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Posts posted by Happiness

  1. OK I have to have a word. My problem with the whole thing is simple. The conservatives are in as the minority government and that is the way the canadian people voted. Whether I voted for them or not is not the issue the fact is that they won per say and I have accepted that fact and am hoping for the best.

    Now I only see a big baby by the name of Dion trying and not succeeding in to save face for having the lowest votes ever for the liberals. I think all of this was preplanned before the election. I have no respect for those who are bad losers and if they decide that they want to take over they will have the canadians to contend with. This will only make the canadian people make the conservitives the majority if they go to election.

    I think the GG did the right decision on the hopes that they will start to have some sort of conversations and as far as I know that was the only way she could do that. Harper to now has to deal with them and get back some confidence.

    I do not want to have to vote again as in these economic times can we as Canadians afford another election, or do canadians feel that money will be spent better else where.

    I guess we will just have to wait and see what comes out on both sides. I don't think honesty from any of them has been top of the list and they have all slept with the enemy. I work in a political realm and it isn't pretty and things can change in seconds.

    So my message to the polititans that are creating this havoc is "What comes around Goes around" and "Get your Head up Ass syndrom treated and start to work for the Canadian people"

    And again the statement "Cant fix Stupid" holds true

  2. m worst case was a 40yr old who has nine lives (original injury was tramatic,,Pt was riding dirt bike with a friend who was a medic and went over a small hill and boom hit a tree. the branch when through his helmet shield, through his eye socket and into his brain) He is compliant with all his meds and takes very good care of himself. He once in awhile has grand mal and we are off to the races. We go in get the airway secure (we watch and wait for that spit sec of relaxation and in goes an airway) we start bagging and pink him up a bit, then we strap him down on the clam shell or scoop and off we go asap. We tend to wait until the the event slows down a bit and then load. With every patient there will be a different senerio and you will have to learn what they are. I personally will not move a pt unless it is safe to do so, but in this case it was a load and go in others we can wait. In the end of this call we medivac this pt out and his siezure lasted for 18 hrs until he made it to a bigger hospital. Everytime he was given lower doses of the drugs he would sieze again. After about 3 weeks the drs told the wife that he should be taken off of life support and let nature take its course. she said please try one more time and he is now walking around with about 4 more lives to go.

  3. OK Dwayne your right you will get alot of back lash, but not from me I hope. The joke is funny as any but it can cause alot of offence to some.

    I think you came across a big bunch of bad eggs and the problem is that once one of them start the others will follow, and that means in every aspect of the world. Alot of the times the bs starts from the top and it then will trickle downward.

    Here is an example. When I first came to my community 22 years ago I was 20 and married to a private. We left a northern posting with alot of problems dealing with native people. We had a meeting with the WO before we left and he accually said to us "do not walk the streets alone because the indians will beat you with baseball bats" I have lived here and never been beaten with a bat and I think that it was totally uncalled for to create fear in the people that were moving here. I think the fact that the military tries to keep such total control of their members and families is a part of the problem and they don't want the military to have any emotional contact with any locals even the ones in their own country.

    Another example is from my father who was a WO in the PPCLI. There was a big uproar in the forces about a civilian being killed in Bosnia. It hit the news hard and fast. When he watched the tv his only comment was "Why don't they ever report on the americans that are pegging them off the fences"

    You see Dwayne the military no matter what part of it your in will always have those bad seeds and you will never get rid of them.

    Personally I have met some great american nurses that come to our hospital and some bad but what the hell. I like americans as a whole as I do any nationality. One thing I say to my boys is "if you dislike someone because he's an ass hole so be it but don't dislike someone just because he is of another nationality because you may miss the chance of meeting your best friend ever."

    Hope this help but you know me I ramble on

  4. omg what a beautiful story. it just goes to prove that true love does happen and to those of you who had the what ever comments haven't enjoyed too bad. im going to make sure i watch out for that movie.

