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Everything posted by spenac

  1. Thank you! Thank you very much!!!! I'll be here till tuesday, no wait I'll actually be here another 9 days, darn it. Wish we could do more to promote EMS, but with that big old HIPO can't show actual footage like fire and law enforcement to convince the public we are needed. The footage shown of FF and LE you would think all they do every day is save lives, that there is never a dull minute. EMS is seen as earning money sleeping because unless your at their house thats what they think we do. Hell dispatch gets more good coverage than we do. I wish when the news contacted us about certain calls could hand them video showing us doing glamourous bloody work, but I'm stuck basically saying do to patient privacy rights I have no comment. Then they interview the dang firemonkey that almost crushed me and my partner why we were in the vehichle saving the patient talking like he had saved the person and done all the work. Before ya'll let me have it vehichles are stable no reason to cut em up but you know those guys gotta justify the toys so they go cutting posts for no reason, making the scene unsafe, thankfully we saw them before they got a good bite. My point is we need to find a way to get our patients blood and guts on the news instead of le and ff getting all the credit.
  2. Thanks for replys. Mainly interested in the online MD but welcome info on the island schools. Dust you said actually one of the sharpest , I guess he took it upon himself to make the best of what he could get. Really goes for all getting education you will only get out of it what you put into it. Guess thats why some of the best come from crappy schools and some of the worst come from the best schools.
  3. brentoli, while I disagree with your statement, the rest was all in fun. Hope no offense taken.
  4. This is why bad idea to treat over the phone. If it was a good idea and worked no need for any of us ambulance drivers. Just dial 911 get told what to do and take care of it yourself. Do it yourself medicine. When I owned a contracting company I made more money fixing do it yourselfers mistakes. Guess could save money and do it my self CPR, bag my self, push my own chest, clear shock :shock: . I see it now time life books do it your self emergency medicine. If only we could charge more to fix the do it yourselfers medical mistakes.
  5. On another post someone mentioned Oceaniamed.org in Samoa and (IUHS.edu) International University of the Health Sciences in St. Kitts. How many Docs on here got there medical degree from one of these sites? How many know any Docs that did?
  6. Haven't you heard the song by Foreigner, Dispatch Hero? And be a dispatch hero, got stars in his eyes He's a dispatch hero, got stars in his eyes Yeah, dispatch hero, got stars in his eyes With that one 911 phone call he'll come alive Come alive tonight
  7. Actually we do usually talk directly to the callers. Dispatch transfers to us. If they ask for a phone number they are told not to abuse 911 and told goodbye. I do not despise dispatch but I will not say you are more valuable even than the first responder in the field. I do not envy you being stuck on the phone being unable to do anything for a person except keep them calm while you dispatch us. But remember there are others that are higher up that do not think highly of BLS or ALS. So don't feel bad all in EMS get pissed on just be glad yours is verbally on the phone we literally get pissed on vomited on etc. Wait a minute maybe I should dispatch I could just tell them no you don't need an ambulance and hang up. :twisted: :twisted:
  8. :fart: Oh yeah radio another reason my basics more valuable than dispatch. Thanks khanek.
  9. That happens daily don't it? 99.9% the guy getting me the equipment is more valuable than the guy on the phone. My basics better be shooting back remember I'm in the wild west. I do think dispatchers that are educated do a beneficial job, getting me where directions to where I need to go and in very rare cases, that get way to much news, they talk somebody through natural childbirth, something that would of happened even if no dispatcher.
  10. I'll take my chances with a basic over any dispatcher, over the phone saving my butt.
  11. Anybody on site get M.D. this way? Just curious.
  12. D________________E-----------------------N_____________________Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expanded enough? :wink:
  13. This has nothing to do with comparison or protocol, this has to do with are you doing it right. If your protocols require BGL do it but do it right. Check the manuel that came with your meter. Many say only for capillary, doing it any other way than right can call into question all treatments you do in the ambulance. CYA. Not trying to start fight. OR AM I? :twisted:
  14. It appears the USA has overthrown the UK. Hope ya'll don't mind us getting into your discussion. I do like the idea of having the right to deny transport. Guess ya'll know that by now.
  15. Right on ol chap. Also have you read the manual for your glucose meter. Most clearly state for capillary not for venous. Be careful about bragging about an unapproved test with your equipment, could come to play when your in court for something else to show how little you know, your discredited, you lose, hope you have insurance.
  16. Knew we'ld eventually stir you up dust. Maybe I add checking it to my other list this post. More fun for me and less transports. But really having another vital on the sheet shouldn't hurt. But I agree treat the patient not the monitor applys here. I have some regulars that are almost always low blood glucose on the monitor but no other signs/symptoms. On the flip side I have 1 that if drops below 350 starts getting sick including altered mental status, so definitly more important to treat patient than what the machine tells us, If treated monitor would hit them with insulin then have real problems.
  17. No harm just curious. But same logic could be applied to several other procedures including at least one I've been beat up here for suggesting. We do lots of blood glucose level checks on non diabetics as well but not all.
  18. Blood glucose level every patient, why? :shock: For fun and so they feel your pain? :dontknow:
  19. But doesn't it clog the ETT tube? And isn't it hard to administer rectally? Oh you mean when still alert. My bad. :oops:
  20. I thought this was about restricting O2 use but seems we've strayed. :oops:
  21. Definitly no need to rehash the fire dept only wanting to have EMS so it can get more shiny trucks, even if true. Definitly no need to rehash education fight as it was fought recently and obvious while education was agreed to be needed no agreement on the amount.
  22. I have denied a few patients. Yes first I try to reason them out of wanting transported but if they still want to go but do not have an emergent need I finally just say no.
  23. How fast is lung absorbtion? Definitly better to go rectal than drown them down the ETT.
  24. Privacy has come up on other posts of mine( i.e. should we strip all patients). Thank you for helping make it clear to others privacy can occur in the ambulance. It's not difficult. The only never an always in EMS is the never an always in EMS.
  25. I know Pick me I know. It was telling time and money wasters no you will not go in my ambulance. I like it. Deny them. [-X
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