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  1. Contrary to popular belief, we actually do emergency calls as well. In our neck of the woods the nursing homes hate to call 911 least their medicare funding get cut off or they start to get investigated. Gotta love those "some difficulty breathing" calls.
  2. You guys are so lucky. Down here there was only 1 hospital that would allow students to have an OR rotation. If you actually were able to do anything you were lucky. Even though it is a teaching hospital for doctors, they really do not like EMS students. The problem is lack of resources in our area. I know that when I went through Intermediate 4 years ago I was only allowed to try 1 intubation. Going through paramedic classes, I actually got some in the field. Where I work now we are allowed to get as much practice as we want on the dummies (I know not the same). We also have capnography, and alternative airways.
  3. LMAO I needed some humor after yesterday shift. Thank you.
  4. OMG! Thought I was doing good. I make $14 an hour working for private service and $22 hour working for the college. I do know that alot of the private companies in my area are just now paying the following: basics-$11 intermediates-$12 paramedics-$13 Some dont even pay that. But as someone else said I love what I do so the pay is not a huge factor for me.
  5. Have seen the auto pulse and like it. Especially helpful when you dont have extra hands with you. (i work for a transfer service and only two of us for a code) The only negative thing I have heard is about a lawsuit involving broken ribs. Hmm..did not know ribs would break during compressions :? The FD here has it also and has reported quite a few saves with it.
  6. LMAO...half my family in law enforcement..have to send this to them
  7. I guess I am a partial wanker...have sticker on my truck, thinking about ems plates, and own 2 FD shirts. Lucky me to finally be part of something. LMAO
  8. Our service has it and I love it. If I am not mistaken it only cost like 5.95.
  9. i guess i don't have a life either. i was laughing so hard i had to wipe away the tears!
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