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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Ok, if you are a smoker and you drop your cigarette butt on the sidewalk and there is a ashtray right next to where you put your butt then you my friend ARE a litterbug. But if you dump your entire car's ashtray on the parking lot, then you my friend are a big FAT JERK! And yes, I did tell you that you were one and boy you seemed surprised that no-one ever said anything to you.

  2. i t really would like to see the final copy Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Because he volunteered his time plus he was a "fire" Fighter (picture mike myers in austin powers in his dr evil outfit using his fingers as parenthesis when he was talking about the lazer) which thus makes him a hero. Just think if he had been a emt or medic and saved the local mayor from his heart attack after he had eaten too many of Mabels scrambled eggs and bacon sandwiches at the local whistle stop cafe. He'd have been given the key to the city posthumously and they would have renamed the post office after him and probably have closed the schools and the banks in honor of him.
  4. Guys, I have made my wishes clear to my loved ones, they know that I wish not to live the way we have been discussing. I actually have the means to end it all in my medicine chest since I'm a diabetic. We all know what that medication is. Give me enough insulin before I go to bed and I'm not waking up. Is that the way I want to go, I don't know but it would be MY choice and not anyone elses. I don't understand all the hullaballoo surrounding if I'm in end stage cancer, where there is nothing else that any medical cure can do, no hope for remission, no hope that I'm going to come out of it and I am going to die. If I'm on boatloads of pain meds why can't I decide when and how I go out? Why should I have to ask anyone if I can end my life? I should not have to go in front of any panel to ask them "can I end my life?" I'm sorry but I find the correlation between the suffering of our pets and the suffering of our family members very relevant. I don't see the difference in end stage disease. The animals suffer just as humans do, they feel pain just as we do. We take them to the vet to ease their suffering, we take our family members to the doctors to ease our family members suffering. We take our animals to the vet to end the suffering but we can't end our family members suffering. All because we are supposedly human. Let's prolong the suffering to our family members all because its wrong to end the life of a fellow human to end their suffering. Why is it wrong to end a humans suffering but not an animals? Give me 5 syringes of 300 units of insulin to end my suffering for my end stage cancer. Let me go in my sleep. I think that will do it. That's my personal euthansia kit.
  5. That's your issue. You need to discuss that with your supervisor. If he's taking all the tubes then he needs to butt out and let his field crews get the tubes and not push his way into the mix because this is what happens when he doesn't show up, his crews who don't get the practice they miss the tubes and then things go wrong. The supervisor is seeing your track record and he's saying to himself, ahh that beiber, he sucks at tubes so I'll get it for him, thus perpetuating biebers crappy tube record and then when your evaluation comes up he can say "You've got a crappy tube record and you have until this time to get your record improved or your outta here" or something like that. You need to discuss this with this supervisor and if this gung ho asshole of a supervisor doesn't get the message then you need to go higher on the food chain because his attitude aint gonna change and he's going to conitnue to keep taking the tubes from you. Trust me I've been there. Or you can on the next call just tell the supervisor to butt the hell out and that this is your airway and he can take the other stuff. The only way you can get your field tube success up is to either beat the supervisor to the call or to make the supervisor know that you got the airway on the codes or patients who need em and he needs to find something else to do. I know he's the supervisor but seriously, the supervisor needs to learn boundaries. I'll bet you aren't the only crew he's pissing off. If he continues to steal tubes then you need to go above his head and fix the issue. But remember, going above his head could have dire ramifications on your evaluations and career aspirations so tread lightly. First step is to talk to him man to man. Good luck, I've been in your shoes before, it's not fun, but often a talk to this type of tube stealer is all it takes. But if not, you have te be willing to take it to the next level.
  6. We knew you wouldn't let it go.
  7. And not to be a jerk or anything, but I think kiwi nearly wrote your essay for you as well, hopefully you won't use just what he put down, hopefully you will have done more research than just this forum. I'd be interested to see what you turned in to your instructor. Care to share your final product? but good luck.
  8. but thats just you, what will happen which will make this a nonstarter will be the fire services and unions which will fight this tooth and nail to keep this from happening unless there is some significant financial incentives to make it financially painless for their members. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  9. im not arguing the point that it hurts or helps but who will pay for it when training budgets are already stretched to the breaking point. Its fine and dandy for us who are already medics to say move on or get out of the way but what if the current medic was now obsolete and all the medics were told to either get the new cert or get out of the way. I would bet that you would be singing a different toon. Could your agency afford to educate or send all your medics to the next level or can your agency afford to send all of your emts to the medic level based on the mandate proposed by the OP? Ill bet that most agencies cannot afford to send their people to enough ceus to keep their licences current let alone put them back through school to get to the medic level. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  10. for me here's how I look at online versus in class online - I must be more diligent in carving out time in my day to spend in front of the computer. classes - I am more focused in class than in front of the computer I am more apt to learn more in a classroom setting rather than a online setting not saying I cannot do it, I got my masters degree online (1/2 of the 15 classes were online) but it was tough being focused for the online classes.
  11. This is not directed to the OP or anyone else in this thread but to anyone who posts employment or licensure related questions without going to their employer or bureau of EMS first. When in doubt, contact your company and ask them. Why ask here. I don't get it!!! You ask a forum where the answers to your question affect your job. You don't ask the people where the answers count and that is your state ems bureau or your employer. Why do people come here and ask these critical questions? Guys, when questions directly affect your job and your livelihood, this is not the place to ask, the place to ask is your employer and your state bureau of EMS, not this forum. This is a great site for general questions but when they directly pertain for relicensure and your employment related questions, the best places are those cited above.
  12. One level, what would you do with all the EMT's currently? How would you mandate moving them into the new standard that you propose to make required? How will you pay for all those EMT's to get those classes? Surely you don't expect them to foot the bill when they don't want to advance any further? They have no intention of furthering their education and they should not be penalized by a system that now says that in order for them to continue working in their chosen career where they have always driven the ambulance and they never want to do anything else, you are going to require them to now become that new level of provider and only be a driver. The cost to them will be very high for NO increase in return of investment. That will force many out of work unless the companies they work for to pay for their increased training. Are you going to grandfather these folks in?
  13. Why is it that we have no problems ending a suffering animals life with a overdose of whatever drug the vet's give but we go bat shit crazy that we consider doing the same for our fellow man. It seems that animals are given more consideration than humans. hmmmmmmmm
  14. Let's add on to what Asys just said. Your first field delivery resulted in a critical newborn. You are fresh out of medic school which was 7 months long. You also have a very very sick momma. Are you prepared to take care of both mother and baby?
  15. Ok, last night was excellent. Dinner at the Melting Pot, then a short walk to the Pandora store for a anniversary present for the wife who said "I didn't bring my bracelet" but I said "I did" and I pulled it out of my pocket and my wife beamed with surprise and she picked out a brand new pandora pendant and then a shorter walk to starbucks for a coffee. Then a short drive to the Nelson Museum to view the new Worlds Fair exhibit and finally a drive to the frozen self serve yogurt store to e...

