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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. And this my friends is why we dont allow our kids to idolize these people.

  2. And so the nanny state rolls right along

  3. Gosh Darnit LInked in. Respect my email requests - stop sending me emails from groups that I've left. Jeesh.

  4. I think my kids are out to kill their mother. I think if she was given a night alone in the Bates Motel she would take it. Like whats the worst thing that could happen right?

  5. I never realized how many daily email lists I am on from companies I've done business with. I have unsubscribed from 22 automated emails today making my total since the start of my New Year's Purge to about 100. My morning inbox keeps getting smaller and smaller. I hope to only have to one day wake up to 10 or less each morning. This morning I woke to 18. I'm getting there.

  6. Amd because of this if your identity theft is traced to arizona you can thank those who took away the powers of the law enforcement groups enforcing the laws away.

  7. cracker barrel is NOT NOT NOT what's for dinner

  8. Do some research on Dr Marcus Robertson and torture. If what he claims is true the this is very bad juju indeed.

  9. Thank you VUDU for updating your app on the ipad so only those with IOS 7.0 or higher can use it. That precludes one of our daughters ipads. The other IPAD is also a IPAD1 and it had it prior to the update and we can still use VUDU. Thanks for making this change and not keeping the IOS version 5.1 available for download. thank you thank you thank you. Dill weeds.

  10. Taking the online version of ACLS today. First time I've taken ACLS in 5 years. Promised the wife I would get my Missouri Medic license renewed by the end of the year. YAY me. no sense in waiting till the last two days of the year to get my required classes in.

  11. OK, I have officially entered into Ole Fuddyduddy status. I have a very hard time hearing the television in the living room, many time my wife tellls me to turn the dang TV down. So I purchased a set of Sennheiser RF headphones that I have currently attached to my television. I can say, I'm hooked. I can hear the TV now, my wife can rest easy with the volume down at a human level and I can also hear my wife when she talks to me. I am completely sold on these headphones.

  12. It's been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.

  13. Stephen Collins opening up on national television. Takes guts and he will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER work in hollywood again. Stick a fork in him and he's done.

  14. So big rally in washington led by the revrund al sharpton in support of all the unarmed blacks killed by police. I would bet dollars to doughnuts not a single white person unarmed and killed by cops was mentioned.

  15. Last night, my daughter is sitting on the arm of the recliner with me and she's getting ready to sleep. She looks at me lovingly and puts her fingers to my nose Gabby "here daddy, smell this" I do so, and say, "what is that smell" (there's no smell there at all mind you but I play along) Gabby with a sly smile "It's Armpit" and she breaks out laughing. Where do kids get these ideas from?????

  16. The current mantra out there is "we have to reform the police because they are so out of control towards the public" but what about the people who attack yhe police. No talk at all about reforming these people. Its not just one sided folks.

  17. An allegory for todays Youth and disconnected families. Be careful what you let your children go off and do. Shared from my Good Friend Phillip Cosby. This is really sort of scary. Be cognizent of what you let your children go off and do without your knowledge. A family of four, mom, dad, a young son and daughter set in the not so distant future. Their home, like most had a specially equipped 'imagination' room. A room we today would call a 'holodeck' from the futuristic Star Trek T...

  18. Watching dirty jobs and its about a group of people studying cow poop and the beetles that live in it. Its amazing to me that there are people that went to school, spent thousands of dollars and probably have craploads of student loans outstanding just to study this shit!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Let me ask a very serious question Why are many people making such a huge deal about stores forcing their people to work on Thanksgiving when there are thousands of EMS/Fire/Police and Healthcare workers working on EVERY single holiday and no-one bats a freaking eye over that? Do Healthcare/Emergency workers not COUNT? If you are complaining about someone in retail having to work on Thanksgiving, then you need to be having this same complaining festival over those emergency workers who are...

  20. Thanks to everyone for wishing me a happy birthday, I appreciate it.

  21. Gonna be a very very long night for ferguson mo tonight.

  22. Absolutely ASSININE to delay the announcement of the grand jury decision until 9pm eastern. How many more people can they get on the streets and how much more danger can they put these officers in once the rioting starts.

  23. If Ebola breaks out in Vegas, does it stay in Vegas??? Dr. Bryan Bledsoe is this true?

  24. You know with all these women coming out against Cosby one has to ask themselves is there truth at all to this. With this many coming out now it really looks bad for him but we need to keep in our heads that these are accusations only and have not been proven.

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