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Just Plain Ruff

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Posts posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. 13 hours ago, BushyFromOz said:

    They also take the first reply as gospel unfortuantaely


    yeah, and parrot medicine is still alive and well,  well he said it so it's gots ta be true

  2. 13 hours ago, BushyFromOz said:


    Like most Forums, i guess this suffers from the new facebook generation. They run their clinical discussions there these days.


    Yes, that is the biggest problem we face,  we are a get it now generation, here it would take a couple of days to run a full scenario while it only would take a couple of hours to run a full scenario on facebook. that's where we fall short here, the 132 character generation doesn't want to wait, heck I'm one of those who doesn't want to wait but the responses from those who use their phones are often more disjointed and horribly spelled than those who have a computer and a keyboard at their disposal. 


    I think that this site will suffer for the most part based on what I wrote above.  I don't have the answer to fix the low participation here.  

  3. 15 hours ago, paramedicmike said:

    Vent seemed to have some issues that came through in her posts.  AK called her out on a bunch of stuff when it started.  She's come back a few times under various pseudonyms usually to demonstrate some pretty angry behavior only to get called out again.

    Vent was a nutjob guys,  she attacked me in several pm's, threatened me, telling me that she could end my career if she wanted to.  She was bonafide CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAACRAY

  4. 4 hours ago, BushyFromOz said:

    I hope it was just general life keeping him offline and not some kind of crisis. This forum in the late 2000's/ early 2010's helped make many people's careers, and AK was one of the best here.

    I think it had to do with his business he was running, the Middle east EMS Staffing company.  Plus I think after Dust's death he was done.  

    But I cannot prove any of that.  


  5. yeah,  this site was better by the idiots who left.  

    12 hours ago, BushyFromOz said:

    Its an elite club to be in. He only chastised people who were idiots or people he knew could do it better. The difference was the idiots left the forums and the rest of us stayed ;)


    On 10/31/2017 at 11:13 PM, Doczilla said:

    Still kicking! Although moved a thousand miles or so. Goodbye Ohio, hello Texas!



    And texas will never be the same.  

  6. 13 hours ago, BushyFromOz said:

    Oh yeah, the days when Dusty would cut you a new one for saying something stupid.




    Goddam, its been a long time...profile way out of date! Last time I posted was Dec 2014!

    damn, Bushy, it's been a long time, and I was chastised more than once by Dust.  

  7. 17 hours ago, TylerHastings said:

    Wow...talk about blast from the past...I was trying to unlock an old account that used an old email address and saw this notification...most of you won't remember me but a few you will and I am sure that more than a few of you would rather you didn't...

    OH HELL, there goes the neighborhood.

    But seriously, I count Tyler as one of my true friends on this site.  That's saying a lot.  

    Good to see your smiling face here again.  

  8. 9 hours ago, 1EMT-P said:

    The real questions should be 1. Can we safely transport two patients and provide high quality care to both? 2. Can we protect the patient’s health information and personal identifying information?  I would argue that you cannot safely transport two patients in the same unit and that you cannot protect the patient’s personal health information.





    I agree with both points.


    but if semi private rooms are not HIPAA violations that happen many times a day, then transporting two patients is not  in my opinion.  But again, I would want to see this in writing from either the Hipaa gods or my legal team.  


  9. 11 hours ago, Inf said:

    That is certainly the allure of a rural setting where you can almost be a part of the holistic healthcare that patients should get.  In the ideal world we would have medics provide most of the care that these patients receive in ERs, instead of hospitalizing these patients and charging their insurance thousands of dollars, subjecting them to undue stress of transport and potential risk associated with it.  Most paramedics should be able to insert GT tubes, perform debridement and other minor critical care procedures.   We should be pushing for more education and expanding the scope, as nurses are overwhelmed with the load and healthcare costs are prohibitively high.  EMS can certainly disrupt that market and provide high-quality just-in-time healthcare service that we all expect.  We need to start caring about people and society and stop putting profits as the highest priority.


    And another thing.. why is AMA such a collection of scumbags?  Seriously.  Why?