  5. Well all of the post have been pretty intersting to say the least. First and most any call that comes in can turn faster than top. It dosn't matter if it is a phyc or a medical, so even when I have the frequent flyer in the back of the ambulance I always keep in mind that something can happen at any moment.

    As for mental illness and suicide I have some pretty strong opinions. I have seen the system screw with the mentally ill and have watched some pts try to get the help that they are seeking. Alot of the time they go to the docs (there is no offence to any docs) and they are sent on their way with a perscription. Alot of the drugs they are given make them feel even sicker than when they entered the hospital. One pt is so far gone that I am sure I will be called to his house for a suicide attempt. This pt has BATTLED with mental illness for his entire life and is getting worse not better. The last time I had any dealings with him the dr that was treating his said to me He wont get the help until he hurts himself or someone else. Why does it have to be that way he has begged them over and over to send him to mental facility so he can get the help. Another intersting piece of this pt is that his family was told 20 years ago that when he turned 45 he will get better. They waited until 45 came and went and he is no better. The only thing I can do in this situation is make sure that his 16 yr old son has a safe place to be on the weekends and that his son understands what mental illness is.

    As for suicide I feel that the people that do succeed are selfish to some degree, and maybe the people that are not seeing the signs are to. Sometime we just ignore these things and hope for the best in the end. When I get these calls it is usually a done deal and I now have to look at the family members to see who my next pt is. In my community if something like this happens the whole town is at the scene. My last one was a 20 yr old male that had broken up with his girlfriend and was owing some money to a drug dealer. He was a nice young man who made some wrong decisions in his life. The funniest thing is that when everyone had gotten together after and started to talk about it, it was discovered that almost everyone that was dear to him got a call and not one person answered the phone. Would this had made a difference I don't know but it sure shows what happens when compassion is not a part of the equation.

    As for cynical I will not try to bash you as you may feel you have been in this forum. One thing you need to understand in this field of work is that compassion is a big part of it. You will learn this as soon as you have a family member or a friend that has to deal with an EMT that is showing the same attitude you have shown in here. I truely learn on this site and I try to take what I learn to my next pt. Just because the call isn't life threatning it dosn't mean it isn't important. You one day by showing some compassion to someone who you don't think deserves it may make the differnce in whether that person lives or not. I alway tell the new people at our station 2 things. 1 is don't ever piss off the firemen and 2 is to treat the patient the same way you want to be treated.

  6. I place the pt in a position of comfort, pad the area well, place a blanket between the legs and then zap strap it (not tight) strap the knees and the ankles if possible. Check the pedals. Then the pt is scooped and sand bags are placed on the sides for stability. I have never been told not to do this and the docs here have always encouraged it. I like the upside down KED idea because its my favorite piece of equipment.

  7. Iv read this over and over where does it say the mother refused transport. I read that the medics suggested she do it herself. Even if a parent refuses transport we as paramedics have a duty to be that childs advocate and get them the help they need even if it envolves bringing in the local police. But I do agree that we are not getting the whole story and we have all made bad judgement calls in our careers. I hope the full story comes out so that others can learn from the mistake that the medics in this story made.

  8. Okay I have to say someting. First of all one thing I was taught is that you may get the frequent flyers but there will always be that one time that they really need the help. I live in a small community that has a high etoh call rate and yes you do get sick of it all. But if you have a pre crappy attitude about those pts your are going to be off guard when dealing with and then what the hell do you do. I don't judge my pts and treat every call with them with the attitude "I want to treat my pts with the same respect as I would want myself if I was the pt." I am not going to say to my dispatch oh they are a frequent flyer and I'm not going. You cant pick your pts nor should you be able to, you get what comes that day.

    The day that as a paramedic is responsible for that will be a sad day

    I once had a nurse say to me "Oh you brought me a real pt" and my response was "Well what the hell do you think Im going to bring you fake ones"

    just saying


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