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Posts posted by Gypsy

  1. Alert/awareness? She looks at you and nods but she seems almost out of breath and not really with it.

    BGL? 226mg

    Vitals? BP: 150/90 P=100 RR=20

    Temp? 100

    It is alittle hot in the kitchen because all 3 ovens are on and cooking. Not unbarable but you can tell cooking is going on.

    (( Yes by the way this did happen today. Though instead of calling 911 boss drove her to the local hospital.))

  2. You get a call to go to a local preschool. The director meets you outfront and takes you into the downstairs kitchen for the school. You see your patient sitting in a stool drinking water looking like she's been hit by a mac truck. Her assissant is standing next to her. The assissant explains she's the one that called because the patient was not acting or thinking straight. It had gotten to the point she was scared and worried that "Karen's" sugar might be dangeriously high. She does know the patient has a history of diabeties but doesn't know any more than that.

    Take it away boys and girls. Please keep it more or less at a basic level. Name was replaced to protect the patient's identity. :P

  3. No hun sorry but you can't. You must and in this order: graduate high school and recieve your diploma, go to a state approved EMT-B course that can be found on the list on the Department of Heath website, then take your NREMT exam. Sorry for the run on sentence. Go ahead and take the EMT-B class now if you really want but all you can be as of right now is a First Responder.

  4. Which is sad, that you agree with him; or what he said?

    You could always become an emancipated minor, get your GED over the summer; and work as an EMT, instead of graduating high school.. Then, write a book about it. Oh wait, that's already been done. Maybe a mini-series?

    What he said. I like DocHarris. So it isn't a sad thing if I agree with him.

  5. I think we have at least one future EMT. This is from today while lining up to go outside. For the penpals that actually know the names: this is the same B and K from the first story.

    B bumped her head while standing up to get into the line. Not hard but enough to know she has a head. lol She told K and said her head and neck ( yes drama queen) were hurting. Without missing a beat K reached up and took C spine. Then he told her that on 3 she was to sit down criss cross. I'm trying not to break down laughing at this point.She sat down then he told her on 3 she was to lay down. Not able to hold it any more and laughed, then quickly calmed down and stopped them. Since the rest of the class was lined up by then.

    I think I created a good monster. :: chuckles::

    Oh and as for the PCRs I took in. My kids can handle a difficulty breathing patient. :) Not sure about trauma. We didn't get to that yet.

  6. What school are you taking the course? I really don't want you to go through what I did. You might want to call the Department of Health and see if they view it as an EMT-B course just to be on the safe side. The link I gave as the list of schools and their numbers. Also like I said you wont be able to do your ride times or clinicals at 17. You also can't take the NREMT ( which is what the state uses) until your 18. The link for that site is www.nremt.org

  7. You can become a First Responder at any time but in order to do your clinicals, ride times, and take the NREMT exam you have to be 18.

    Sweety here is the link to our Department of Health: http://www.doh.state.fl.us/mqa/EMT-Paramed...ts.html#Initial

    If you are taking this in High School I'm going to guess you are either at Edison High or Homestead Sr. High. Neither school truely have an EMT-B course. Yes I know what your transcripts yes, yes I know what your teachers are telling you. You will graduating as a First Responder and then have to retake the EMT-B course when your 17 almost 18. Been there done that. I cried, I fought, I still had to retake the course at the college. At the college we had a 17 year old almost 18 rushing to get his rides and clinicals done. I'm sorry to be the barer of bad news. :cry:

  8. LOL the forms I have aren't that bad. I also brought in the ones I did in school of all made up stuff. Don't worry no real patient info was used. ( Ok that's not fully true I did make fun of myself in one of them lol) They will get to see a completed one and then a blank one. I think they can do it. If they can learn how to take vitals they can do a report lol.

    To think these are 4 year olds!

  9. Ok today I'm going to test my kids on some basics. Including lets see if they can figure out a PCR. :: chuckles:: At this point nothing would shock me. I'll let you guys know who gets a shiny sticker and who gets a normal one.

  10. I'm currently a preschool teacher and my kids never cease to amaze me. This last month the kids have been emailing members of this site with questions and learning more about the EMS system. Today on the playground 3 of the older kids were on the metal fake schoolbus playing "Ambulance". Their names have been shorted to just the first letter for their protection. This is the actually conversation I had with them:

    Hearing the kids fake a siren I jump onto the back, "Where are we going guys?"

    E.L "Miss Beth we're playing Ambulance and we're going to J's house. He's sick!"

    Me,"Oh no what are we going to do?"

    B, "We're going to go there and ask him questions and take him to the hospital."

    Me,"What questions are we going to ask?"

    B, "How does he feel? and what has he eaten? and what was he doing before his mommy called 911."

    Me, "Wow those are great questions. What can we do for J?"

    K,"We can give him that mask that has the straws that go into your nose. (( nasal canula for those that don't speak 4 year old )) and we can take his blood pressure with that cuff."

    B, "We might need to put that needle in his arm because he needs water."

    Me, "Oh so an IV you mean?"

    B, " ya an IV."

    Me, "What else can we do for J?"

    E.L, "We might have to put the stickers on his chest to make sure his heart is ok."

    Me, "You mean the lifepack?"

    E. L., "Ya just to be safe."

    Me, "Well he might not need that if he's just sick but you should still take it in just to be ready."

    B., "Ya because an EMT and a medic always brings in their stuff so they have everything."

    E.L, "After we look J over we're going to put him on the stretcher then drive to the hospital. and we have to call the hospital before we drop him off."

    Me, "That's right. We always call on the radio so we don't surprize the hospital. The dont' like surprizes. Well it sounds like you have it all planned out. Good luck!." and I hoped off the "truck".

    I love my kids!

  11. Emails went out today! This time the kids are asking about the lifepack 12. :) Ya they didn't believe me when I said you put stickers on them. If anyone has any normal and maybe a seriously even I can tell abnormal strip they want to see that would be cool. :)

  12. Emails went again again today. :D These are about IVs and why people get them.

    Because I know we have a couple of you are firefighters: could one of you do a video of you putting on the gear? I would like the kids to see and if possible hear what a firefighter looks and sounds like.

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