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I think this is a job related issue. Or at least a Public Service job related issue. In every job I've had, which covers all three basic Public Services', (Firefighter, Police Officer, and EMT) I've seen and had issues with people backstabbing and gossiping. It happens on this site as well. I believe it has to do with the fact that we all have a brotherhood and get too comfortable with each other. When that happens we tend to not be on our "best work behavior" and these things start happening. The funny thing is, even if you just "go to work and do your job" like so many suggest, you will then fall victim to it because you will be perceived as being rude and so on. It's a never ending vicious cycle that can ruin good peoples careers and lives. It's a delicate balancing act that I have yet to master. I wish you luck if you are dealing with it.

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In a large number of cases, it is the perception of the "wronged" person rather than the intent of the "person doing the wrong." I believe that we get into EMS because of the kind of person we all are. We are either very sensitive people to others problems, or we don't stay in EMS. When our perception abilities get slightly screwed on crookedly, we may see things that are really not there. Now, I am not saying that there are not people out there who purposely want to stir things up, but I find that things unsaid cause more problems than things that are said.

Try a "thank you" to the crew that was on just before you when they leave the rig in excellent condition. Try a "good job" when someone splints a fractured femur properly. Try a "Certificate of Excellence" when someone does consistently good work.

If someone does something slightly different than the way you would do something, I find that asking how or where did you learn that method without a negative tone of voice can be a learning experience for both EMS providers.

I know I retired from volunteer EMS after 20 years because the local government did not take the time to pass a "Thank you" resolution for those twenty years of service. My perception was that I was not appreciated.

Things like this don't cost any money at all, but provide great returns on the little effort that is invested. The more you provide positive investments, the more positives you will reap.

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The backstabbing, etc., is not just restricted to EMS - and I hate to post what I am about to post, but I have to........ EMS used to be more of a male oriented profession - more and more women are now getting into EMS - it is a known fact that when we women get togeter and work together, we tend to gossip and nitpick and (some) do what they have to do to get where they want to be. I think that has some to do with it. I'm not saying that is entirely why though.

I think Oprah just dropped you from her book club. :D

I've tried running a hen house. Works about as good as nailing Jello to a tree. :roll: At my fulltime job I have 10 - 12 employees and it seems that the male to female ratio of 1 : 1 works out the best. Not that you can hire based on sex, but when it happens to work out that way, life is a little better.

To the origional question, backstabbing and lying are part of every profession from polititian (I know, too easy) to the guy who screws the top on Elmer's glue bottles. An honorable profession in no way garuntees an honorable person.

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