  16. Yeah, if the crews aren't getting in a brand new shiny 150K bambulance then they aren't happy. I remember when I started at my first service, we had a 15 year old ambulance that would not drive over 60 miles an hour. We had old ladies passing us in their walkers and hoverrounds. Plus the amount of black smoke coming out of the ass end of that 15 year old ambulance was like a barbque grill but without the wonderful smell of the smoked meat.
  17. It made the news because it was an ambulance and since it was an ambulance and the wheels fell off that was why it made the news. Too bad it didn't have a patient on board because if there was a patient on board then it would have made the news on mars and even out to Alpha Centauri. Makes great sensational headlines to show how fucking inept we are and how dangerous it is to ride with a bunch of inept idiots. AT least the mainstream media would have us look like that.
  18. if a lay person strips me down when im in a diabetic crisis they better have a damn good excuse. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  19. stop watching that crap on you tube. it will cloud your vision when you start your shifts. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  20. we dont have to worry bout this virus much any more, now its face eating people. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  21. Ok, FACEBOOK Peeps. Need suggestions. Gonna maybe do a roadtrip. Where can I go with the family that we can get to in less than 8 hours of driving and spend a couple of days at. Gotta be good for the kids. Can be north, south, east or West from KC MO. I prefer to do the Captain Ron thing and just start driving, and if I get lost, just pull in somewhere and ask for Directions. But the wife won't go for that. So what's a good place to end up that's good for the family?

  22. Are you wanting us to do the work for you? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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