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Everything posted by Caduceus

  1. Congrats Shamanwolf! Good luck in the future! I love EMTCity enough to turn ad block off when I'm on here...but I really wish that the ads for 'beautiful 21 y/o Asian women' would stop coming up across the bottom.
  2. What? What's your guys problem? This is how I get ready every morning!! //notanemt
  3. I'm sorry. I had to look it up. I had to watch it. It was awful. -_-" But then...it's on TLC. I kinda don't think it matters how professional or competent these medics and EMTs are in real life. TLC is just gonna screw them. TLC screws everything up. They are not to be taken seriously. Too bad most people don't know that. The biggest problem is the way that the general public's view of EMS will change...id est, 'another subject on (heavily edited) reality TV'.
  4. Are there any good medical shows out there?
  5. The husband said he couldn't get the paramedics to pay attention to her...if you're not paying attention to the pt in the back of your rig, what are you paying attention to???
  6. Okay. Thanks for the clarification.
  7. When they refer to EMT's pay, are they talking about actual EMTs or are they referring to paramedics?
  8. Here is the link to Farooq Muhammad's main page: https://www.youtube.com/user/FireEMSRescue
  9. I tried to watch the vid but the link said that it didn't exist. I made a drawing/collage (could be classified as the latter...?) for...well not specifically for EMS week, but that's when I'm publishing it! Thanks to everyone who is in EMS now and who was in the past. You are all heroes to me http://leastrandomnumber.com/national-ems-week-2014-collage/
  10. @Mr. Island Unfortunately, the city is too far away for me to send actual food. I live 300 miles away from the city, so now from what Mr. Richard said: I have no life experience whatsoever, what would be a good thing to send them!? A letter, for sure, and....? A gift card would get around the issues Richard brought up. I just really want to thank these guys and give them something more than just a 'thank you'. There are only three guys on shift at a time at that station (which REALLY surprised me! Three men running an ALS engine at a time! It seems like there should be more!) Actually, come to think, before I left I gave them on of my drawings (I think most here know that I am an artist as well) of a firefighter, with smoke and fire in the background making the firefighter cross thingy (maltese cross?) And on a side note, I feel like I should say this: If I could send every one of the EMTCity members who have helped me chocolate or cake or cookies or whatever, I would do it every day of the year. You guys are the best Thanks for the advice guys :3
  11. I'm not working or anything, but I didn't know what the quiz was when I clicked the link and I went through with it: 15 ???
  12. This is unrelated but to the current conversation but... I got to eat lunch with paramedics yesterday! My grandparents, little bro' and I wanted to check out their station and we dropped in. They were just having lunch and I ended up staying there for almost two hours chatting with these guys! It was so cool! I think the most important thing they taught me wasn't anything they said (although the medic who taught me the most was very informative and encouraging). I used to be very prejudiced and had a bias against EMS systems that worked with AMR or didn't operate their own ambulance, since the opposite is true where I live (the municipal fire department operates their own ALS ambulances & is responsible for all patient transports). Previously I didn't want to work in system much different from that. I didn't have a real reason; like I said, I was deeply prejudiced probably simply because that is the type of system I am most familiar with. Luckily those medics changed my view of things! I'm much more open-minded about different systems now. I am really glad I got to meet those guys, they taught me so much! So quick question, would it be appropriate if I wrote them a letter later on telling them what else I've learned since I met them, as well as what the taught me/helped me realize? I don't want to be a bother to them, but they were all very engaging and helpful, so I would like to send them something to let them know if I am still on this path later on.
  13. Thanks for the reply Mikey I know it's important to plan for when I am older and want to move to other positions. Thanks for the help guys.
  14. ***GROAN*** Here's a real joke for you guys. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  15. No Island, this joke was spectacularly terrible. I laughed, I love it, but it's still really really terrible.
  16. @Island Thank you for that link. I have put it on my ereader so I can read it without the net distracting me. It does seem like the US has a bad habit of setting the standards so the state's citizens can pass tests rather than making them raise their test scores. This happens with everything and not just EMS. The state tests for high schoolers in Washington dropped their standards two years ago because "too many students were failing". Nope, not a word about our school programs. Nothing at all. @ Systemet It seems that all over the US there are too many differences in EMT training programs. They are all over the charts, I really feel like the US needs to just set solid guidelines that say "EMTs can do this, AEMTs can do this, and Paramedics can do this." We shouldn't have differentiation between states because that just confuses things. Also, once a national standard is set and held people will see EMS as a profession like nursing. Thank you for giving me such a long response, I do appreciate it and find it interesting. And if this derails it's mostly my fault ^_^" Sorry.
  17. *raises hand* Question! From what I understand of Island's post, you would need the paramedics to give Benadryl. Assuming its the syrup (as my mom has gotten), is it because it makes people very drowsy? Or because the pt might be allergic to it? (Ahh the irony)
  18. Nice post Ms. Bulik (Can I call you that? I don't feel okay calling you Tami) I am going to keep this in mind as I get into this profession.
  19. Yes I am homeschooled I'm glad that I'm making a good impression here. I will continue to do so in the future and thank you again.
  20. That's what I'm here for! To learn that is But really I would like to thank everyone for their patience. I know at times I can probably be a frustrating sixteen y/o who is pretty ignorant about EMS. But I am here to learn and I am glad that you are all honest with me when I am wrong. I want to put my heart and soul (and brain) into this career, and you're always open with me and ready to help. Thanks to everyone here who has helped me. I will repay you by becoming the best EMS provider I possibly can be. And then getting even better.
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