mateo is a kick in the ass at parties... Just sayin'...” I’d be willing to meet up in NC, as long as you are not a sly axe-wielding murderer. Just to clarify Dwayne’s last post, I do not believe he intended to mean I will kick your ass at the raging party, but just be warned to keep all windows up while on the ride. LOL.
  9. What you did say was..... Which leads me to believe that you are implying paramedics cannot make a proper decision. In this case, the basics know what they are doing, the paramedics not so much. The alternative is that basics do not know what they are doing and just carry the patient because that is what they were trained to do. Paramedics on the other hand know what they are doing, but are just too lazy. This insults basics, so I doubt you would support it. As quoted exactly by your previous post.... So, I surmise by your statements that BLS care includes Carrying People. To provide proper care to someone, I would think a combination of skill, ability, and education are in order. So yes, I think you are silly enough to equate lifting with EMS skill and ability. Obviously, paramedics are not as able to lift patients like the basics are. My observation, whatever it is worth, has been that a large number of EMSers (medics and basics included) cannot recognize sick patients that should not be walking. I only wrote two sentences worth. You sure did come up with a lot of BS from two sentences. Seems to be your trend with the last two posts. I'll go get the boots on, its getting deep in here. Maybe you are the one who is afraid of their place in the EMS paradigm. Is this another justfication for basics? You trying to tell us you are valuable because you lift better than paramedics? You already showed us by posting you are a doozie. I did not feel much more needed to be said. And we are supposed to take your personal experiences as factual evidence. Provide something we can use besides the ALS BLS blah blah cry cry about we lift better than you do. When you can provide us with something based with facts, then we can have some intelligent discussion.
  10. The monitor flying was going to be my guess. Had a paramedic in my service get hit with one. No good times.
  11. Mobey, hope you do not mind me jumping in. Correct anything I have to say. To Coyote, FL Medic wrote a post on this thread about complete and incomplete left bundle branch blocks. He made a good post. It is worth the read. As for using Amiodarone, I believe Mobey though about using amiodarone to control the heart rate. I could tell you about Amiodarone, but reading and learning on your own may be better. Go to the link below, and go to page 6 to read about the mechanism of action of Amiodarone. http://www.rxlist.com/amiodarone-hcl-injection-drug.htm Enjoy ! Also, good luck on the exam ! Mateo
  12. I believe I know. It is funny how in this double medic system the 'Basics' know what they are doing, but not the Paramedics. Do I sense some animosity?
  13. I love it when your sense of humor shows !
  14. ATTN: This bulletin just in... Do not, I repeat, do not travel to Texas, especially South Texas. The women are missin' teeth, creatures eat you alive, and oh yea, Spenac is now a paramedic. I hear Obama was going to declare Texas to be in a State of Emergency, but he did not want Spenac gallivanting all across Texas to treat the injured. (Answering from home, I might add ) (Wakcer) Aww Hell. I had a hard enough time arguing with you while you were an intermediate... Oh, and Spenac, Congratulations on a job well done !!!
  15. Charvetta Ford-McGriff (704) 943-6089. Honestly, you need to call this lady. Charvetta came to speak with my paramedic class last year. She absolutely wants anyone who is interested in MEDIC (Mecklenburg EMS Agency) to contact her. She is more than happy to anwer any questions. http://news.ncems.org/employment.htm#MEDIC This is the employment page for NC EMS. There is an add for Mecklenburg EMS Agency.
  16. Best of Luck to him. What is his EMT City Screen Name?
  17. Just food for thought, Phenergan is a histamine blocker, and is used as an anti-emetic.
  18. I agree with the RBBB and LAFB. Underlying rhythm I believe is sinus in origin. I see clear p-waves in lead V2. You could always give a little bit of fluid to treat for dehydration...
  19. Would you be able to tell by the width of the QRS? Type 1 narrow and type 2 wide QRS.
  20. Wow. In reference to the video submitted on May 20th... Nothing shows love like snorting coke off your baby's stomach while he is breastfeading.....
  21. True That ! Thanks chbare for correcting me.
  22. Anyone think this is proof that healthcare can be cheaper than what it is? With Maintenance tools and telephone consults, it probably could be cheaper. Now you can start sweating ERDoc !!
  23. Why do you say amiodarone is contraversial? It is the everything channel blocker (in essence) applying the breaks to the whole truck, and not just the front set of breaks... Also, as for Adenosine, the drug card that comes packaged with Adenosine says that it can be used with WPW. Why do you say it will kill them?
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