    I cannot answer your last question about the AMA but I can say I agree with what you posted.  I've inserted GI Tubes, foley caths, nasal packed a nose bleed in the ER, Gave enemas, performed bladder scan, debrided a burn and other wound, sutured a simple laceration under the supervision of a doc, gave every medication known to our formulary and even administered 12 units of blood to a AAA patient that was leaking and damn near at deaths door.  We as paramedics CAN do these types of things and we as an industry need to strive to be able to do them.  BUT caveat

    Education is the key.  when cosmetologists have more hours of training and "internship hours" than we do and they cut our hair, then something is rotten in denmark.   

  10. On 10/14/2017 at 6:55 PM, Inf said:

    Maybe its the urban setting, but I've never had that kind of downtime.  Also spending more than 20 minutes in NYC requires you to give you an update, as there have been potential times when EMTs done some bad things on scene involving patients.  You never want EMTs/medics to spend more than 30 minutes on scene of any emergency IMHO.

    I tend to agree partially and disagree partially.  In a busy urban setting, of course you cannot spend a lot of time on scene to do this extra service but I believe that it's a case by case basis.  


    If the person has family on scene or that can get there within a reasonable amount of time then by all means clear the scene but if they don't have anyone near, then in a rural setting with low call volume, I see nothing wrong with helping them out with a meal or something.  You have to have common sense and if you aren't responsible enough to know the boundaries to keep from doing bad things then that is a bigger issue than what we are talking about.  

  11. 2 hours ago, brentoli said:

    I would hope we have all had situations we have handled similarly. Maybe not cooking a full meal for them, but going above and beyond the call. Thats why we signed up for this gig, wasn't it? 

    Amen brother.  

    I have indeed cooked several full meals for patients, usually I would get them something to tide them over and then later in the day or the next day I would bring them over a full meal so at least they had something  in the fridge when they got hungry.  

    There's a lot of need out there, we see it every day.  

  12. 2 hours ago, brentoli said:

    Well, they COULD be the MD. But..... are they qualified for the role? I know a couple of services around here have a family doctor that is their MD. I do not know anything regarding those doctor's history and background though. 

    Ok I'll give you the win on could they be the MD but do you want a family doc as a medical director of a EMS service?  I think not. 

  13. I also find it interesting that you are starting an ambulance service and don't have a medical director yet.  that would have been my first order of business after deciding on whether or not I wanted the headache and digestive problems of starting an ambulance service.  At least with my medical director chosen early I could probably get the prescriptions to help me with the anxiety, headaches and gut problems that will come with this venture. 


    No plain old doctor will do for a medical director, you need one that understands EMS, a podiatrist or OB GYn won't cut it.  You at least need a critical care doc or better yet an Emergency dept physician.  


    Not busting your balls here but why haven't you procured the services of a medical director?



  14. 11 hours ago, Medicop said:

    I would love to have it in writing whether or not this is LEGAL.  I wanted to take two stroke patient's to a hospital that is 46 miles away.  Both patient's agreed to ride together and a Nurse "POP's" his head in the door and says " You can not take two patients together, it's a HIPAA violation".  I had an extra Paramedic going with me, so there was no "Lack of Attention" to either patient.  Both patient's understood that they would both get there sooner, and no one would be left to wait on another truck.  We have done this in the past and gave them a shared ride discount.  Again, I am interested in the LEGALITY.  Thank You in advance.

    I believe that that nurse is incorrect.  Writing would be good though. 

    and what about patients who are sharing a semi-private room?  Is that a ongoing 24 hour a day HIPAA violation?  

  15. I think that your questions are much better answered by the service that helped you.  IF you have any concerns about the care you received, and it sounds like you do, please contact the ambulance service that took care of you.  but here goes some explanation for you

    Not surprised that you have a broken rib or two.  Bruising can also happen post CPR.  

    IO in the shin is one way to gain access to your system especially if you have veins that are very hard to access.  The protocol of the service may be that All arrests get an IO, not sure. 

    I cannot answer the narcan question on your situation.  

    Im very glad you are recovering and are no longer taking those drugs.  You were very lucky, you could have been a statistic rather than a recovering addict.  Good luck in your future endeavors.  

  16. Or come to Kansas City, KC Fire has a tremendous need for paramedics.  If they paid what I am making currently, I would be back on the truck in a heartbeat.  They just need to come up about 25K starting salary and then I'd make the jump.  but alas, all the money that I make in a year is spent so it's not meant to be.  

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