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Posts posted by afib

  1. my very first call.....was with one of my ems instructors, went to a fall victim turns out that we used the ked for a "unoffical proceedure" reversing it and using it to stabilize the pelvis. that was the one of the best days i have had in the service....many more i have had since then and many more i will have. we love the streets we do make a difference in peoples lives.

  2. 1-2 mm elevation in the inferior leads, this is what ya get for blowing off chest pain after days. troponin was 7.0, 100/ 64 next b/p no i didnt want to touch that b/p with nitrates i hit him with 2mg of mso4 and his pressure dropped to 88 / 54 fentanyl is not avail here. i didnt do a v4r but due to his presentation i didnt want to screw with it much more and he is set for a cath i do believe tonight. i think with a trop. level that he has significant damage has been done, ill let ya know.

  3. ok here we go ill give you all the issues and you figure it out and what the possible outcome maybe and a bonus question who can guess the troponin level.

    47 y/o/m c/o chest pain for on / off period of 10 days, last night being bad but relieved with rest. today started again roughly 8 am but does not seek treatment, calling 9-1-1 due to chest pressure that makes the left arm go numb pt stating that the pressure is a 10 / 10 (-) diaphoresis, n/v/ha/ vision disturbances, no meds history and or allergies. pt placed on high flow o2, with room air saturations 97%.

    monitor started with subsequent 12 lead showing sinus bradycardia with no ectopy as per monitor " otherwise normal ecg" b/p 102 / 60 respirations 16 - 18, skin warm dry (-) pallor, motteling, flushing.

    how would you treat pt presentation, and what would you expect to have happen. bonus ? what is pt's troponin level????

    have fun

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