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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. bought tuscani pasta and breadsticks and pizza from pizza hut. You'd expect breadsticks would come with dipping sauce right? Well you have to pay extra for the sauce. it's sixty cents per cup of sauce. Seriously, where did it say NO Sauce inluded????? I must have missed that.

  2. The Mega Millions Jackopot is 540 million dollars. Odds of winning 1 in 175 million. Odds of getting struck by lightning much better. So tonight if you get struck by lightning make sure you go out and get a ticket. YOu might be a winner.

  3. My son just told his mom to "get over it"

  4. Way to go Spike Lee, Tweeting the Address of the shooter of Trayvon Martin. Only problem, you got the wrong address and sent your thugs to the wrong house. Can you be any more of a stupid idiot. You are my hero. Way to go. Next time, might want to send some of your thugs over there first to verify the info first. Oh wait, you aren't responsible for disinformation.

  5. I just posted a really really long status update about cleaning out a disgusting freezer and sucky stinky facebook lost it so screw you facebook. So here it is in a nutshell. Disgusting stinky freezer. cleaned it out. YUCKY>

  6. OKIE Dokie facebook friends. Today begins the most important day in most peoples lives at least at the supreme court level. The 3 days of arguments over whether parts of the Health Care Law (or Obamacare) is constitutional or not. No matter what your feelings are on the matter, the Supreme court's decision will affect you. Pray for the court to have the wisdom to honor to constitution rather than resort to activist court antics like many courtrooms have done in the past. I'm not sayin...

  7. Best weekend, sons friend spent night, liam led friend to christ, saturday worked on garage, taught son to ride bike, took walk with fam, had culvers, watched tintin with son, sunday went to church, took newly in christ friend of liam to church with us, then went home had lunch, then went to grandma ruffs to show off Liams new mad bike skilz, came home, ate, took walk and put kids to bed. What a weekend

  8. Ok, question. Can I transpory a fridge on its side for about an hour and a half or does it HAVE to be upright? the entire time. The answer to this question dictates funding issues.

  9. My son learned to ride his bike yesterday. Whst a feeling to.watch him succeed like he did. It was a glorious feeling inside. He was so proudvof himself.

  10. If birth control pills are gonna be free then my vasectomy if I get one should also be free. Just sayin.

  11. For those who see the Hunger Games. Opinions on letting a nine year old boy go see it. I will be pre screening it but id like other opinions as well.

  12. Ok, I'm trying to move like Jagger and I just realized I've been doing it all wrong, I've been trying to move like George Jacob Jagger of 31450 North Johnson Street of North Alberquerque New Mexico and not Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones. NO WONDER why I have been having such problems.

  13. Wow, the NFL was serious about their penalties in the bounty for hits program that some of the teams had going on. Some coaches are suspended indefinately, others are suspended for a year and others are suspended for part of the season. The Saints lost their 2nd and third round draft picks for the 2012 and 2013 seasons. Sounds like one team is getting hit really hard. I'll bet there are more teams to follow. But you know, I don't really feel sorry for those teams and any players that p...

  14. All I can say is this - DANGIT

  15. Watching the Hugh Laurie special on PBS filmed in New Orleans. I don't necessarily like Jazz but I'll give him a chance since there is nothing else on over 65 other channels. So for his first number he's playing a pretty fast paced version of Swaney River (forgive the spelling) He's pretty good. I'll give him a chance.

  16. I LOVE MY WIFE, I LOVE MY WIFE, I LOVE MY WIFE. Did I say I love my wife today? Well, darn it I do.

  17. I just realized that I definately do not have moves like Jagger. By the way, just who is Jagger?

  18. Watching Hanna on HBO.

  19. If you change from ATT and expect your old phone number to go with you and it doesn't just accept the fact that ATT won't give it to you and take the new number from your new phone provider. Save yourself the hassle that we went through and take the new number from your new provider. So if you want our new home phone number and if you aren't a pesky collection agency then PM me a request and we will do our vetting of you and we will determine if you really are who you say you are and determ...

  20. I have realized that I hate the Target commercial with the colorful dancers coming out of the hot air baloon and the song is the jaunty aloueta song.

  21. I can actually walk to work tomorrow. It will take 2 minutes to drive or 8 minutes to drive. I'll let my facebook family decide.

  22. How do I get recruiters to stop calling?

  23. 135th or so time thru airport security with the same 4 ounce tube of toothpaste in my carry on bag without being qiestioned. So much for safety in the skies huh?

  24. Made the decision to give up my 3rd grade sunday school class and turn ito over to my assistant teacher. Told Liam thursday night. Will tell my students Sunday. Thanks Bobbi Leavitt for stepping up. Have been pouring out from an empty vessel. Need to be refilled. I am at peace with the decision.

  25. Made a tough decision yesterday.

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