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Everything posted by WolfmanHarris

  1. Slim pickings for OT tomorrow. Working Richmond Hill 0700.

  2. Here's a video I have of the power load from an education day a few months back. They've started installing them in all our front line vehicles as they go in for scheduled service. We've had the power cots for quite a while now, the loading system is a really great piece of equipment. IMG_0411.MOV Oh and if the Ambulance looks a bit odd, it's because it's just a box without a chassis used in our sim-lab. That's why it's just a window behind the airway seat. Edit: Video doesn't seem to be working. I'll do an upload to youtube later and attach a link.
  3. Apparently Red and Yellow platoons like to work? No OT calls yet.

  4. Oscar Tango: Tonight, King.

  5. Oscar Tango at Cane for the night.

  6. Julia really wanted a thunderstorm tonight at bed time. We got it, she just went to bed too early.

  7. Countless times I have told patients after MVC's they'll be really sore the next day. I get it now.

  8. What an end to the shift yesterday. Late call, 4-2 return, we get hit on the way to the Hospital when someone pulls out (everyone okay), switch the patient to another truck and keep going, 2 hours plus of OT and get home after midnight. But what the heck, back to do it again today. A little sore and a little tired but back on the horse.

  9. Oscar Tango in Aurora tomorrow 0700. Gotta remember to go left when heading to the truck.

  10. Happy Canada Day! Decked out tonight in red and white with all Code 4 returns.

  11. I just realized I only attached the executive summary, everything is far better explained in the complete report. From my reading of the report, "mature service" refers more to it being a fully developed functioning system. That's not to say NYC wasn't, but from everything I read that merger was entirely political. Here is the link to the complete report: http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/13135525/780718542/name/Pomax%20Final%20backgroundfile-59903.pdf One of the most interesting sections is where they address placing Paramedics on Fire apparatus. They do a very good job discussing the time spent on scene prior to Ambulance arrival, the calls where Fire first response may have a clinically significant impact (approx 1% of all EMS calls) and whether the increased scope of practice would actually be utilized balanced against the cost of training and equipment. The part where they call for a 223 000 annual man hour increase in EMS staffing to meet need and response times is pretty good too. Equates to approx 24 additional Ambulances on the road 24/7. I doubt we'll see TO get that or anything close in the current fiscal environment, but it makes it clear that they will no be able to meet demand at current staffing and that it will only get worse.
  12. Best kitchen trick learned from Grandma Beaulieu, wrap your lettuce or leafy greens in paper towel in the fridge to keep them fresh. Lettuce from a week ago that was wrapped was still great whereas the lettuce from two days ago go half thrown out. (Though part of that may just be Superstore)

  13. http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/13135525/1343983969/name/Pomax%20backgroundfile-59902.pdf The consultants hired to examine whether Toronto EMS and Fire should merge have released their final report for council. They have come out firmly against. The report is long but it's a very good read. They explored financial implications, staffing, dispatch and the actual impact of Fire-EMS on patient care.
  14. Oscar Tango in Mt Albert tomorrow.

  15. Carter's woke us up to a nice little fever.

  16. To my vegan friends: I'm not going Vegan, but I do suck at making meals where meat is not the centre. Looking for any recipes you might recommend to a carnivore looking to increase the proportion of plants in my diet.

  17. Guess who we discovered was allergic to sunscreen? Thankfully Shoppers was just down the block. Sleepy sedated baby tonight!

  18. Had a fantastic visit at my Cousins' school with the Ambulance today! The Grade 1/SK class was a blast!

  19. Lesson learned; well reinforced. No job in an old house is as simple and easy as it should be. Swap a toilet? New house: quick and easy. Century home: Holy hell, what the f*** is going on here!?

  20. Tragic loss for our brothers and sisters in ORNGE this morning. When I left work I was hopeful that the ORNGE crew was in the best of hands as our medic-cousins the CF SAR-Tech's dropped into the scene. Unfortunately it was too late. As we mourn a big loss in our small tight knit community, let's also remember their efforts. To those working today, going back in tonight, or enjoying some well-earned time off, be safe.

  21. First day of May, first day for dinner on the porch. Also had a great day of pre-work cooking: beef stew, chicken masala, BBQ brisket. Thanks to my cooking buddy Lauren!

  22. We have a contract with the same linen service the hospital uses to provide linen carts at the Hospital and a few key stations. While theoretically we have our own linen cart within the ED's they'll grab from ours and vice versa. The hospital doesn't get too prickly since we have paid for our own linen.
  23. All right Aurora, better get the workouts in this week because the Girl Guides just hit my street and even though I like to encourage the little kids, these cookies can't stay in my house. Consider yourselves warned Kelly, Dan and Aimee.

  24. I will not read comments sections on news articles. I will not read comment sections on news articles. I will not read comment section on news articles. I will not...

  25. Can't get a video because I keep missing it but Carter is dancing up a storm this morning. I put on the 80's channel and he started bouncing along to "Safety Dance."

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