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Just Plain Ruff

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Posts posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. 17 hours ago, paramedicmike said:

    At least here in the States it would require a hefty paradigm shift in order for this to happen.  Insurance would have to get on board.  Doctor's offices and urgent care centers would have to get on board.  There would have to be a change in the education of those staffing the ambulances to safely make the determination of where best to take the patient.

    Not saying it couldn't happen.  Not saying it won't happen.  It's just gonna take a while to get there.

    Exactly my friend.  that's why I was told to drop it.  they knew they weren't going to get paid so they squashed it.  

    Patients didn't know any better so they didn't push it.  

    but every once in a while a patient would ask the question "Can't you just take me to my doctors office"

    Big paradigm shift, but I can see it happening.  Not in my EMS lifetime, but maybe my son's if he decides to get into this line of work.  

  2. This is great discussion. 

    I know that in the services where I've worked, there was never any intention and if I tried to transport the patient to the doctors office or the urgent care facility i was met at the hospital (because I was forced to transport there) by my supervisor telling me "We just dont do it that way here" and I always slammed my head against the wall asking the question "why? tell me why do we transport to the ER when the Urgent care or this patients doctors office would work just fine"  They countered with "they called the ambulance so they go to the ER, and Mike, Just drop it" 

    I would then counter well we go to the nursing home or a homebound patients house and pick them up, drive them to their doctors office for an appointment and then drive them home, what's the difference.  Again, told to drop it.  

    I was told that insurance would never cover the emergency response to the house, and then a drop off at a doctors office or urgent care and the service would not get paid.  Again told to drop it.  

    So finally I did.  And many times, the service didn't get paid even by going to the ED.  

    So I kind of laugh inside.  

  3. i completely agree but do we?  are we able to?  Can we?  

    how many services "CAN" transport to a urgent care center?  I don't know of any services in my area that are able to transport to urgent care facilities and I believe its high time that we begin to be able to.  

    I also think that Urgent Care facilities are pushing back against this though.  

    What if the patient demands to be transported to an UC facility?  Can we refuse to transport them there?  If it's an appropriate facility then is it wrong.  

  4. Doc that was great,  I admit I have no experience in that type of situation or ever worked in the capacity of a Swat medic.  I know several that are in that capacity and I'm sure that they would agree with what you posted.  


  5. 2 hours ago, Off Label said:

    Not trying to be contrary here, but sincerely curious...is there really an established need and demonstrated utility to tactical paramedics in the day and age of very close access to trauma centers via ground and air? What ultimately saves trauma patients is delivery to a surgeon. Why isn't it enough to evacuate patients to waiting medics/flight crews outside of the line of fire? How long can meaningful care be given by tactical teams on scene?

    I get that there may be shelter in place situations, or barricaded/trapped patients, but I'm wondering if that happens a lot to where having a medic on the team makes a difference.

    Also, do these teams carry WB or blood products?



    I have long been a supporter of this concept but I have always felt that it's just as easy to evac the injured patient from the hot zone into the loving arms of a EMS Crew that can do just the same amount of skills that the tactical medic does.  

    There may be some situations where a medic in the thick of things is a great thing, but you should be able to evac that injured person out quickly in many if not all circumstances.  

    I think it's just like so many other things in EMS and life in general, you want the biggest and best and quickest thing so why not put a medic in the hot zone.  


    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Doczilla said:

    You don't actually need to be in the military. There are plenty of non-military SWAT medics. You don't necessarily have to have police training. You have to have solid EMS skills and know someone on the department to get on board, typically.

    Plus you probably should have cohones of steel because it's a very stressful job from what my swat medic friends tell me.  

  7. did you call any of those programs that you mentioned as needing a HS diploma?  I would think that if you called one of them,  maybe San Jacinto college is one I found, they might take your closeness to graduation into account, admit you as a provisional student and then you just have to provide them with your diploma as soon as you get it.  

    I find the best thing to do in these situations is to make phone calls and explain  your situation.  

  8. Did you stop by the place?  I would try that first.  Someone there might be able to help and point  you in the right direction.  




    now that I read - it appears that you might not be able to do that if you are in Texas and they are in NC.  Had to put two and two together on that one.  


