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Everything posted by Superfly

  1. As the first person to ever wear flip flops with shorts (they said it couldnt be done), I want to now institute a new trend....flip flops, shorts, and a wife-beater.....(muscle shirt)...
  2. New studies in the higher simians have shown as yet unamed wonderdrug (those in the loop call it Twi-Fi-(for its characteristic twin phenyl groups)) have been shown to be what narcan is to a coke head for the average pack-a-day smoker. It will actually be put into a cigarette and inhaled orally (this route will not be confirmed until after human studies and FDA input). Don't give up hope!
  3. MAO inhibitors and SSRI's have been common place in treating clinical depression, however, for most the root of the problem is not physiological but psychological. The problem is people are being dx'ed by their family docs, and should really be seeing the psychiatrist...
  4. I'd check out a doc right away, one syncopal episode is not uncommon, but 3 is...family hx of diabetes?
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