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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. be more specific on what your difficulty is.
  2. Then your not doing BLS, your doing ALS and the discussion is useless. Furthermore, BLS does not NEED IV's. Period. You have ALS educated providers for IV's and D5W. Advocate all you want. Plenty of people have advocated for stupid thingzs over the years. Doesnt make it right.
  3. Mediclease...i will back you on most anything, being that your a semi frequent partner of mine. On this particular point, dust is right on the coin.
  4. Naah, this i dont buy. Ive seen it across the board, regardless. Anyone else have different experiences on this?
  5. Amen rid. To raise money for an effort to storm Washington and smack people around, im going to be selling the official ridryder 911 "dilution is not the solution" bumper sticker. Any takers?
  6. I was unaware of a EMT-IV level...till some reading when i saw this thread. That was ma question. Yes of course you are also correct....EMT-2 was messed up as well...
  7. No. Veteran status doesnt quantify you as a potentially good medic student. Vetran status as a field medic in one of our fine millitary services...different story. PRPG
  8. Remember, in the tactical enviroment, your only objective is enough treatment to get them out of the stack alive. Further upkeep of said 'alive' status occurs at the 2nd stage of interventions.
  9. In the end, your point was correct about the silly thrillseekers comment. There are thrillseeker medics, EMTS, medical directors, nurses, the list goes on. Take a breath, have a drink, and go play with the kids bro, its all good.
  10. *I have a headache* More name changing title adjusting semantics? Whatever.
  11. I think your confusing professionals, and leaders. Leaders / Professionals. I see, and agree with your point. Your terminology is wrong is all. PRPG
  12. Considering the poor pay, worse conditions, whiny nurses and medical directors who stop medics from simple care, why else do we do this job besides "we enjoy it?" WTF is your logic on this one?
  13. If you cant lift to save your life, and want patient contact, go be a MD. EMS wont be a fruitful experience for you. *now returned to your regularly scheduled thread*
  14. You, being the higher level of provider, is the boss, yes. Your reasoning behind this was incredibly flawed however. It is not liability that causes this, its higher education and scope. EVERYONE IS LIABLE IN EMS. Period. Ask any slezebag lawyer and he'll be happy to tell you im sure. PRPG
  15. Ok. Time for a PRPG rant. As BLS providers we are trained to a certain level. We can do certain procedures within our scope, all of which do not have potentially harmful adverse effects on a patient (for the most part). The reason we dont do advanced procedures, is simply because we dont have the tools to fix the potential side effects. Medicine is simple. We are here to make sick people less sick, fix problems, and go home safe. To allow undereducated BLS providers ANY procedure that could cause potential side effects is a massive problem. Why? Because we dont have the tools to fix the issues. Look at the adverse effects of this medication. Appropriate treatment of these potential side effects require the ability to... Cardiac monitoring (arrhythmias), IV access (all), manual defibrillation (the lethal arrhythmias), intubation (for when you shock them to asystole), ventilations (who wants to bag, compress, and push meds?) further advanced airways (for when tube placement, just isnt happenin') Also requires the following meds. Lasix, versed, epinephrine, atrophine, lidocane, dopamine, adenocard, cardazem, and much....much...more. I know i missed a few procedures, its 8am and i got thumped last night....let this infraction go....thanks. Moving on...in order to appropriately allow basics to administer medications, you need to allow them to administer and perform these said meds and skills. With allowing them these skills, there are others that need to be allowed. You want narcan? This comes with it. You want these procedures too? Go to medic school. With every action, there is a appropriate reaction. We have to be able to accomidate for as many possibilities post medication administration, as we can. Why? Because this, and this only is in the best interest of good and prudent emergency patient care. We are here for the patients. Look at the bigger picture, and you will understand my point. If you still disagree with me, your an idiot. Another example of how education will continue to be the root of all EMS evils.
  16. Is it me, or does anyone else think it to be difficult to run admissions, and remain objective, without looking at each applicant specifically, weighing them out, and handpicking your best canadates? Strikes me as alot of the criterion mentioned should be considered on a case by case basis for ranking....
