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Posts posted by afib

  1. i have my copy lol and getting the statements that we made to detectives before we left the hospital so it sounds like im in good graces so far.

  2. i soon have to go to court unfortunatly due to a car accident where one of the occupants eventually succumed to his injuries, i treated the driver.

    my question is who has gone to court for something related to this and advice as to dealing with it, tips, tricks, advice????


  3. bone head moves,... ok first of all we have done this at the building and 3 people have been able to pull this off w/o issue. the problem is when you inhale it becomes the issue because of the properties of cinnamon it dries up everything it hits. so if one inhales this, it will clog up and clomplicate the airway, in the video she is moving air. commad will have to be called for special circumstances, but will need to be treated aggressivly, my guess is going to be either humidified o2, or possible albuterol tx. this ill have to consult with command, see if they have dealt with this.

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