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Everything posted by Happiness

  1. Granted but you get traitor and all of his family and their families i wish i was a porn star
  2. granted your 3 inches taller but your wee wee is 3 inches shorter i wish i had all the knowledge the world can offer
  3. granted but you never make it to the ground i wish my dobie had more hair
  4. abracadabra you have two more hands but you can only touch yourself i wish i had no allergies
  5. Your wish is granted, but poff now your name is Inspector Gadget I wish I wasn't afraid of flying
  6. How about Flight Medic this way you can say you mother her boy. happiness is another good name
  7. yahoooooooooooooooooo by a nose
  8. Hey does that scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool work for men to (that was to funny to pass up)
  9. WOW i think this is definently a story for the darwin awards. Im thinking this womans gene pool is done
  10. Well I personaly have shares in the energier bunny, hey if you put him in a uniform and add few attachements do you think that it will get by mother
  11. Just remember all of her children need to be apart of the approval process. #1 must be good good looking #2 must not be smarter than mother #3 must have a sense of humor #4 must like children (meaning us) #5 must be able to cook (uniform optional) #6 must be able to clean (uniform optional) #7 non smoker (or must agree to quit with mother) #8 non drinker (unless mother started to drink) #9 needs to be able to talk about feelings (emotional not physical) # 10 most important must be well endowed (and yes there is a physical test for this)(but i guess we will except an endowment if short on endowed) So this is not in any particular order but all requirements are a must. Please send all resumes to Happiness and she will make sure all of the children are informed.
  12. Im going to say she is poisoning herself with all of the cleaners
  13. I have to agree Zip up the pee pee. Now to the ones who have decided to be the pricks. Maybe you should go back to school and learn how to play nice in the school yard. We here dont mind a bit of pushing and shoving but you guys need a dam good slap. As someone from the most western wild west we learn how to think outside of the box and be prepared. When I go to the beach in the Big Truck with Big Tires yes i do have extra things in it because you city folk come to the country and do the stupidest things like go on the beach with your quads and hit the Big logs and die. So before you mouth off because someone is able to exam, treat, and be prepared, you should think outside of your little box. Well anyways you get the point im sure. Traitor you just keep doing what you do best.
  14. OK granted the girl stole a car, and got lippy with the cop Im sure, but did she deserve that particular beating, I'm not thinking so. I have been that young girl in cells and yes the RCMP took the opportunity to tell me what a horrible kid I was and how I was a disgrace to my family (my father was a dispatcher). And if you would like to know what I did wrong it was that I went and saw a boyfriend that my father didn't approve of. There is a line in our crimminal code and it states in various areas "You may use as much force as deemed nessessary". It dosn't say shove up against the wall, slam fist into head, cuff and then pick by the hair and escort out of cells. I have no disagreements of using force on anyone as long as it is fair and justified. Also I have been a RCMP guard and called what ever you can be called, kicked at ect. I nor the RCMP Officers ever did anything to that degree. These guys need some anger management training if a 16yr old girl can get them that riled up. Happy
  15. OK Iv learned my lesson I will never ever ever ever watch something that say Cannot be UNWATCHED. Adivan Here I come.
  16. I will have to agree with the comments on the JI for sure, I agree that if you are a PCP it should be recongnized towards ACP. Personally I have been lucky and in that I haven't had to put out the money for these programs that others have had to do. BCAS has never been known for their organizational skills heres an example of that. I started with OFA3 like many with over 10 yrs experience. BCAS decides they need to upgrade the medics they have and started the CME (i think thats what it was called). You did a written test and then it was decided what level of this program you would start at. For family and personal reasons I was unable to attend the courses as they were off island and everyother weekend. I watch two very smart and able paramedics turn into nervouse and bumbling idiots.(lack of better wording) They did this for approx 6 months and through the stress and emotion they passed with flying colors. They did this all in vein as a year later here came the PCP program and everything they had endured was wasted as they still had to pass the exams for the PCP to continue working. I did the one and only PCP course that was in our community and i worked hard at the book learning, i would read while cooking, bathing ect. It was tough as it wasn't an instructor led course, it was me taking the time to learn and then have someone tell me a month later if i got it right or not.(I am very proud of myself in my course as I was 1 of 3 in a class of 17 that passed this clean and without any remedials) Personally I do not learn well in a school setting I am someone that learns from experience and actually doing the task. I also learn very well from my mistakes and I have made a few. As for taking away the ability for someone to learn from their own experience and that of others to me is wrong. In all levels of the medical system you have levels that you have to complete before you go any higher for example you are a resident before you are a dr. I think that just because you are book smart dosn't mean you should be able to go to the highest level of whatever you are trying to accomplish. I would not be the paramedic I am today without the last 13 years of experience I have under my belt. Pt care starts from the minute you open your mouth to the patient and if you dont have the ability to communicate with your patient then you shouldn't be here, you do not learn that skill in school you learn it in the field. So yes I think there should be levels to achive on your way to the top. Now I know BOSC and I have listened to the frustrations that he has had to try and get better training for himself and others. Once he can achive getting into an ACP program this young man will be a very big asset for any community he choses to make his home. I hope you all are able in your careers to get to were you want to go and good luck in your endevors. Happy and like Al im proud to be a PCP
