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Posts posted by mrsbull

  1. I wish that we no longer run nursing home calls or renal round up

    Granted: You are not the proud new lead medic for the towns Brand Spankin NEW Bariatric Rig.

    I wish I was not moving.

  2. I found the website. It is available for play NOW. I subscribed today. I have only played a little bit the assessment part but so far it makes ya think a bit. Good luck Gamers!!


    I found the website. It is available for play NOW. I subscribed today. I have only played a little bit the assessment part but so far it makes ya think a bit. Good luck Gamers!!


    I guess I should have read the above posts lol..

  3. I did not know where else to put this.

    I would like others opinions on this . I am not sure this is a panacea but I can see why the medical community is excited about this. I think it is neat. Hopeful that it might be a remedy but it would not surprise me either.

    The Gene is pretty rare but it might be able to be made into synthetic gene. It looks to me like a "possible" cure is on the way.


  4. Some of you know that I barely failed my last EMT-B final. I got a 78% (needed an 80% to pass)

    Well I took it again a year later after re taking the class and scored one of the highest in the class!!!I realize it is not the biggest accomplishment and for some ppl it is/was easy but WHO CARES! I am proud of myself!!! So all I need to do tomm and wed is practicals. I have been out of school for the better part of 12 yrs. So studying and getting back into the groove was not easy for me to do..

  5. Just wanted to ask for everyones thought or prayers. My husband and I, well our marriage is on the rocks. This is a difficult time for me because he is in school now for the army. It is not the military that is causing problems it is other things. I do not know if we will be married this time next year. There are way to many details to even think about spreading on the www.

    This also comes at a time when I am taking my Finals for mt EMT class next week. Monday is the final tues is the practicals. Thurs is the State exam. So go figure when I need to be studying my mind is wondering.

    If you are not religous please think of us during this next week. If you are a praying person Well I know we can use all we can get. I am hoping to stay married. In my heart I do not want to split up however there are some things that cannot be mended like broken hearts.

    I am off to take my lil girl to the sitters and go study. Have a blessed week. Be safe.

  6. What a good story! Made me get all sniffly.

    TO op... I am sorry to hear that my prayers and thought go out to Co Workers Friends and Family.

    I had a patietn going for a liver transplant

    she asked if she was going to die.

    I told her I didn't know

    She then told me "I know I'm going to heaven" and I asked how she knew that and she said that the guy at the end of the bench seat told her. I asked her who the guy was and she said it was jesus. She said "He told me to tell you that you are going to heaven too" There was no-one at the end of the bench seat but she was seeing him clear as day.

    She died shortly thereafter while waiting on a liver.

    I have no doubt that she is in heaven right now.

  7. The one thing that separates human kind from animals? Fear of vacuum cleaners! :lol:

    Honestly, a lot of what we do could be considered "monkey skills." IV, Intubation, 12 lead etc. The real ART of the profession lies in 1. assessment skill and the ability to translate what is seen/found to a plan of action, and 2. bedside manner, because, as the patient, typically I don't have enough knowledge to know if you (the practitioner) have "mad skills," but I can tell if you were rude/condescending or not. This is PRIMARILY where the patient's opinion of the practitioner/service/EMS in general will stem from.

    And a monkey could throw poop at a pt when they piss them off. :D

  8. My first call was in EMT school we did ride alongs. We were still in the station and it was the first time I had even heard the radio go off so I jumped yeah it scared me, and we were told it was an MVA 2 cars+ 2+ pts. We get there and there is 3 a 16 y/o f in an suv (moms of course). Mom was on her way so the basic was getting a refusal.

    The other car an older oldsmobile type the heftier type cars. The paramedic told me to pick a pt.

    I STUPIDLY picked the BIG girl. I took her Hx and asked her what happened where(IF) she was hurt ect. Smelling ins $$$ here. Suddenly she complains of Neck pain. Yes ma'am you get a backboard, Yes ma'am the collar IS necessary YES I have to put tape on your head. No it will not go over your mouth (me thinking darnit NO tape on her mouth remember ABCs. :D) As I begin to board her fire shows up, they ask how can I help. I say do XYZ and please grab me x and y.

    As we pull away with 2 pts (me surfing) I hear the fire chief say to the paramedic. Who is she ?? She was pretty efficient. (I grin). Paramedic says a student just told you what to do capt. HE was SO red. Ahh that was nice.

  9. that is funny, but I think lil Susie has a thing for the marines... wow only 8 years old and already is attracted to a man in uniform

    I am too (not when I was 8 tho ) I am guessing that is why I married a Marine and a Soldier :D (Same guy he is a former Marine now AD Army)

  10. Stupid question Mrsbull... you can't miss something you never knew you had... except subconsciously, deep deep in the neurons that formed in the first days of life, where you learned, at a subconscious level, that you were helpless and the world held pain and power over the most private and sensitive part of you.

    That was sarcasm.

  11. Mutilate mu·ti·late Audio Help /ˈmyutlˌeɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[myoot-l-eyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –verb (used with object), -lat·ed, -lat·ing.

    1. to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: Vandals mutilated the painting.

    2. to deprive (a person or animal) of a limb or other essential part.

    My son(s) were not DEPRIVED of a limb or essential part. He was not disfigured either.

    You can make sure that he is clean of course. For me it is a personal preference. Plus dad wanted them to look like him I am/was not going to take that away from the father. (Even tho I hate him now)

    I do not regret my decision. I do not know about how other mothers feel. I just know how I am feeling.

  12. I am confused what you are talking about Ruff. Are you meaning his umbilical cord? When a baby is circumcised, it is cut off, not left to fall off. :D

    I believe he is talking about the little "bell" it is a piece of plastic that is tied around the head of the penis that aids in making the "ring" of skin between the head and shaft.

    I may be wrong about what he is talking about as my boys are 10 and 7 and both circumcised

    Personally as a mother I prefer my boys to be circumcised. Not because of any religious beliefs. I think my decision was about cleanliness. Yes I could have taught them to wash it and how to clean it. However I know that the hospital told us NOT to pull the foreskin back until a certain age. (I do not remember the age) I googled age + foreskin came up with a bunch of sites I do not care to see lol.

    My decision also included cosmetic looks. Yea I may be flamed for my decision but I do not care. It was a choice I made and would do it again in a heartbeat.

    As far as being a woman and sexually intimate with someone who is circumcised I love it. I do not have to worry about if he cleaned under it and if it is clean enough NOT to harbor bacteria that can give me a uti or another infection "shudders". I know my husband is clean and I take refuge in that. I may be shallow I may be over cautious well that is OK with me.

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