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Everything posted by Acosell

  1. Let's not let this degrade into an argument. Perhaps you've forgotten that people of a smaller stature may have more difficulty retaining heat. Or perhaps you've never been to a call where extrication of a patient from a destroyed vehicle is needed.
  2. Here's some info on CCP http://www.ornge.ca/edu-programs.html
  3. Yeah they're huge... Deer will prance out into the road, but moose, they charge.
  4. One of our trucks hit a moose a few years back. Truck was totalled. I came close myself when I worked land. We were returning to base in the middle of the night. I came around a corner and a moose walked out infront of me, across the road.
  5. I'm still a wee bit confused, but I'll take a stab at it using point form notes. -You are an ALS unit -You carry manual defibrillator and here's where it gets fuzzy. -"AED Response" tells dispatch that you're using a defibrillator -- not necessarily an AED, and with this information, they will execute a tiered response agreement of some sort?
  6. Air only. For the reaon I mentioned above, I won't wear them on the road.
  7. The active circuit protects against constant noise such as engine noise. It's also tuned to reduce low frequency noise more then high frequency noise such as sirens. I was thinking more that the passive reduction might hamper the ability to hear a horn.
  8. I wear an active noise reduction headset in the ambulance. It provides 30dB of active cancellation and 22dB of passive cancellation. I'm sure you could wear something of the same nature, but then you wouldn't hear someone honking at you if you're about to run them over... It's a tradeoff. I think the best idea is to just not use the siren.
  9. I think we've already passed the 75000 mark: http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=75000
  10. I was uninonized in my last job, and I was thankful for the work the union did for me while I was there, but I was by no means proud of it. In the job I am at now, I am not part of a union, and I have no interest in forming one. Yes, the company is interested in making money as their number one priority, however they realize and understand that it's the staff that makes the money, and as a result they pay us well, and treat us with respect. It probably also doesn't hurt that we're a relatively small company, and everybody sits down and has dinner together every night. I'll also add that I was raised by a businessman, and because of that I got to see the employer/union relationship from a different prospective (no, my father's employees were not unionised). At my last employer, and a few other employers, I have seen the union being unfair to the employer, as opposed to simply protecting the employee's.
  11. Eh? Sounds like quite the night... You must be pooped.
  12. Illegal substances like... Windmills?
  13. Around here we call it... "The Plane" hyuk.
  14. At my first job, I wasn't allowed to work until I got my ministry card (and when I finally did get it, they misspelled my 3 letter name), and I had to surrender it when I quit. We also had a hospital ID/swipe card. Where I am now, we have the MOH card as well as a company ID. As per the Transition Web, there are 50 land services in Ontario
  15. There's more then CEN? I have a sub to CEN. It's hard to call it a magazine really... It's more of a newsletter or something. It doesn't appear to be a commercial production, but more of a collection of articles submitted by a bunch of individuals. I've found that there is usually no theme for each issue, and it's more of a free for all.
  16. Dear lord, what possible reason can you have for putting lights AND siren including alternating flasher ground effects lighting, on your car?
  17. When dealing with management BOHICA - Bend over, here it comes again.
  18. How small of a cut? Maybe the kid just passes out at the sight of blood. Edit: Oops, didn't see your post there chbare... Seeing blood or an injury has been known to lead to Vasovagal Syncope. You beat me to it
  19. One of the perks of being full time is stability, like say having a set rotation. With this setup, when the part timers submit their availability for Christmas (or any other holiday for that matter) and they're unavailable, do the full timers get stuck in there?
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