  17. If anyone can help me on this one it would be much appreciated Can you please advise me on some good exercises for a 15 yr old girl who has torn her ACL, She has had surgery to fix it, but really hasn't had alot of direction in what exercises are good and what ones to stay away from. If you know of some good websites and for those of you who will say go to physio we would if we had one here. Thanks in advance
  18. Well first in a perfect world the dr would have told the girl that she was to far along and she would have to carry on with the pregnancy. Once again we are reminded that we do not live in a perfect world. The topic of Abortion is so explosive that people have been murdered over it. I would like to remind those that would just love to slam the pro life or pro abortion with comments like baby killers that we have all been taught respect for others and to please use it on this subject. We are all entittled to our opinion. Second is that the topic is that the doc lost his license for this proceedure. There are laws that govern this medical proceedure and they should be followed to the T. This clinic clearly knew the girl was 23 weeks pregnant and proceeded along, they then create false documentation, the baby has by way of autopsy inhaled air, and the baby is seen by the mother wiggling around. The mother then watches the nurse take that child and throw it in a garbage bag and taken away to be found later in a cardboard box in the closet. Everything about this case is just wrong and should be punished to the fullest. Last lets take a look at the girl. They really don't say alot about her good or bad so its hard to decide if this is a pot of gold as quoted in the artical. She is a young woman who may have been raped, have parents that literaly would kill her if they found out or any other asortment of answers. She wittness the death of her daughter and with the knowledge that she was the one that made that decision. Im sorry but I think that vision is going to be with her for the rest of her life, and that is a life time punishment, it will never go away. The other point that should be considered is that if we don't have licensed clinics then you are going to find that the girl will either try potions, use coathangers, or find other ways to terminate the pregnancy. Boys have been known to punch the girl in the stomach to terminate it. Or the other senerio is that the child survives the abortion and has disabilities or grow up abused because they were not wanted in the first place. This topic can go in so many ways.
  19. well i actually went back and made sure that my account was secure and when i googled my name surprise it was me that came up and some french chick.
  20. The mind is a powerful thing here is a story i heard when i was a teenager. General diagnosed with a treatable skin cancer. When he was diagnosed he said omg I have cancer and Im going to die. Went through all the treatments available back then and died 6 months later. Private diagnosed with brain cancer. When he was diagnosed he said omg i have cancer, I also have a new wife and baby so Im going to fight this and see my child grow up. He did all the surgeries and treatments was given 8 months and was cancer free 5 years later.
  21. ok i apologies for the judgement remark it wasn't directed at ruff it was in general. So as Doc says i am not in disagreement with his comments but it does set a double standard in out society. As we start having the ability to enter others personal live via the internet we are now opening another way to judge people. Emergency personal are the one of the highest with drug and alcohol issues. Why is that because we have stress and some have the access to them. My father was a dispatcher for the RCMP when I was a teenager and let me tell you I saw alot of behaviors from those members that I shouldn't have. And even worst it was acceptable. I think that I should be able to let loose sometimes and not have to worry about someone taking a picture and putting it on the internet but unfortunatly that is not the way it is. And one more thing about what is acceptable. There are those things that I might find alright and the person that is sitting beside me dosn't. We cant all be perfect and we cant all think the same it would defently be a boring place to be if it was.
  22. oh ya i forgot "I was taught not to be judgemental against my pts" and I try not to be judgemental against anyone. just saying
  23. OK Ruff I'll answer the questions from my point of view. But one thing you have to keep in mind is that we havent seen the pic that you are refering to. #1 I don't think any tactful nude pics are wrong anywhere. One thing my 83 year old great aunt taught me was that the human body is one of the most beautiful and amazing things in this world. Now with that being said Im a pretty liberal person and I accept alot in life, but I have to agree that there is a limit of art over just discusting and rude. #2 I am going on limb here but I do believe that everyone has the right to do what they want on their own time. I dont know what drugs your talking about but take a look at the swimmer and the bong. Do I think any less of him now, no I do not. He went through all the drug tests hes won his medals and now the high life style bit him in the ass. I managed the local pub here for years before i was a medic and I have to tell you I saw way more issues with people drinking than the ones that smoked pot. The big difference is one is legal and the other isn't. #3 Satanic rituals, well if they are doing something illegal then they need to be called on it. Satanism is a religion to some just like wica and being a catholic. They have the freedom to practise whatever. So the orginal post was a warning of what you put on these sites and thanks because alot of people don't realize that these sites are not a secure as they advertise. I think who ever you saw has very poor judgement on posting the pics or if one of her friends posted it but like I said before we do live in a free country. On another note with all of our technology we as a society have opened up to the world and let everyone know who we are. You never know who is lerking in the shadows and people are forgetting that. We have to be careful on who we let into our virtual lives. PS I think if you saw my Stagette pics you wouldn't think I was a professional (Some are that bad) but my friends and I had alot of clean fun and yes they are on facebook not mine mind you.
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