    Try this site


  9. I had a motorcycle accident where the guy flew off his bike, his spine at T12 and L1 was basically bent around the sign.  

    wouldn't fit in a helicopter. 

    got him to the ED, trauma center and complete severing of spine at t12/l1


  10. 1 hour ago, scubanurse said:

    That's no different than any ER, FD, PD, EMS station across the country.  There will always be those who are at work to find their next f*&S% buddy.

    And the reason why in my original first post, I asked why was this news?  It's not, it's just because a chief is getting disciplined and some gal comes along with her story of excess.  And before anyone says that I would say differently if it was a guy, I wouldn't, he would get the same response from me as she is.  

    This is a NON story

  11. they had other names that I won't mention, sort of like Voldemort, but everyone knows the type.  I'm sure she's a very very nice person but really, sex more than 50 times with 8 different FF's in the station that she's admitting to.  

    But I agree that the chief is being scapegoated but he was breaking the rules too so if he's going to fire someone for having sex in the station, then he should be fired as well.  

  12. Well they were one in the same, but at times like every guy, you think, is this the same woman I married, she seems to have more than one personality.  But yeah, the only time period in me medic career that I was not married was my first 2 years as a new medic.  I don't count my stupid period when I was an EMT.  I did some stupid and crazy things but never sex in the station and NEVER EVER EVER sex with my field partner.  What a minefield if you go down that route.  


    What's the rule - "don't dip your pen in the company ink"

    • Like 1
  13. Dude, not trying to be a ahole, but she's not my type.  

    In the places I've worked, the people having the most sex in our service were not the most attractive.  


    We called them station rats.  I know bad nickname but it was common knowledge that if you wanted "some" all you had to do is let someone know and it was only a matter of time before one of the rat's (this was male and female) would be around the station soon after.  

    I had a steady girlfriend and now a wife, so I was never desparate enough to engage in this activity.  

  14. well this happens all over the country.  not sure why this is a huge major revelation.  It's just hidden better than in Vegas,  Besides, I thought what the hell went on in Vegas stayed in vegas. 

    Her numbers are pretty impressive though. 

    This story really is a non-story though.  the only reason why its in the news is the shock factor of this ladies revelations and the fact the chief is on the way out.  

    I worked in a service with 3 letters in it, and people were hooking up left and right, it was well known it was happening, and it was against the rules but nothing was ever done about it because well it was between consenting adults.  

  15. My experience has been that the services I used to work for would just discard the wounded medic and hire a new soon to be wounded medic.  

    One situation I dealt with was not suicide related but opioid dependent related based on an on the job injury.  It got so bad that after several of this person's co-workers went to him and he yelled at us to "Mind our own fucking busineness"  we then went to managment after he would sleep all shift and not take care of patients.  Also bad judgement calls and other things.

    Management's response was to suspend him, then work to transition him out where he was out of a job.  A shitty way for management to treat someone who was injured on the job and then suffered the long term consequences. 

    This happened to a 2nd person at the same place.  The mantra at work was "don't tell em you got hurt, deal with it"

    I've dealt with at least one if not two suicidal work colleagues and once that cat is out of the bag, for many services you are persona non grata.  sad to say it but it's easier to let that person go then to deal with them.  

    Again, reiterating, tread lightly and get involved but be careful, collateral damage often occurs.  

  16. 6 hours ago, paramedicmike said:

    Dust served in a number of capacities in his career.  He was a military medic.  He was a civilian medic.  He was also a nurse.  If there was ever someone who could post knowledgeably about both sides of the coin he was one of them.

    I also find it funny that even after his death he's still able to make someone so angry.  I'd like to amend Ruff's question just a bit.  Rather than ask, "you angry...?" I'd like to know *why* are you so angry?


    Well i actually was gonna put  "You angry bro" in big text but I just couldn't bear to do that so I just asked if he was angry. 

    I only wonder what Dust's reply would have been but I can imagine that at his Heyday it would have been pretty epic.  

    does anyone want to channel their inner Dust and make a reply?  

    What I really do find comical is that it took a 10 year old post to get someone so riled up.  You have to really dig deep to find something 10 years old on this site.  

  17. This is a minefield.  

    You cannot help someone who doesn't want to be helped.  

    EMS agencies tend to not do so well in helping their own.  They tend to push them off and make the person deal with it on their own. 

    If she truly is a danger to patients, you better be sure of that accusation, then you can report her to the STATE and let them work on it, but you need to be sure before making that accusation, an accusation like that if unfounded could ruin a person's career. Tread lightly on this one.  

    Again, this is a minefield.  

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