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LolaTiane last won the day on October 18 2012

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  1. I was just wondering if there was a way to delete my profile on here and remove posts, things like that. thanks
  2. Hell...half the time the job makes me limp. GO FOR IT!!
  3. Do ya all dress up on your services when you run Halloween? My service allows it and it sounds pretty fun...but we still have to be look the part. So I was just wondering, if you do...what are you? Do you guys thing its a bad thing that to do it? ohh big day in emtcity ; ) my first very own topic
  4. I don't think its a bad thing to say "brother" and some of those nonbedroom names. Always find it a little weird when someone is doing their assessment, touching me up, calling me darling...feels like I should have at least gotten dinner first...
  5. Our call area is way closer than all that...farthest we go in our own coverage area is about 30-40 minutes...though we assist with calls outside of that. We never transport too far...the service has a 100 mile tether. Our hospital is critical access so we don't have anything that can keep those critical patients, our closest higher level facility is about 5 hours away. All our patients grow wings and get flown out.
  6. My service gives ya two pairs of pants and about three shirts a year. After you are around for a while, they supply us with a two layer coat with our names on them. Any equipment we use is paid for and supplied to us...but we don't respond directly to the scene, we have the trusty ol' ambulance to get to the scene in.
  7. Haha I gotta say, I almost always wear makeup and all that when I work...if nothing else, it seems that patients behave better for you when you don't look like you just rolled out of bed, even if you just did! But...maybe thats just here? I have only worked here and it just seems that a misbehaving drunk listens to a "pretty" girl better than anyone else on scene... Gotta agree with you there : ) I always end up with OBs and babies...just because Im a lady doesn't mean I don't fear the vagina too!
  8. I go with the good old "Whats going on?" or "hey again (name)! Whats new this side of midnight?" but then again about everybody I see Ive seen at least three times before...haha we even have one guy that you might see that many times in the same shift.
  9. P_instructor, Where at in Iowa? That where I come from...before Montana that is lol I graduated highschool up by Ames and all my family is in southern Iowa. : ) Always nice to hear somebody else is from "home". I would love to head towards the paramedic road...but Im going nurse road. Better money, bigger market. : ) but no matter what road, Ill always be in an ambulance somewhere haha even if I have to go rogue and get my own : ) Arctickat, have you been up this way before? lol I didn't expect to find people who knew where I even was : P lol the awesome part about being rural...is we know all the officers and about always one on scene with us...and when ya know the officers ; ) Theres never a speed limit. lol but no, to my knowledge all paved roads have speed limits...haha and yes we still have people passing us when we are running code, even with police escort!
  10. lol absolutely nothing! We don't even get a discount in the hospital dining room and the service is OWNED by the hospital.
  11. First, it sucks...but it is part of the job. Like you said, its certianty. And I don't think there is a right or wrong way to deal with it once you get off as long as you deal with it. When you don't deal with it is when you are messing up. Since January I think I have had six deaths...? 1 DOA, the rest I coded. You asked "How do you guys deal with deaths on the job?" Each case is different. Most of the time, it isn't something that affects me in a way that I have to deal with it. You live, you die. BUT when I feel it...What I have found works best for me is just being with your crew, they just went through the same thing you did and know what you're feeling. I have had a few rough ones, and the babies are the hardest. Definetely makes you hug your own a bunch more. That helps. I always end up with a lot of "if I had done this" and "if I'd done that" thoughts, and those don't help. I try to focus on the positive. My crew had a horrible train vs car where the extraction took 45 minutes and I was with the pt the whole time...BUT the crew did everything perfectly, we worked awesomely together, other than the extraction the response was text book. I had to try real hard to think about those things rather than the "if we did this instead..." and of course : ) another call soon after always helps. Little adrenaline fixes everything! Your crew understands, your family doesn't always but they're what keeps you happy. Surround yourself with what makes you happy and an understanding of where you just came from and I always find I am golden. You asked "Do you cry on scene if someone dies? Maybe a young kid." My personal rule, never. you never ever cry on scene. You're the professional and often times you cannot help the person who passed but you can help those left behind. I have been to a few calls where the person was DOA and then I was there purely as support for the family. My view of it is that you don't get to have personal feelings or act like a human, you are EMT. : ) You asked "Have you cried on scene?" Nope. There is always enough going on, for me at least, that I am busy thinking about things other than crying. You asked: "Are you allowed to cry or tear up anyways... on scene or in the back of the ambulance when dealing with patients?" Never on scene or with the patient or patient's family...but I have cried afterwards. Sometimes you have to. You asked "And if you'd like you can talk about how you deal with deaths in your personal life if it's different than on the job." It is completely different in your personal life. It is sad when its happens in your work place...but it is actually painful in a very personal way when it happens in your personal life. But to be honest...I still haven't cried about losing my dad and that was several years back now. (back to that thing I said about not dealing with it being bad haha...)
  12. Oh yeah! The goose would definetely make it, I am about 50 miles south of there.
  13. Sooo I guess this is where we come to say hi right? ha so Hello everybody! I am Laura (Lola). Im an EMT up here in the rural nowhere that is north east montana, though in contrast with the normal rural area, we are actually super busy up here on the reservation and next to all the oil fields. I've been in EMS for...2 and half years now I think, and I am a complete addict : ) I plan to be EMS until I die. I have really enjoyed reading everyones posts-and have for a while...figured it was about time to actually join instead of creepin' around here, nice to meet everyone! Lola
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