  17. Somedays, I wonder what color the sky is in your world, and if your truely as delusional as I think you are. Today, I KNOW your delusional :wink: XOXO PRPG
  18. Grammars spanking me today. Read last post loosely and youll get the idea.
  19. To advance yourself within your scope is still acceptable, and admirable. Not lazy, stupid, or fearful. Do like where you are operating? Advance. They are two seperate scopes of practice for a reason. Educate yourself to the maximum allowable within your scope makes you none of the things you mentioned. You may not understand it, for whatever reason. Doesnt make it stupid. Make it that your uncontent at your level.
  20. Experience? How much and what type? 3 years basic time Job status? Are those currently in EMS given preference to those working non-emergency or in another field? Preference to 911, then transfer. This can be tweaked by provider. Each experience is different to the person. Prerequisites? How much and what type? A/P-1, A/P-2, technical writing, communication based electives, 2 advanced science of choice. Education? Their high school GPA? Their college transcript? Is more always better? Does the MA in Fine Arts get preference over the third year Biology major? This will vary by applicant. Science trumps fine arts. Aptitude testing or intelligence? What kind? Entry exam in reading, math, and english. Weed out the McDonalds bound superstars. Medical knowledge testing? Who makes the test and what sort of test is it? no. Skills testing? What kind? Retest BLS practical. Personality or psychological testing? Specifics? no. Physical condition or agility testing? What type, and who sets tho.e standards? How? Yes. Similar to fire department agility, but toned down a bit. Being that im the boss, I set the standards. Mwahahahaha. Drug testing? Urine screening, that is. YES! Criminal history check? What disqualifies and what does not disqualify? Misdemeanors and felonies bad, others acceptable with explanation, case by case. Personal interviews? What do you want to ask them? What answers do you want to hear? What answers do you NOT want to hear? What do you want them to ask you? This is huge. I want to know their full background, work ethic, questions relevant to scholastic experience, how they work with others. I need people who will work, work well with others, be ready to steer their future, and geared towards advancing their careers. Letters of recommendation? From whom would it make a difference? these are overrated. Time on the waiting list? Does an applicant who was qualified this time, but was not admitted for lack of space, get preference next semester? no bearing on admissions.
  21. I meant on a more broader scale, a overseeing medical provider, working over several others, accomplishing tasks. Medic works over EMT, with EMT working independantly. Just the same. Your analogy is also invalid. Every medic should get the advanced certifications in their field I agree. But are they an idiot if they dont move into higher practice? No. Just like a basic isn't an idiot if they stay a basic. *ding* Whos next?
  22. You havent proved a thing to any new partner. The point of the statement I made was simple. If you screw up, we are BOTH liable in the eyes of the court system. Period. If I need to prove myself, my abilities and my competence, so do you. I dont care if you have 30 years in. Let me do my job, and you do yours. Want me to show spineboarding, hare traction, and ALS assist skills? No problem. Tubes, lines, and med reactions please. thanks. Its my job to find out how you work. A few questions on your style, and were set. You want to know how I work? Sure. Few questions, and were set. I'd love to see a MD who asks the nurses to perform skills to "make sure they have their stuff down" on their first day working together. Bullshit.
  23. Your an idiot. In the interest of fairness, allow me to explain why. You may believe BLS is not worth your time, and that works for you. There is absolutely no coorelation between remaining a basic and work ethic / intelligence. There are basics on the street that are content that way, but still do everything they can to perform, educate themselves, and perfect their skill and form. Basic is what they do. They do it well, and they are happy being good at that. Every certification level has an important place within the EMS system. Your failing to recognize that. PERSONAL RELEVANCE: As a basic, I have spent my career continuing to educate myself, aand learning up to the extent of my scope, and the information behind higher scopes of practice. Where has this got me? The ability to call myself a damn good basic. Does it make me lazy, or unintelligent? No. It makes me competent. Side note, is every medic here unintelligent because they didnt progress to nursing, PA, or MD school? Get a grip.
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